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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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87Sr/86Sr Variation in Tortonian Mediterranean Sediments: A Record of Milankovitch Cyclicity

Mario Sprovieri

Antarctic Sediment Drifts and Plio-Pleistocene Orbital Periodicities (Odp Sites 1095, 1096, and 1101)

Marina Iorio

Aquifer Characterization

John S. Bridge

Astrochronology of Late Middle Miocene Mediterranean Sections

Silvia Maria Iaccarino

The Barnett Shale: An Unconventional Gas Play in the Fort Worth Basin Ł Now the Largest Gas Field in the State of Texas

Jeffrey D Hall

Calibration of the Early Cretaceous Time Scale: A Combined Chemostratigraphic and Cyclostratigraphic Approach to the Barremian–Aptian Interval, Campania Apennines and Southern Alps (Italy)

Lukas Wissler

Characterization of Heterogeneity in Unsaturated Sandstone Using Borehole Logs and Cross-Borehole Tomography

Andrew Binley

Chemostratigraphy of Deep Water Silts and Shales

Erik Scott

Concept and Definitions in Cyclostratigraphy (Second Report of the Cyclostratigraphy Working Group)

Fredrik Hilgen

Cyclostratigraphic Approach to Earths History: An Introduction

Alfred G. Fischer

Cyclostratigraphic Timing of Sedimentary Processes: An Example from the Berriasian of the Swiss and French Jura Mountains

André Strasser

Cyclostratigraphy: Approaches and Case Histories

Bruno D'Argenio

Cyclostratigraphy and Chronology of the Albian Stage (Piobbico Core, Italy)

Alessandro Grippo

Depositional Architecture of the Lagniappe Delta: Sediment Characteristics, Timing of Depositional Events, and Temporal Relationship with Adjacent Shelf-Edge Deltas

Harry H. Roberts

Depositional Processes and Reservoir Characteristics of Siltstones, Mudstones and Shales

Erik Scott

Depositional Processes of Layered/Laminated Mud Deposits on a Complex Deep-Water environment, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Efthymios K. Tripsanas;William R. Bryant

Development of a 3-D Depositional Model of Braided-River Gravels and Sands to Improve Aquifer Characterization

Ian A. Lunt

Estimating Parameters for Hierarchical Permeability Correlation Models

Zhenxue Dai

Facies Patterns that Define Orbitally Forced Third-, Fourth-, and Fifth-Order Sequences of Sixth-Order Cycles and Their Relationship to Ostracod Faunicycles: The Purbeckian (Berriasian) Of Dorset, England

Edwin J. Anderson

Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironments of the Pleistocene Lagniappe Delta and Related Section, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Barry Kohl

Geostatistical and Flow Modeling of Intrareservoir Mudstones

Christopher D. White

High-Resolution Stratigraphic Characterization of Unconsolidated Deposits Using Direct-Push Electrical Conductivity Logging: A Floodplain-Margin Example

Marcia K. Schulmeister

High-Resolution Stratigraphy of a Sandy, Ramp-Type Margin—Apalachicola, Florida, U.S.A.

Heather A. Mckeown

Influence of Incised-Valley-Fill Deposits on Hydrogeology of a Stream-Dominated Alluvial Fan

Gary S. Weissmann

Integrated Cyclostratigraphy of a Model Mesozoic Carbonate Platform—The Latemar (Middle Triassic, Italy)

Rainer Zühlke

Integration of Sedimentologic and Hydrogeologic Properties for Improved Transport Simulations

Susanne E. Biteman

The Late Quaternary Brazos and Colorado Deltas, Offshore Texas, U.S.A.—Their Evolution and the Factors that Controlled Their Deposition

Kenneth C. Abdulah

Late Quaternary Deposition and Paleobathymetry at the Shelf–Slope Transition, Ancestral Mobile River Delta Complex, Northeastern Gulf of Mexico

Richard H. Fillon

Late Quaternary Evolution of the Rio Grande Delta: Complex Response to Eustasy and Climate Change

Laura A. Banfield

Late Quaternary Evolution of the Wave-Storm-Dominated Central Texas Shelf

Brenda J. Eckles

Late Quaternary Geology of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Sedimentology, Depositional History, and Ancient Analogs of a Major Shelf Sand Sheet of the Modern Transgressive Systems Tract

Randolph A. Mcbride

Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Alabama and West Florida Outer Continental Shelf

Philip J. Bart

Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the Northern Gulf of Mexico Margin: A Synthesis

John B. Anderson

Late Quaternary Stratigraphic Evolution of the West Louisiana/East Texas Continental Shelf

Julia S. Wellner

Lowstand Prograding Wedges as Fourth-Order Glacio-Eustatic Cycles in the Pleistocene Continental Shelf of Apulia (Southern Italy)

Gemma Aiello

Magnetic Susceptibility Cycles in Upper Pliocene Lacustrine Deposits of the Northern Apennines, Italy

Giovanni Napoleone

Marine Dispersal of Fluvial Sediments as Fluid Muds: Old Concept, New Significance

Kristina A. Rotondo and Samuel J. Bentley Sr.

Microfabric and Organic Matter Impact on Burial Diagenesis from Mud to Shale

Richard H. Bennett

A Milankovitch Climate Control on the Middle Miocene Mediterranean Intermediate Water

Mario Sprovieri

The Milankovitch Interpretation of the Latemar Platform Cycles (Dolomites, Italy): Implications for Geochronology, Biostratigraphy, and Middle Triassic Carbonate Accumulation

Nereo Preto

A Multidisciplinary Approach to Global Correlation and Geochronology. The Cretaceous Shallow-Water Carbonates of Southern Apennines, Italy

Bruno D'Argenio

Obtaining Timescales for Cyclostratigraphic Studies

Walther Schwarzacher

Orbital Chronostratigraphy of the Valanginian–Hauterivian Boundary: A Cyclostratigraphic Approach

Vittoria Ferreri

Orbital Cyclicity and Astronomical Calibration of the Upper Miocene Continental Succession Cored at the Iharosberény-I Well Site, Western Pannonian Basin, Hungary

Marco Sacchi

PoroChemoElastic Modeling of Wellbore Drilling in Fractured Shale with Solute Transport

Younane Abousleiman

Presence of Preferential Flow Paths in Shallow Groundwater Systems as Indicated by Tracer Experiments and Geophysical Surveys

Murray E. Close

Relating Small-Scale Permeability Heterogeneity to Lithofacies Distribution

Michael N. Gaud

A review of knowledge about fine-grained sediments: Mudstones, siltstones and shales

Arnold H. Bouma

Sealing Capacity and Petrographic Characteristics of Eocene Marine Mudrocks, South-Central Pyrenean Foreland Basin, Spain

Frank G. Ethridge

Sensitivity of Groundwater Flow Patterns to Parameterization of Object-Based Fluvial Aquifer Models

Sean A. Mckenna

Sequence Stratigraphy of a Continental Margin Subjected to Low-Energy and Low-Sediment-Supply Environmental Boundary Conditions: Late Pleistocene-Holocene Deposition Offshore Alabama, U.S.A.

Louis R. Bartek

Shale Facies and Seal Variability in Deep Marine Depositional Systems

William C. Dawson

Statistical Time-Series Analysis and Sedimentological Tuning of Bedding Rhythms in a Triassic Basinal Succession (Southern Alps, Italy)

Florian Maurer

Thin-bedded Turbidite and Hyperpycnite (?) Mudstones in the Cretaceous Lewis Shale, Carbon County, Wyoming: Preliminary Results

Demola Soyinka

Time-Lapse Geophysics for Mapping Fluid Flow in Near Real Time: Results from a Controlled Mesoscale Experiment

Roelof Versteeg

The Use of Ground-Penetrating Radar for Characterizing Sediments Under Transient Flow Conditions

Michael B. Kowalsky