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ABSTRACT: Chemical Characterization of Fusinite by Reflectance Micro-FTIR Spectroscopy
Yingting Guo, John J. Renton, John J.Penn
ABSTRACT: Duration of Rifting and Thermal Modeling of the Triassic Taylorsville Basin, Virginia, Based on Vitrinite Reflectance
Mary Ann Love Malinconico
ABSTRACT: Electronic Color Measurements of Palynomorphs: A Better Method for Defining Thermal Maturity in Organic-Rich Sediments Without the Problems of Suppression
Karl W. Schwab, Michael A. Smith, Pieter van Gijzel
ABSTRACT: Factors Controlling Accumulation of Oil and Gas from Coal
Ganjavar Khavari Khorasani and Johan K. Michelsen
ABSTRACT: Fluorescence Spectral and Geochemical Analysis of Kerogen, Organic Extracts and Crude Oils: A Petrographic Approach to Determination of the Onset of Oil Generation
Zhiwen Han, John C. Crelling
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbon Source Rock Variability within the Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale (Upper Cretaceous), East Texas
Coleman R. Robison
ABSTRACT: In Situ Monitoring of Kerogen Transformation in A Diamond Anvil Cell Using Fluorescence and Infrared Spectroscopy
Wuu-Liang Huang and G.A. Otten
ABSTRACT: Jurassic Coals in the Newly Independent Kyrgyz Republic - Geology, Character, Distribution, and Importance to the Nation
N.H. Bostick, H.J. Gluskoter, E.A. Johnson, E.R. Landis
ABSTRACT: Maceral/Microlithotype Partitioning Through Triboelectric Dry Coal Cleaning
James C. Hower, Heng Ban, John L. Schaefer, John M. Stencel
ABSTRACT: Organic Petrology, Geochemistry and Geology of Inertinite-Rich Mudstones Rhythmically Interbedded with Shoreface Sandstones, Jakobsstigen Formation, Middle Jurassic, Northeast Greenland - Forest Fires, Bacteria, Climatic Cycles, Sea Level Vari
Jorgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed, Henrik I. Petersen, Finn Surlyk, Henrik Vosgerau
ABSTRACT: Palynology and Paleoecology of Lignites from the Manning Formation (Jacson Group) Outcrop at the Lake Somerville Spillway
A.Raymond, M.K. Phillips, J.A. Gennett
ABSTRACT: Perhydrous Vitrinite in Coals an Source Rocks
Wang Feiyu, He Ping, Liu Dehan, Fu Jiamo
ABSTRACT: Petrographic and Chemical Changes Induced by Artificial Coalification of Peats: With Emphasis on a Liptinite-Rich Peat from a Domed Peat Deposit in the Okefenokee Swamp, Georgia
A.D. Cohen, A.M. Bailey, K.E. Brown, D. Adcock, W.H. Orem
ABSTRACT: Petrography and Geochemistry of the 3500 and 4500 Lignite Beds of the nManning Formation (Eocene, Jackson Group) of East-Central Texas
Peter D. Warwick, Sharon S. Crowley, Leslie F. Ruppert, James Pontolillo
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Modeling of Gas Generation and Gas Storage for Fruitland Coals, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado
Jeffrey R. Levine
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Modeling of the Influence of Matrix Shrinkage on Absolute Permeability of Coal Seams During Methane Production
Jeffrey R. Levine
ABSTRACT: Recent Advances in the Evaluation of Atlantic Kerogen Continuing the Legacy of Pieter Van Gijzel
Michael A. Smith and Karl W. Schwab
ABSTRACT: Submicroliptinite in Coals and Carbonaceous Shales of Turpan Basin and Its Significance in Petroleum Generation
Wang Feiyu, He Ping, Hao Shishen, Zhao Changyi, Liu Dehan
ABSTRACT: The Distribution of Hazardous Air Pollutant Elements in Relation to Ash Yield and Petrographic Composition of the A1 Lignite Bed (Calvert Mine), Cahrert Bluff Formation, Wilcox Group, East-Central Texas
Sharon S. Crowley, Peter D. Warwick, Leslie F. Ruppert, James Pontolillo
ABSTRACT: The Petroleum Geochemistry of the Silurian Qusaiba Shale, Saudi Arabia
Gary A. Cole
ABSTRACT: Thermal Maturity Assessment of Early Paleozoic Source Rocks, Talimu Basin
Wang Feiyu, He Ping, Zhang Shuichang, Liu Dehan, Hao Shisheng
ABSTRACT: The Use of New Laser-Induced Fluorescence Indicators in Determining Thermal Maturation of Vitrinite-Free Source Rock and Oil-Source Correlation
Jin Kuili, Fang Jiahu, Guo Yingting, Zhao Changyi, Qui Nansheng
ABSTRACT: Use of Laser Heated Cavity Spectroscopy for Rapid Trace Element Analysis in the Field
J.Senftle, C. Landis, A. Zigler
ABSTRACT: Vitrinite Reflectance Spectra: A New Look at an Old Problem
Anne Evens, Richard Tyson, Steve Larter