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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
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ABSTRACT: Aciniform Black Carbon and Spheroidal Carbonaceous Particles at the K-T Boundary
M. C. Harvey
ABSTRACT: A Method for Using Solid Bitumen Reflectance as a Maximum-Recording Geothermometer
C.E. Barker
ABSTRACT: Application of C7 Hydrocarbon Technique to Oil and Condensate from Type III Organic Matter in Northwestern Taiwan
Ching-Tse Chang, Maw-Rong Lee, Li-Hua Lin, Cheng-Lung Kuo
ABSTRACT: Arsenic Concentrations in Chinese Coals
Mingshi Wang, Baoshan Zheng, Robert B. Finkelman, Jun Hu
ABSTRACT: A Study of the Effect of Moisture on Gas Storage Capacity in American Coals
Chad Hartman, Tim Pratt
ABSTRACT: C and N Isotope Excursions and Burial of Organic Matter in the Late Devonian Central Appalachian Basin
T. Sun, A.M. Carmo, H.D. Rowe, S.M. Rimmer
ABSTRACT: Case II Diffusion in Coal
S. Mazumder, J. Bruining, K. H. A. A Wolf
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of Organic Material and Thermal Maturity in a Local Petroleum System
Louis L. Tsai, Tsun-Chung Yang, Hsien Tsung Lee, Li-Chung Sun
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of the Coal Gas Fields with the Reserves Over 60 Billion m3, China
Jinxing Dai, Jian Li, Shengfei Qin, Lu Hou, Weiwei Ding
ABSTRACT: Characteristics of “Rimswamp” Coal-Forming Environments in the Congaree River Floodplain of South Carolina
Arthur D. Cohen, David C. Shelley, Allison Humphries
ABSTRACT: Characterization of Vitrified and Unvitrified Eocene Woody Plant Tissues
Paul Kaelin, Ken B. Anderson
ABSTRACT: Chemical and Combustion Properties of Pure Macerals: Preliminary Results
John C. Crelling
ABSTRACT: Chemistry of Thermally Altered High Volatile Bituminous Coals from Southern Indiana
Rachel Walker, Maria Mastalerz, Simon Brassell, Erika Elswick, James Hower, Arndt Schimmelmann
ABSTRACT: Coal-Bed Gas in Anthracite in Qinshui Basin of China
Shengfei Qin, Yan Song, Feng Hong, Mengjun Zhao, Shaobo Liu
ABSTRACT: Coalbed Gas Content and Organic Petrology, Wilcox Group, Northern Louisiana
Paul C. Hackley, Peter D. Warwick, F. Clayton Breland Jr.
ABSTRACT: Coal metamorphism as a result of igneous intrusion in the Raton Basin, CO/NM: A preliminary report based on isotopic, petrographic and vitrinite reflectance data
J.R.Cooper, A.G.Whittington, S.M. Rimmer, J.Crelling
ABSTRACT: Concentration and Distribution of Potentially Hazardous Trace Elements in Coals from DPR Korea
Jun Hu, Baoshan Zheng, Robert B. Finkelman, Binbin Wang, Mingshi Wang, Shehong Li, Daishe Wu
ABSTRACT: Contribution of Palynofacies to Coal Petrography in Low Rank Tropical Coals of Colombia
Astrid Blandon; Georges Gorin; Alejandro Restrepo; Fredy Arango
ABSTRACT: Correlation of Gases with Source Rocks in Well Xu Shen and Sheng-Ping Gas Field in Song Liao Basin, China
Xia Luo, Jian Li, Renhe Liu, Zhisheng Li, Guoyi Hu, Chenglin Liu, Chenghua Ma, Xiaojuan Wang
ABSTRACT: D/H Ratios and Hydrogen Exchangeability of Type-II Kerogens with Increasing Maturity
Grzegorz Lis, Arndt Schimmelmann, Maria Mastalerz
ABSTRACT: Differential Swelling and Permeability Change of Coal in Response to CO2 Injection for ECBM
S. Mazumder, N. Siemons, K. H. A. A Wolf
ABSTRACT: Endemic Fluorosis Caused by Indoor Combustion of Coal: Is the Fluorine from Coal or Clay?
Baoshan Zheng, Daishe Wu, Binbin Wang, Xiaojing Liu, Aimin Wang, Yonghua Wu, Hongshu Chen, Robert B. Finkelman
ABSTRACT: Evaluating the Western Kentucky Coal Field for Economic Coal Bed Methane
Cortland F. Eble
ABSTRACT: Evaluation of Coalbed Methane and Shale Gas Prospects of Nova Scotia: Physico-Chemical and Petrological Constraints
Prasanta K. Mukhopadhyay (Muki)
ABSTRACT: Evaluation of the Physical Properties of Coal Macerals Using Atomic Force Microscopy
F. Andrew Bruening, Arthur D. Cohen
ABSTRACT: Floatability of Coal from KWK Kleofas Mine in Relation to its Maceral Composition
Peter Fecko, Iva Pectova, Barbara Tora
ABSTRACT: Flue Gas and Pure CO2 Sorption Properties of Coal: A Comparative Study
S. Mazumder, P. van Hemert, A. Busch, K-H Wolf, P. Tejera-Cuesta
ABSTRACT: Geochemical Characteristics of Coal-Formed Gas Fields in the West Sichuan Foreland Basin
Shizhen Tao, Shengfei Qin
ABSTRACT: Geologic Controls on “Type Producing Areas” (TPAs) in the Fruitland Coal Bed Gas Field, New Mexico and Colorado
Jeffrey R. Levine, Reed H. Meek
ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbons Generation by the Artificial Confined Pyrolysis of Coals from Sabinas-Piedras Negras (Mexico) and Donets (Ukraine) Basins
D. Alsaab, L. Martinez, I. Suarez-Ruiz, A. Izart, M. Elie
ABSTRACT: Influence of the Petroleum Chemical Composition on the Coke Quality
Maria M. Escallón, Parvana Gafarova, Gareth D. Mitchell, Ömer Gül, Harold H. Schobert, Leslie Rudnick
ABSTRACT: INNA Study on Different Coal Pyrites from Nantong Coal Field in Chongqing, Southwest China
Yuegang Tang, Yaofa Jiang, Deyi Ren, Fenghua Zhao, Shaoqing Wang
ABSTRACT: Investigation of Pecket Amber by GC-Matrix Isolation FTIR-MS
Yoana Rosales, Ken B. Anderson
ABSTRACT: Lead Isotope Ratios in Spanish Coals
M. Díaz-Somoano, I. Suárez-Ruiz, J.I.G. Alonso, J. Ruiz Encinar, M.A. López-Antón, M.R. Martínez-Tarazona
ABSTRACT: Maturation and Organic Geochemistry of a Series of Modern to Eocene Resins from New Zealand and Australia
Paul C. Lyons, William H. Orem, Maria Mastalerz
ABSTRACT: Moisture in Coal: Observations and Significance
Jeffrey C. Quick, James A. Luppens
ABSTRACT: Oil Source Correlation Based on Rocks, Vulcan Subbasin, Northwestern Australia
Jun-Chin Shen, Ming-Shen Wu
ABSTRACT: Organic Matter from Saline, Pleistocene-Holocene, Kilpoola Lake, Central-Southern-Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada; Relationship to Geology and Lake History
L.D. Stasiuk, B. L. Kerr, K. Jagger
ABSTRACT: Organic Petrology in the Courtroom: Is “CBM” a Constituent of Coal, or a Variety of Natural Gas?
Jeffrey R. Levine
ABSTRACT: Petrography, Palynology and Depositional Conditions of the Coal Seams of Tertiary Amaga Formation
Fredy Arango, Astrid Blandón, Alejandro Restrepo
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Potential of Tertiary Coals and their Contribution to Oil Formation in the Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam
Nguyen Thi Thanh Binh, Tomochika Tokunaga, Akihiko Okui, Nguyen Thu Huyen, Hoang Phuoc Son, Mai Van Binh
ABSTRACT: Petrophysical Analysis of Coal Lithotypes
Joan Esterle, Guy Le Blanc Smith
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Assessment of Particulate Organic Matter and Geochemical Changes in the Upper Devonian New Albany Shale Source Rock (Indiana)
Sarah R. de la Rue, Susan M. Rimmer, Harold D. Rowe
ABSTRACT: Research on the Characters of Hydrocarbon Regeneration of Pennsylvanian Permian in JiYang Depression of Bohaiwan of East China
Jian Li, Xia Luo, Zhi-hua Xiao, Xiu-qin Wang, Cheng-hua Ma
ABSTRACT: Research on the Geochemical Characteristics of Gas Prone Source Rocks and Evaluation of Prospective Resources of Coal-Formed Gas in Jiyang Depression
Xia Luo, Jian Li, Jinxing Dai, Se Gong, Zhongxiang Chao, Hua Liu, Linye Zhang
ABSTRACT: Results of Digital Image Analysis and their Applicability for Fluorescence Studies of Coal Seam
Alejandro Restrepo, Astrid Blandón, Fredy Arango
ABSTRACT: Role of Maceral Composition on δ13C and δ15N: Implications for Chemostratigraphic Studies
S. Maharaj, L. E. Yoksoulian, R. A. Von Mann, B.L. Overfield, L. E. Black, J. Floyd, H.D. Rowe, S.M. Rimmer
ABSTRACT: The Coal-Sourced Gas Fields in Kuqa Depression of Tarim Basin
Shengfei Qin, Jinxing Dai
ABSTRACT: The Effect of Supercritical Water on Vitrinite Reflectance
Charles E. Barker, M. D. Lewan
ABSTRACT: The Effects of Contact Metamorphism on the Elemental and Isotopic Composition of Coal: An Example from the Illinois Basin
S.M. Rimmer, H.D. Rowe, M. Mastalerz, J.C. Hower
ABSTRACT: The Nature of Delayed Coke from Blends of Petroleum Residua and Coal
Gareth D. Mitchell, Leslie R. Rudnick, Harold H. Schobert
ABSTRACT: The Role of Charcoalified Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Accumulation of Devonian-Mississippian Shales of the Appalachian Basin
Sarah J. Hawkins, Susan M. Rimmer
ABSTRACT: The Unbearable Lightness of Gas: Characterisation of Some Low Rank Coal Seam Gas Deposits in New Zealand
C.I. Sule, T.A. Moore, S.D. Weaver
ABSTRACT: Variations in Elemental Composition of Macerals with Vitrinite Reflectance and Organic Sulphur in the Greta Coal Measures, New South Wales
Colin R. Ward, Zhongsheng Li, Lila W. Gurba