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ABSTRACT: A Blend Analysis Program for Use with Zonax Automated Reflectance Microscopy
R.V. Lange, C.R. Wilson
ABSTRACT: A Quantitative Fluorescence Technique for Evaluating Thermal Maturity: Instrumentation and Examples
H.B. Lo
ABSTRACT: Characteristics and Origin of Fracture-Hosted Impsonite, Quebec City Area, Canada
Jeffrey Ross Levine
ABSTRACT: Chemical Comparison of Vitrinite Concentrates from Carboniferous and Tertiary Basins
J.T. Senftle, S.R. Larter, B.W. Bromley, J.H. Brown
ABSTRACT: Climate and Depositional Environment of Glyptostrobus Forest Swamps that Formed Thick Low-Ash Coals in The Paleocene Powder River Basin
L.S. Satchell
ABSTRACT: Culmination of Tasmanites Accumulation in the Chattanooga and Related Black Shales- A Consequence of Environmental Change
Ann Brooke Reaugh
ABSTRACT: Distribution of Hydrocarbon Source Potential, Jurassic Smackover Formation
R. Sassen, C.H. Moore, F.C. Meendsen
ABSTRACT: Five Kinds of Amorphous Kerogens and Their Relationship to the Hydrocarbon Generating Potentials of Source Rocks
Carolyn L. Thompson-Rizer
ABSTRACT: Geologic Controls on the Maceral Composition of the Lower Kittanning Seam
Susan M. Rimmer, Alan Davis
ABSTRACT: Maceral Composition and Environment of Deposition of Permian Coals from the Parana Basin, Brazil
William A. Kneller, Chia-Hsin Nu
ABSTRACT: Mud Lake Revisited
Jack D. Burgess
ABSTRACT: Optical Anisotropism and Its Relationship with Some Physical and Chemical Properties of Coal
F.T.C. Ting
ABSTRACT: Organic Petrography and Geochemistry of Lower Tertiary Coals of Texas and Their Relation to Depositional Environment
P.K. Mukhopadhyay, W.R. Kaiser, J.R. Gormly, S.J. Tewalt
ABSTRACT: Organic Petrology Applied to Ore Deposits
Andrew P. Gize
ABSTRACT: Preliminary Study of the Reflectance of "Huminitic" Macerals in Recent Surface Peats
A.D. Cohen, R. Raymond Jr., L.M. Archuleta, D.A. Mann
ABSTRACT: Relationship Between Sediment Thermal Maturity and Reservoired Oils within Ohio
G. A. Cole, H. I. Helpern, R. A. Sedivy, R. J. Drozd
ABSTRACT: Results of Laser-induced Fluorescence of Organic Materials
Charles R. Landis, John C. Crelling, Gregory W. Sullivan, Matthias W. Pleil, Walter L. Borst
ABSTRACT: Size and Maceral Association of Pyrite in Illinois Coals and their Float-Sink Fractions
Richard D. Harvey, Phillip J. DeMaris
ABSTRACT: Stable Isotope Changes with Coalification Jumps
H. Moses Chung and D. Zaback
ABSTRACT: The Chemistry of Vitrinite Fluorescence
Rui Lin, Alan Davis, D.F. Bensley, F.J. Derbyshire
ABSTRACT: The Effect of Organic Matter Type and Organic Carbon Content on Rock-Eval Hydrogen Index in Oil Shales
ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy of the Sporinite and Resinite Macerals from Coals of Different Rank
Mark J. Brunsman and William A. Kneller
ABSTRACT: Three-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy of the Sporinite and Resinite Macerals from Coals of Different Rank
Mark J. Brunsman and William A. Kneller
ABSTRACT: Variability in the Inorganic Element content of U.S. Coals Including Results of Cluster Analysis
David C. Glick, Alan Davis
ABSTRACT: Variations in Vitrinite Reflectance with Organic Facies-Examples from Pennsylvanian Cyclothems of the Midcontinent, U.S.A.
Lloyd M. Wenger, Donald R. Baker
ABSTRACT: Vitrinite Reflectance Values Derived from Staplin's (1969) Visual Kerogen Standards
Karl W. Schwab