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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Special Publications of SEPM
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Application of the Asymmetric Delta Model to Along-Strike Facies Variations in a Mixed Wave- and River-Influenced Delta Lobe, Upper Cretaceous Basal Belly River Formation, Central Alberta
Cindy D. Hansen
Applications of Ichnology to Fluid and Gas Production in Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Murray K. Gingras
Applications of Ichnology to High-Resolution Genetic Stratigraphic Paradigms
James A. Maceachern
Biogenic Textural Heterogeneity, Fluid Flow and Hydrocarbon Production: Bioturbated Facies Ben Nevis Formation, Hibernia Field, Offshore Newfoundland
Michelle V. Spila
Burrowed Stiffgrounds on Estuarine Point Bars: Modern and Ancient Examples, and Criteria for Their Discrimination From Firmgrounds Developed Along Omission Surfaces
Curtis D. Lettley
A Conceptual Framework for the Application of Trace Fossils
Murray K. Gingras
Departures From the Archetypal Ichnofacies: Effective Recognition of Physico-chemical Stresses in the Rock Record
James A. Maceachern
Differentiating Amalgamated Parasequences in Deltaic Settings Using Ichnology: An Example From the Upper Turonian Wall Creek Member of the Frontier Formation, Wyoming
Junaid Sadeque
Facies Architecture of the Doe Creek Member of the Kaskapau Formation, NW Alberta: Utilizing Ichnology to Enhance Deltaic Depositional Models
Scott A. Reid
The Ichnofacies Paradigm: High-Resolution Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of the Rock Record
James A. Maceachern
Ichnological Assemblages of Wave-Influenced and Mixed River- and Wave Influenced Deltaic Deposits in the Viking Formation, Alberta, Canada
Lynn T. Dafoe
The Ichnological Signatures of River- and Wave-Dominated Delta Complexes: Differentiating Deltaic and Non-Deltaic Shallow Marine Successions, Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation and Upper Cretaceous Dunvegan Formation, West-Central Alberta
Lorraine Coates
Ichnological Variations in Brackish-Water Central Basin Complexes of Wave-Dominated Estuarine Incised-Valley Fills, Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation, Central Alberta
Julia E.A. Davison
Ichnology of Permian Marginal- to Shallow-Marine Coal-Bearing Successions: Rio Bonito and Palermo Formations, Paraná Basin, Brazil
Luis A. Buatois
Integrating Sedimentology and Ichnology to Shed Light on the System Dynamics and Paleogeography of an Ancient Riverine Estuary
Curtis D. Lettley
The Psilonichnus Ichnofacies: An Example From the Iwaki Formation, Shiramizu Group, Joban Coal Field, Japan
Myo Myint
Resolving the Architecture of a Complex, Low-Accommodation Unit Using High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy and Ichnology: The Late Permian Freitag Formation in the Denison Trough, Queensland, Australia
Christopher R. Fielding
Using Ichnology to Determine Relative Influence of Waves, Storms, Tides, and Rivers in Deltaic Deposits: Examples From Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, U.S.A.
M. Royhan Gani