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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Tulsa Geological Society

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Austin Chalk Exploration

John F. Harris

Deep-Burial Diagenesis of the Hunton (Late Ordovician to Early Devonian) Carbonates in the Anadarko Basin

Gerald M. Friedman, Joseph Cattafe, Barry Borak

Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Oswego Limestone in Portions of North Central Oklahoma

Tim Drexler

Depositional and Diagenetic History of the Upper Chester (Mississippian) Oolitic Reservoirs, North-Central Beaver County, Oklahoma

George B. Asquith

Deposition and Diagenesis of an Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclothem from the Lansing-Kansas City Groups Hitchcock County, Nebraska

B. E. Prather

Distribution of the Waulsortian Facies (Early Mississippian) in North America

H. Richard Lane

Exploration for Carbonate Reservoirs or "Just Find a Fat Limestone with Holes in it"

James R. Derby

Factors in Mid-Continent Pennsylvanian Limestone Deposition

Philip H. Heckel

Lansing-Kansas City Carbonate Reservoirs of Haskell County, Kansas

Harold A. Brown

Limestones of the Mid-Continent

Middle Hoxbar (Missourian) from Shelf to Basin in the Northeastern Anadarko Basin

Edward Bernard Lange Jr.

A New Model for the Depth-Related Allogenic Community Succession within North American Pennsylvanian Cyclothems and Implications on the Black Shale Problem

Darwin R. Boardman II, R. H. Mapes, T. E. Yancey, J. M. Malinky

Origin and Evolution of Oolite in the Drum Limestone (Pennsylvanian, Missourian), Montgomery County, Kansas

William P. Stone Jr.

Petrographic and Mapping Study of the Subsurface Oswego Limestone in Part of the Putnam Trend, T 15-16 N, R 15-17 W, Dewey and Custer Counties, Oklahoma

David Michael Michlik

Recognition of Favorable Reservoir Trends in Upper Pennsylvanian Cyclic Carbonates in Western Kansas

W. Lynn Watney

References Cited

Shelf to Trough Correlations of Late Desmoinesian and Early Missourian Carbonate Banks and Related Strata, Northeast Oklahoma

Allan P. Bennison

Southern Mid-Continent Responses to Acadian Orogeny

Philip A. Chenoweth

Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Pawnee Limestone, Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian), in Mid-Continent North America and Equivalent Strata (Oologah Limestone) in Northern Oklahoma

Rex C. Price

Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Plattin Limestone (Middle Ordovician), Parts of Independence, Izard and Stone Counties, Arkansas

Johnathan L. Jee