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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Special Publications of SEPM
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Introduction: Allocyclic Controls on Middle Pennsylvanian Sedimentation in Cratonic Depositional Systems (U.S.A.)
C. Blaine Cecil
Introduction: Some Examples of Climate Controls on Sedimentation
C. Blaine Cecil
Introduction to the Volume
C. Blaine Cecil
The Benthic Foraminiferal Record from the Bathyal Gulf of Mexico During the Last Glacial–Postglacial Transition
Richard A. Denne
Bio-Sequence Stratigraphic Utility of She Diversity Analysis
Matthew. I. Wakefield
Biofacies and Lithofacies Evidence for Paleoenvironmental Interpretations of Upper Neogene Sequences on the New Jersey Continental Shelf (ODP Leg 174A)
Miriam E. Katz
Build-and-Fill Sequences: How Subtle Paleotopography Affects 3-D Heterogeneity of Potential Reservoir Facies
Jason R. Mckirahan
Chronostratigraphy and Microfossil-Derived Sea-Level History of the Qiong Dong Nan and Ying Ge Hai Basins, South China Sea
Peter R. Thompson
Climate Controls on Petroleum Systems: The Pennsylvanian of Eastern Wyoming and the "Sinking Reservoir" Model
T. S. Ahlbrandt
Climate Controls on the Stratigraphy of a Middle Pennsylvanian Cyclothem in North America
C. Blaine Cecil
The Concept of Autocyclic and Allocyclic Controls on Sedimentation and Stratigraphy, Emphasizing the Climatic Variable
C. Blaine Cecil
Concepts, Models, and Observations of Climatic Controls on Sedimentation: Introduction
C. Blaine Cecil
Conodont Faunas of the Late Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Lower Kittanning Cyclothem, U.S.A.
Robert G. Stamm
Constructional and Accumulational Modes of Fabrics in Selected Pennsylvanian Algal-dominated Buildups in Eastern Kansas, Midcontinent, U.S.A.
Elias Samankassou
Contributions of Rugose Corals to Late Viséan and Serpukhovian Bioconstructions in the Montagne Noire (southern France)
Markus Aretz
Controls on Localization and Morphology of Moscovian (Late Carboniferous) Carbonate Buildups, Southern Amdrup Land, North Greenland
Lars Stemmerik
Delta Evolution Model Inferred From the Holocene Mekong Delta, Southern Vietnam
Susumu Tanabe
Deltas in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: Forms, Processes, and Products
Brian G. Jones
A Depositional Model and the Stratigraphic Development of Modern and Ancient Tide-Dominated Deltas in Nw Borneo
Joseph J. Lambiase
Diagenesis and Late-Stage Porosity Development in the Pennsylvanian Strawn Formation, Val Verde Basin, Texas, U.S.A.
K. David Newell
Dolomitization and Neomorphism of Irish Lower Carboniferous (Early Mississippian) Limestones: Evidence from Petrographic and Isotopic Data
Wayne R. Wright
Early Permian Buildups (Tolkien Reefs) Associated with Subaqueous Evaporites, Canadian Arctic: A Record of Syn-Tectonic to Post-Tectonic Reciprocal Uplift and Subsidence
Benoit Beauchamp
Effects of Subaerial Exposure on Porosity Evolution in the Carboniferous Lisburne Group, Northeastern Brooks Range, Alaska, U.S.A.
Randall C. Carlson
Executive Summary
C. Blaine Cecil
Foraminifera as Proxies for Sea-Level Change on Siliciclastic Margins
R. Mark Leckie
Foraminiferal Ecostratigraphy of Late Oligocene Sequences, Southeastern Australia: Patterns and Inferred Sea Levels at Third-Order and Milankovitch Scales
Qianyu Li
Foraminiferal Fauna and Zonation from the Lower Carboniferous of the Guadiato Area (SW Spain): Comparison with European and North African Foraminiferal Zonal Schemes and Their Paleobiogeographical Implications
Pedro Cózar
Foraminifers and Calcareous Dinoflagellate Cysts as Proxies for Deciphering Sequence Stratigraphy, Sea-Level Change, and Paleoceanography of Cenomanian-Turonian Hemipelagic Sediments in Western Europe
Kai-Uwe Gräfe
A Framework for Deltas in Southeast Asia
Dag Nummedal
Hemispheric Asymmetry of the Marine Stratigraphic Record: Conceptual Proof of a Unipolar Ice Cap
Martin A. Perlmutter
The Heterogeneity of Paleocavern Systems Developed Along Syndepositional Fault Zones: The Upper Permian Capitan Platform, Guadalupe Mountains, U.S.A.
Eduard Koša
Influence of climate on Deep-Water Clastic Sedimentation: Application of a Modern Model, Peru–Chile Trough, to an Ancient system, Ouachita Trough
N. Terence Edgar
Late Mississippian (Late Meramecian-Chesterian) Glacio-Eustatic Sequence Development on an Active Distal Foreland Ramp, Kentucky, U.S.A.
Aus Al-Tawil
Late Quaternary Sedimentation and Peat Development in the Rajang River Delta, Sarawak, East Malaysia
James R. Staub
Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Offshore Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Harry H. Roberts
Latest Quaternary Baram Prodelta, Northwestern Borneo
Richard N. Hiscott
Microfaunal Abundance Fluctuations in the Western Black Sea (Romanian Offshore, Cretaceous to Pliocene)
Marius Dan Georgescu
Micropaleontologic Proxies for Sea-Level Change and Stratigraphic Discontinuities
Hilary Clement Olson
Middle Pennsylvanian Tectonics of the Conterminous United States
A. Curtis Huffman Jr.
Mississippian Carbonate Buildups and Development of Cool-Water-Like Carbonate Platforms in the Illiinois Basin, Midcontinent, U.S.A.
Zakaria Lasemi
A Modern Analogue for Tectonic, Eustatic, and Climatic Processes in Cratonic Basins: Gulf of Carpenteria, Northern Australia
N. Terence Edgar
A New Synthesis of Permo-Carboniferous Phylloid Algal Reef Ecology
Graham T. W. Forsythe
Observations on Climate and Sediment Discharge in Selected Tropical Rivers, Indonesia
C. Blaine Cecil
Oligocene Neritic Foraminifera in Southern Australia: Spatiotemporal Biotic Patterns Reflect Sequence-Stratigraphic Environmental Patterns
Graham Moss
Organodiagenetic Dolomite on a Deep subtidal shelf, Fort Payne Formation (Mississippian), in Tennessee, U.S.A.
David N. Lumsden
Paleocurrents and Reservoir Orientation of Middle Miocene Channel Deposits in Mutiara Field, Kutei Basin, East Kalimantan
Tobias H.D. Payenberg
Paleoecology of Marine Beds in the Middle Pennsylvanian Lower Kittanning Cyclothem in North America
Ronald R. West
Palynological Perspectives of Late Middle Pennsylvanian Coal Beds
Cortland F. Eble
Permo-Carboniferous Carbonate Platforms and Reefs—Introduction and Summary of Articles
Wayne M. Ahr
Precipitation Models for Sediment Supply in Warm Climates
C. Blaine Cecil
Quantitative Analysis of Biofacies and Genetic Sequence Stratigraphy of the Yegua Formation, Houston Salt Embayment, Northern Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A.
Qing Fang
Quaternary Sedimentation in the Molengraaff Paleo-Delta, Northern Sunda Shelf (Southern South China Sea)
How Kin Wong
Recognition of Relative Sea-Level Change in Upper Cretaceous Coal-Bearing Strata: A Paleoecological Approach Using Agglutinated Foraminifera and Ostracodes to Detect Key Stratigraphic Surfaces
Neil E. Tibert
Reservoir Heterogeneity of Miocene–Pliocene Deltaic Sandstones at Attaka and Serang Fields, Kutei Basin, Offshore East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Arthur S. Trevena
Review of Irish Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) Mud Mounds: Depositional Setting, Biota, Facies, and Evolution
Ian D. Somerville
The Role of Climate in the Creation and Destruction of Continental Stratigraphic Records: An Example from the Northern Margin of the Sahara Desert
Christopher S. Swezey
The Role of Mountains, Polar Ice, and Vegetation in Determining the Tropical Climate During the Middle Pennsylvanian: Climate Model Simulations
Bette L. Otto-Bliesner
Seasonal Distributions of Foraminifera and Their Implications for Sea-Level Studies, Cowpen Marsh, U.K.
Benjamin P. Horton
Sediment Dispersal Pattern Off an Eroding Delta on the West Coast of Taiwan
James T. Liu
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy of a Tide-Dominated, Foreland-Basin Delta (Fly River, Papua New Guinea)
Robert W. Dalrymple
Sequence Evolution and Sequence Extinction: Fusulinid Biostratigraphy and Species-Level Recognition of Depositional Sequences, Lower Permian, Glass Mountains, West Texas, U.S.A.
Charles A. Ross
Sequence Response of a Distal-to-Proximal Foreland Ramp to Glacio-Eustacy and Tectonics: Mississippian, Appalachian Basin, West Virginia-Virginia, U.S.A.
Aus Al-Tawil
Sequence Stratigraphy and Syndepositional Tectonics of Upper Miocene and Pliocene Deltaic Sediments, Offshore Brunei Darussalam
Arthur Saller
Similarity Curves as Indicators of Stratigraphic Discontinuities
Hilary Clement Olson
Special Publication in the Honour of the Late Dr. George P. Allen: Memorial Comments
Bernard C. Duval
The Stratigraphic Evolution of the Sunda Shelf During the Past Fifty Thousand Years
Till J. J. Hanebuth
Stratigraphic Setting in the Development of Microbial Mud Mounds of the Lower Carboniferous of the Guadiato Area (SW Spain)
Pedro Cózar
Stratigraphy, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Distribution, Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan
L. James Weber
Taphonomy and Artificial Time-Averaging of Marsh Foraminiferal Assemblages (Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Smyrna, Delaware, U.S.A.): Implications for Rates and Magnitudes of Late Holocene Sea-Level Change
Ronald E. Martin
Terrestrial and Marine Palynomorphs as Sea-Level Proxies: An Example From Quaternary Sediments on the New Jersey Margin, U.S.A.
Francine M.G. Mccarthy
Testing the Sequence Stratigraphy Model: Response of Fusulinacean Fauna to Sea-Level Fluctuations (Examples from Pennsylvanian and Cisuralian of the Pricaspian-Southern Urals Region)
Vladimir. I. Davydov
Transgressive Valley-Fill Stratigraphy and Sea-Level History of the Leipsic River, Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge, Delaware, U.S.A.
Daria L. Nikitina
Upper Carboniferous-Lower Permian Buildups of the Carnic Alps, Austria-Italy
Elias Samankassou