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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Tulsa Geological Society
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Arkoma Basin, a Middle Pennsylvanian Geosyncline
Carl C. Branson
Arkoma Basin and North-Central Ouachita Mountains of Oklahoma, Guidebook, 1961
Carboniferous Stratigraphy of the Ouachita Mountains
Richard B. Laudon
Cartersville Gas Field
J. A. Lahoud
General Geology of the Red Oak Gas Area Latimer and Leflore Counties, Oklahoma
Kenneth M. McClain, Roger N. Planalp
The Geology of the Kinta Gas District
John Woncik
Significant Fields and Prolific Recent Discoveries in And Near Field Trip Area
W. A. Rose
Structural Framework of the Arkoma Basin
W. E. Diggs
Surface Stratigraphy of the Hartshorne Formation Leflore, Latimer and Pittsburg Counties, Oklahoma
Gary McDaniel