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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
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Alluvial Valleys of the Ganga Plains, India: Timing and Causes of Incision
S.K. Tandon
Basement Control on Shaping and Infilling of Valleys Incised at the Southern Coast of Brittany, France
David Menier
Characteristics and Formation of Late Quaternary Incised-Valley-Fill Sequences in Sediment-Rich Deltas and Estuaries: Case Studies From China
Congxian Li
Delta-Plain Paleodrainage Patterns Reflect Small-Scale Fault Movement and Subtle Forebulge Uplift: Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, Western Canada Foreland Basin
A. Guy Plint
Effects of Sedimentation Rate, Rate of Relative Rise in Sea Level, and Duration of Sea-Level Cycle on the Filling of Incised Valleys: Examples of Filled and overfilled Incised Valleys From the Upper Ferron Sandstone, Last Chance Delta, East-Central Utah
James R. Garrison Jr.
The Filling of an Incised Valley by Shelf Dunes—An Example From Hervey Bay, East Coast of Australia
Tobias H.D. Payenberg
Incised Valleys in Time And Space: An Introduction to The Volume and an Examination of the Controls On Valley Formation and Filling
Robert W. Dalrymple
Incised Valleys on an Eocene Coastal Plain and Shelf, Spitsbergen—Part of a Linked Shelf–Slope System
Piret Plink-Björklund
Overfilled Versus Underfilled Incised Valleys: Examples From the Quaternary Gulf of Mexico
Alexander R. Simms
Relative Influences of Tectonism, Climate, and Sea Level on Valley Incision and Sedimentary Fill: New Insights From Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene Examples
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski
The Role of Tectonics on the Preservation of Incised-Valley Estuaries in Areas With Low Accommodation Rates: Examples From Upper Cretaceous and Miocene Successions in Northern Brazil
Dilce De Fátima Rossetti
Sedimentation and Preservation of Organic Matter in an Estuary, Niigata Plain, Central Japan
Akiko Omura
Spatial Variability of Modern Incised Valleys on the French Atlantic Coast: Comparison Between the Charente and the Lay–Sèvre Incised Valleys
Eric Chaumillon
A Transgressive-Regressive Model of Fjord-Valley Fill: Stratigraphy, Facies and Depositional Controls
Geoffrey D. Corner
Valley-Fill Stratigraphy and Evolution of the Målselv Fjord Valley, Northern Norway
Raymond Eilertsen
Valley Formation and Filling in Response to Neogene Magmatic Doming of Elba Island, Tuscany, Italy
Vincenzo Pascucci