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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
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The "Productivity Versus Preservation" Controversy: Cause, Flaws, and Resolution
R.V. Tyson
3D Geostatistical Interpolation and Geological Interpretation of Paleo–Groundwater Rise in the Holocene Coastal Prism in the Netherlands
Kim M. Cohen
The Application of a Linked Physical Ocean Circulation—Ecosystem Model to Prediction of Organic-Carbon Sedimentation in Lake Tanganyika, East African Rift System
Kunihiro Tsuchida
Carbonate facies models
Wolfgang Schlager
Controlling Factors on Source Rock Development—A Review of Productivity, Preservation, and Sedimentation Rate
Barry J. Katz
Controls on Organic Accumulation in Upper Jurassic Shales of Northwestern Europe as Inferred from Trace-Metal Geochemistry
Nicolas Tribovillard
Deltas on Falling-Stage and Lowstand Shelf Margins, the Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen: Importance of Sediment Supply
Piret Plink-Björklund
Depositional Patterns in the Late Holocene Po Delta System
Annamaria Correggiari
The Deposition of Organic-Carbon-Rich Sediments: Models, Mechanisms, and Consequences—Introduction
Nicholas B. Harris
Deposits of Tide-Influenced River Deltas
Brian J. Willis
Diachronous Development of Late Quaternary Shelf-Margin Deltas in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: Implications For Sequence Stratigraphy and Deep-Water Reservoir Occurrence
John B. Anderson
Essentials of neighboring disciplines
Wolfgang Schlager
Facies Analysis of the Neogene Delta of the Amur River, Sakhalin, Russian Far East: Controls on Sand Distribution
Clare Davies
Fundamentals of sequence stratigraphy
Wolfgang Schlager
Geometry of carbonate accumulations
Wolfgang Schlager
Holocene Delta Evolution and Depositional Models of the Mekong River Delta, Southern Vietnam
Thi Kim Oanh Ta
Ichnology of Deltas: Organism Responses to the Dynamic Interplay of Rivers, Waves, Storms, and Tides
James A. Maceachern
Integrated Study of Ancient Delta-Front Deposits, Using Outcrop, Ground-Penetrating Radar, and Three-Dimensional Photorealistic Data: Cretaceous Panther Tongue Sandstone, Utah, U.S.A.
Cornel Olariu
Linking Coniacian–Santonian (OAE3) Black-Shale Deposition to African Climate Variability: A Reference Section From the Eastern Tropical Atlantic at Orbital Time Scales (Odp Site 959, Off Ivory Coast and Ghana)
Britta Beckmann
Lithostratigraphy Versus Chronostratigraphy in Facies Correlations of Quaternary Deltas: Application of Bedding Correlation
M. Royhan Gani
Looking back, moving forward
Wolfgang Schlager
Lower Toarcian (Upper Liassic) Black Shales of the Central European Epicontinental Basin: A Sequence Stratigraphic Case Study from the Sw German Posidonia Shale
H.-J. Röhl
New Directions in Deltaic Studies
Liviu Giosan
Patterns of Organic-Carbon Enrichment in a Lacustrine Source Rock in Relation to Paleo-Lake Level, Congo Basin, West Africa
Nicholas B. Harris
Principles of carbonate production
Wolfgang Schlager
Production, Destruction, and Dilution—The Many Paths to Source-Rock Development
Kevin M. Bohacs
Reoccupation of Channel Belts and Its Influence on Alluvial Architecture in the Holocene Rhine–Meuse Delta, the Netherlands
Esther Stouthamer
Rhythms and events in carbonate stratigraphy
Wolfgang Schlager
River Delta Morphodynamics: Examples From the Danube Delta
Liviu Giosan
Sand-Rich Lithosomes of the Holocene Mississippi River Delta Plain
Mark Kulp
Sea-Level Control on Source-Rock Development: Perspectives from the Holocene Black Sea, the Mid-Cretaceous Western Interior Basin of North America, and the Late Devonian Appalachian Basin
Michael A. Arthur
Sedimentation Processes and Asymmetric Development of the Godavari Delta, India
K. Nageswara Rao
Sedimentologic and Geomorphic Characterization of Ancient Wave-Dominated Deltaic Shorelines: Upper Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah, U.S.A.
Gary J. Hampson
Sedimentology of the Modern and Holocene Burdekin River Delta of North Queensland, Australia–Controlled by River Output, Not By Waves and Tides
Christopher R. Fielding
Sequence Stratigraphy of C and M Factories
Wolfgang Schlager
Sequence Stratigraphy of the T Factory
Wolfgang Schlager
Stratigraphic Control on Source-Rock Distribution: First and Second Order Scale
A.Y. Huc
Stratigraphic Patterns in Carbonate Source-Rock Distribution: Second-Order to Fourth-Order Control and Sediment Flux
F.S.P. Van Buchem
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Deltas
Irina Overeem
Two Deltas, Two Basins, One River, One Sea: The Modern Volga Delta an as Analogue of the Neogene Productive Series, South Caspian Basin
S.B. Kroonenberg
Variation in Organic-Matter Composition and Its Impact on Organic-Carbon Preservation in the Kimmeridge Clay Formation (Upper Jurassic, Dorset, Southern England)
Richard D. Pancost
The Wave-Dominated William River Delta, Lake Athabasca, Canada: Its Morphology, Radar Stratigraphy, and History
Derald G. Smith