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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
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3-D Geological Interpretation Examples in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
Robin Dommisse
3-D Seismic Survey Design as a Foundation for Optimizing Unconventional Play Success
Walt Ritchie
A 3-D Outcrop Perspective of an Unconventional Carbonate Mudstone Reservoir
Arthur D. Donovan, T. Scott Staerker, Aris Pramudito, Rand Gardner, Michael C. Pope, Matthew Corbett, Christopher Lowery, Andrea Micheli Romero
A Case Study to Evaluate Shale Oil Production Performance Models with Actual Well Production Data
Hong Yuan, Linda Soar, Randy Packer, Mofazzal Bhuiyan, Jiafu Xu
A Case Study: New Low Damage Frac Fluid Provides Immediate Production Results in Eagle Ford Shale
Kip Ferguson, Jason Wilson, Colton Thomas, Nikolaus Droemer, Stephen Ingram
A Comprehensive Well Look-Back; Analyzing Three Years’ Worth of Drilling, Completing and Producing Eagle Ford Wells in Order to Understand Trend-Wide Performance Drivers and Variability
Douglas H. Portis, Hector Bello, Mark Murray, Bailo Suliman, Gervasio Barzola, Neil Basu
A Geodynamic View of Oil and Gas Resources Associated to the Unconventional Shale Reservoirs of Argentina
Silvia Barredo, Luis Stinco
A Multi-Domain Approach to Completion and Stimulation Design in the Marcellus Shale
Courtney MacDonald, James Brewer, Mahmut D. Cakici, David Rampton, Karan Dick, Abhijit Mookerjee, Brian D. Clark, Utpal Ganguly
A Multi-Measurement Core-Log Integration for Advanced Formation Evaluation of Source Rock Formations: A Green River Case study
Stacy L. Reeder, Robert L. Kleinberg, Michael Herron, Alan Burnham, Pierre Allix
A Nearly Complete Characterization of Permeability to Hydrocarbon Gas and Liquid for Unconventional Reservoirs: A Challenge to Conventional Thinking
Albert Cui, Raphael Wust, Brent Nassichuk, Ken Glover, Ron Brezovski, Cory Twemlow
A New Geochemical Tool for the Assessment of Organic-Rich Shales
Rouven Elias, Dominique Duclerc, Robert Le-Van-Loi, Francois Gelin, Daniel Dessort
A New Laboratory Approach to Shale Analysis Using NMR Relaxometry
Kathryn E. Wahburn, Justin E. Birdwell
A Pore Scale Study of Slickwater Systems in Shale Reservoirs: Implications for Frac-Water Distribution and Produced Water Salinity
Yinan Hu, Deepak Devegowda, Alberto Striolo, Anh Phan, Tuan A. Ho, Faruk Civan, Richard Sigal
A Production Optimization Approach to Completion and Fracture Spacing Optimization for Unconventional Shale Oil Exploitation
C.J. Jin, Leopoldo Sierra, Mike Mayerhofer
A Systematic Approach to Petrophysical Characterization of Organic-Rich Shales in Barnett and Eagle Ford Formations
Junhao Zhou, Chang Min Jung, Martin E. Chenevert, Mukul M. Sharma
A Systematic Approach to Understanding Well Performance in Unconventional Reservoirs: A Wolfcamp Case Study
Kshitij Mohan, Kyle D. Scott, Gene D. Monson, Paul A. Leonard
A Time-Based Approach to Identify New Unconventional Plays: The Search for Phanerozoic Source Kitchens
Lowell Waite, Harold Illich, Scott Lapierre
A Workflow for Predicting Porous Sand via Seismic Attribute Analysis of a Missourian Age Mid-Continent Wash
Ryan Fairfield, Matthew Stone, Renjun Wen
Advanced Imaging and Inversion for Oil Production Estimates in Unconventional Resource Plays
Greg M. Johnson, Paul Miller, David Phillips
Ambient Fracture Imaging: A New Passive Seismic Method
Alfred Lacazette, Jan Vermilye, Samuel Fereja, Charles Sicking
An Analytic Approach to Geologic Interpretation and Petrophysical Modeling of the Bakken/Three Forks Plays
Michael Roth, Murray Roth
An Analytic Approach to Optimizing Well Spacing and Completions in the Bakken/Three Forks Plays
Michael Roth, Murray Roth
An Efficient Model to Simulate Reservoir Stimulation and induced Microseismic Events on 3D Discrete Fracture Network for Unconventional Reservoirs
Matthieu Delorme, Jean-Marc Daniel, Chakib Kada-Kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, Christine Souque
An Improved Method to Obtain Reliable Production and EUR Prediction for Wells with Short Production History in Tight/Shale Reservoirs
Shaoyong YU, Dominic J. Miocevic
An Integrated Approach for Optimizing Vertical Wolfbone Wells in the Delaware Basin
Malcolm E. Yates, Anoop Sharma, Tarik Itibrout, Lance Smith, Kelvin Fisher, Randy Brown, Les Honeyman, Bradley Bates
An Integrated Geomechanical and Microseismic Study of Multi-Well Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in the Bakken Formation
Yi Yang, Mark Zoback, Michele Simon, Ted Dohmen
Application of Innovative Reaming and Completion Technology in Williston Basin Wells
Gregory Scott, Lee M. Smith
Application of Real-Time Well-Site Tools for Enhanced Geosteering, Reservoir and Completions Characterization
Tom Ashton, Chi Vinh Ly, Graham Spence, Guy Oliver
Application of Uniaxial Confining-core Clamp with Hydrous Pyrolysis in Petrophysical and Geochemical Studies of Source Rocks at Various Thermal Maturities
Michael D. Lewan, Justin E. Birdwell
Applying 3D Seismic Technology to Better Understand the Mechanical Variability of the Lower Barnett Shale in Southern Montague and Northern Wise Counties, Fort Worth Basin.
Andy Stephens
Assessing and Advancing a CBM Resource Play Towards Commerciality – A Case Study from the UK
Timothy L. Hower, Jeffrey B. Aldrich, Julianna Sipeki
Azimuthal AVO Gradient Anisotropic Analysis on Prediction of Fractures on Barnett Shale
Shiguang Guo, Bo Zhang, Tengfei Lin, Kurt J. Marfurt
Barnett Gas Geochemistry and Thermal Maturity, Fort Worth Basin
Harold Illich, Kevin Ferworn, Gary Nilson, Frank Hernandez, David Williamson
Baseline/Calibration Method for Reservoir Pressure Determination
J.R. Adams, B. Dotson, H. Sebastian, S. Motealleh
Basic Characteristics and Exploration Prospect of the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation Continental Shale Gas in Sichuan Basin of China
Chen Dongxia, Xie Mingxian, Zhang Xiaopeng, Xiong Liang, Wei Liming, Shi Hongliang
Borehole Microseismic, Completion and Production Data Analysis to Determine Future Wellbore Placement, Spacing and Vertical Connectivity, Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas
Hemali Patel, John Johanning, Michael Fry
Case Study of 3D Seismic Inversion and Rock Property Attribute Evaluation of the Haynesville Shale
David Metzner, Kevin L. Smith
Changes in Porosity and Organic Matter Phase Distribution Monitored by NMR Relaxometry Following Hydrous Pyrolysis Under Uniaxial Confinement
Kathryn E. Washburn, Justin E. Birdwell, Michael D. Lewan, Michael Miller
Characteristics of the Gidgealpa Group Composite Resource Play in the Cooper Basin, South Australia
Sandra Menpes, Anthony Hill, Dominic Pepicelli
Characterization for Source Rock Potential of the Bakken Shales in the Williston Basin, North Dakota and Montana
Hui Jin, Stephen A. Sonnenbergy
Characterization of Stress-field Variation on Subsurface Faults in Surrounding Areas of Hydraulic Fracturing
Qian Gao, Yueming Cheng, Ebrahim Fathi, Samuel Ameri
Characterization of Thickness Anomalies in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations, North Central North Dakota, USA
Dylan Cobb, Dr. Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Characterization of Unconventional Reservoir Core at Multiple Scales
Luc Alberts, Stig Bakke, Pradeep Bhattad, Anna Carnerup, Mark Knackstedt, Pål-Eric Øren, Rob Sok, Trond Varslot, Benjamin Young
Characterizing Tight-gas Systems with Production Data—Wyoming,
Philip H. Nelson, Stephen L Santus
Clay Mineralogy of Shale Gas Reservoirs through Integrating Infrared Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction
Hanieh Jafary Dargahi, Reza Rezaee, Bobby Pejcic
Coal Seam/Bed Methane in Northern Louisiana: Investigations at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Gary L. Kinsland
Complementary Role of Multi-Component and Conventional 3D Seismic for Risk Reduction in Unconventional Resource Plays – A Marcellus Shale Example
Tony Rebec, Zhiyong Zhao
Compositional Modeling of Liquid-Rich Shales Considering Adsorption, Non-Darcy Flow Effects and Pore Proximity Effects on Phase Behavior
X. Xiong, D. Devegowda, F. Civan, R. F. Sigal, A. Jamili
Compositional Simulation of Condensate Banking Coupled with Reservoir Geomechanics
H. Deng, Z. Chen, C. Dong, M.H. Nikpoor
Concepts and Methods for the Recognition of Cyclicity in the Marcellus Shale of the Appalachian Basin, NE USA
Olusanmi O. Emmanuel, Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Constructing Meaningful Geologic Models of Shale Gas Systems: An Example from the Horn River Basin, Canada
Rene Jonk, Janice Allen, Lochlann Magennis, Ken Potma, Michael Wansteeker
Controlling Effects of Overall Basin Uplift on Tight Sand Gas Resources- Case Study of Xujiahe Formation in the Sichuan Basin and Upper Paleozoic in the Ordos Basin
Congsheng Bian, Wenzhi Zhao, Hongjun Wang, Zhaohui Xu
Creep-Recovery Test: A Critical Tool for Rheological Characterization
B.T. Bui, A.N. Tutuncu
Critical Evaluation of Equations of State for Multicomponent Hydrocarbon Fluids in Organic Rich Shale Reservoirs
Yijia Zhang, Faruk Civan, Deepak Devegowda, Ahmad Jamili, Richard F. Sigal
Critical Role of Rock and Fluid - Impact on Reservoir Performance on Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
N. R. Nagarajan, M. M. Honarpour, F. Arasteh
Current Workflows for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization
Satinder Chopra, Ritesh Kumar Sharma, Kurt J. Marfurt
Cutting Generation Study Based On Cutter and Design Testing For Improved Drilling Performance
Carmel El Hakam, Floyd Felderhoff
Decision Support Tool (DST) for Characterization, Treatment, and Beneficial Use of Unconventional Gas Frac Flowback and Produced Water
Mengistu Geza, Tzahi Y. Cath, Pei Xu, Jörg E. Drewes
Declining Frac Effectiveness - Evidence that Propped Fractures Lose Conductivity, Surface Area, and Hydraulic Continuity
M.C. Vincent, M.R. Besler
Determination of Formation Organic Carbon Content Using a New Neutron-Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Service that Directly Measures Carbon
Jorge Gonzalez, Richard Lewis, James Hemingway, Jim Grau, Erik Rylander, Iain Pirie
Determination of In-Situ Hydrocarbon Volumes in Liquid Rich Shale Plays
G.E. Michael, J. Packwood, A. Holba
Determination of Thermal Maturity and the Extent of Oil Cracking in Tight Shales Using Extract Biomarker and Diamondoid Concentrations and Distributions
Jeremy E.P. Dahl, J.M. Moldowan, Shaun Moldowan
Determining the Contributing Reservoir Volume from Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in the Wolfcamp Formation in the Midland Basin
Mickey Friedrich, Mike Milliken
Developments in Diagnostic Tools for Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Analysis
Paul Webster, Barbara Cox, Mathieu Molenaar
Diagnosing Pressure-Dependent-Permeability in Long-Term
Christine A. Ehlig-Economides, Fabian E. Vera
Direct Pore-Scale Modeling of Flow and Transport in Tight Formations
Saeed Ovaysi, Mohammad Piri
Distance Metric Based Multi-Attribute Seismic Facies Classification to Identify Sweet Spots within the Barnett shale: A Case Study from the Fort Worth Basin, TX
Atish Roy, Vikram Jayaram, Kurt Marfurt
Do Gas Hydrates Occur in Alaminos Canyon, Gulf of Mexico?
Brian C. Tost, Ann E. Cook
Drilling Fluids: Tackling Drilling, Production, Wellbore Stability, and Formation Evaluation Issues in Unconventional Resource Development
Mike Stephens, Wenwu He, Michael Freeman, George Sartor
Drilling Optimization Methodology Connects 20+ Technical Disciplines
Jeremy A. Greenwood
Dynamic Imaging of Fluid Mobility in Low-Permeability Matrices Using
Marko Maučec, Ron Dusterhoft, Richard Rickman, Ron Gibson, Andy Buffler, Maciek Stankiewicz, Michael van Heerden
Dynamics of Thermogenic and Late-Stage Biogenic Gas Generation in Coalbed Methane Reservoirs of the Black Warrior Basin
Jack C. Pashin
Eagle Ford Completion Optimization Strategies Using Horizontal Logging Data
Robin Slocombe, Andrew Acock, Casey Chadwick, Eric Wigger, Anup Viswanathan, Kevin Fisher, Richard Reischman
Eagle Ford Completions Optimization – An Operator`s Approach
Omkar Jaripatke, Nimish Pandya
Economic Feasibility Analysis of the Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania
C. Liu, B. Martinez-Rahoe, W. Fleckenstein, Y. Park, F. Shi
Effect of Mineralogy and Petrophysical Characteristics on Acoustic and Mechanical Properties of Organic Rich Shale
Adel A. Alqahtani, Mehdi Mokhtari, Azra N. Tutuncu, Steve Sonnenberg
Effect of Organic Matter Properties, Clay Mineral Type and Thermal Maturity on Gas Adsorption in Organic-Rich Shale Systems
Tongwei Zhang, Geoffrey S. Ellis, Stephen C. Ruppel, Kitty Milliken, Mike Lewan, Xun Sun
Effect of the Initial Water Saturation on the Elastic Properties of
Marisa Rydzy, Michael Batzle, Keith Hester, Jim Stevens, James Howard
Effects of Net Stress on Two – Phase Flow in Coal Fractures
Dennis A. Alexis, Zuleima T. Karpyn, Turgay Ertekin, Dustin Crandall
Efficient Removal of Annular Fluids with Microparticulates
James Benkley, Chad Brenneis
Energy Production from Gas Hydrate Systems using CO2 and CO2/N2
Bo Ram Lee, E. Dendy Sloan, Carolyn A. Koh, Amadeu K. Sum
Enhancing SEM Grayscale Images through Pseudocolor Conversion: Examples from Eagle Ford, Haynesville, and Marcellus Shales
Wayne K. Camp
Estimation and Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Parameters from Microseismic Data in Shale Plays or Are Pairs of Horizontal Stimulated Wells Generating a More Complex Stimulation?
Robert Hull, Rob Meek, Mike Milliken, John Ndungu, Michael Thomas
Estimation of Dispersion in Orientations of Natural Fractures from Seismic Data: Application to Discrete Fracture Network Modeling
Reinaldo J Michelena, Kevin S. Godbey, Huabing Wang, James R. Gilman, Chris K. Zahm
Evaluate EOR Potential in Fractured Shale Oil Reservoirs by Cyclic Gas Injection
Tao Wan, James J. Sheng, M.Y. Soliman
Evaluating EOR Techniques in the Spraberry
Kshitij Mohan, Paul A. Leonard
Evaluating the Effect of Natural Fractures on Production from Hydraulically Fractured Wells Using Discrete Fracture Network Models
Thomas Doe, Alfred Lacazette, William Dershowitz, Clifford Knitter
Evaluation of Completion Techniques in the Codell and Niobrara Formations of the Wattenberg Field
Melanie Paterniti, Tony Losacano
Evaluation of the Carynginia Formation as a Potential Gas Shale Reservoir at Perth Basin, Western Australia
Hanieh Jafary Dargahi, Reza Rezaee
Evaluation of Unconventional Resources Using a Petroleum System Modeling Approach
Ian D. Bryant, Charles B. Stabell, Martin Neumaier
Evolution of Lake Uinta as Defined by Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Green River Formation in Colorado
Jeremy Boak, Sheven Poole, J. Frederick Sarg, Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene
Expanding the Application of Chemostratigraphy within Cretaceous Mudrocks: Estimating Total Organic Carbon and Paleoredox Facies using Major, Minor and Trace Element Geochemistry
Beau Tinnin, Gemma Hildred, Nahysa Martinez
Experimental Study of Green River Oil Shale Pyrolysis
T.V. Le-Doan, N.W. Bostrom, A.K. Burnham, R.L. Kleinberg, A.E. Pomerantz, P. Allix
FacimageTM Modeling as a Substitute for Gas Content from Core Desorption and for Real Time Facies Analysis
Philippe Rabiller, Peter Boles, Howard Dewhirst
Field Trial of a Cased Uncemented Multi-Fractured Horizontal Well in the Horn River
Stefan Merkle, Jurgen Lehmann, James Pyecroft
Forensic Chemostratigraphy in Geosteering Multilateral Wells: An Example from Devonian to Carboniferous-Aged Sequences in Southern Alberta
Heather Stilwell, Nahysa Martinez, Gemma Hildred, Brian Zaitlin
Formation and Distribution of Tight Sand Gas Reservoirs in Upper Triassic, Sichuan Basin in China
Wang Hongjun, Bian Congsheng, Xu Zhaohui, Wang Zecheng, Li Yongxin
Fracture Detection Interpretation Beyond Conventional Seismic Approaches
Clifford Kelley, Gary Jones, IHS Geoscience Product Management Team
From SEM Maps and EDS Maps to Numbers in Unconventional Reservoirs
Herman Lemmens, Eric Goergen, Kimball Skinner, Michael Owen
Gas Hydrate Reservoir Properties
Timothy S. Collett
Gas-water Two phases Flow Characterization and its Influencing Factors in Low Permeability Tight Sandstone
Junjia Fan, Haimin Zhou, Shaobo Liu, Keyu Liu
Geochemical Changes and Fracture Development in Woodford Shale Cores Following Hydrous Pyrolysis under Uniaxial Confinement
Justin E. Birdwell, Michael D. Lewan, Michael Miller
Geologic Characterization and the Depositional Environment of the Middle Devonian Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin, NE USA
Olusanmi O. Emmanuel, Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Geologic Characterization of a Bakken Reservoir for Potential CO2 EOR
Basak Kurtoglu, James A. Sorensen, Jason Braunberger, Steven Smith, Hossein Kazemi
Geologic Controls on Oil Production from the Niobrara Formation, Silo Field, Laramie County, Wyoming
Carrie Welker, Lisa Stright, Tom Anderson
Geologic Interpretation and Assessment of Early Cretaceous Shale Oil and Gas Potential in Austral Basin, Santa Cruz, Argentina
H. Belotti, F. Pagan, A. Perez Mazas, M. Agüera, J. Rodriguez, J. Porras, G. Köhler, G. Weiner, G. Conforto, M. Cagnolatti
Geological Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Models of the Tight-Sand Gas Reservoirs in Upper Triassic Xujiahe Formation in Western Sichuan Depression of China
Dongxia Chen, Lei Wang, Xiongqi Pang, Tong Bai
Geological Methods for Evaluation in a Brave New World – Unconventional Reservoir Monitoring
K. Christopher Dick, James Hnat, Deniz Cakici, Abhijit Mookerjee, Ben Stephenson
Geology, Completions and Reservoir Engineering: Key Drivers for Field Development Strategies in Fluvial Tight Gas Reservoirs
Kelly Ramirez, Patricia Cuba, Mary Carr, Jeffrey Thompson, Jennifer Miskimins, Donna Anderson
Geology, Geophysics and Engineering: Proven Above Ground Adaptive Management-Driven Solutions Needed for Shale Gas and Tight Oil Transdisciplinary Successes in the Subsurface
Gary M. Hanson
Geomechanics of Fracture Density
John Wickham, Xinbao Yu, Richard McMullen
Geophysical Insights into Completions and Production Predictability for a Shale Gas Reservoir Using Fault Intensity and AVO Inversion
Carl Reine, Sean Lovric
Geosteering Using True Stratigraphic Thickness
Charles R. Berg, Andrew C. Newson
Geothermal Potential of Deep Sedimentary Basins in the United States
Tom C. Anderson
Havlena Odeh Method Solution for Coalbed Methane Reservoirs
Marshall Watson, John Seidle
Heterogeneity Across the Lateral: Coupling Reservoir Fluid Typing and Reservoir Rock Properties to Improve Understanding of Tight Liquid-Rich Plays
Raj Malpani, Isaac Easow, Shirley Indriati, Katharine Moncada
High-Performance Water-Based Mud Using Nanoparticles for Shale Reservoirs
Chang Min Jung, Rui Zhang, Martin Chenevert, Mukul Sharma
High-Resolution Carbon Isotope and Elemental Chemostratigraphy of the Greenhorn, Carlile and Niobrara Formations, Denver Basin, CO
Kazumi Nakamura, John Humphrey, Lauren Stout, K. Lyn Canter
History Matching and Production Data Analysis for Shale Gas and Oil Reservoirs: The Relevance of Incorporating the Correct Physics in Reservoir and Fracture Characterization
S. Kalakkadu, D. Devegowda, F. Civan, R. Sigal
Horizontal Hydraulic Fracture Design for Optimal Well Productivity in
Francisco D. Tovar, Kyung Jae Lee, Sergio E. Gonzales, Yun Suk Hwang, Andres M. Del Busto, Aderonke A. Aderibigbe, Michael J. Economides, Christine Ehlig-Economides
Horizontal Mississippian Fracture Completions in Oklahoma and Kansas
Bill Grieser, Hap Pinkerton
Horizontal Well Performance Prediction Early in the Life of the Wolfcamp Oil Resources Play in the Midland Basin
Tom Dean, Valery Shchelokov, Ray Wydrinski, Tim Reed, Mickey Friedrich
Hydraulic Fracture Orientation for Miscible Gas Injection EOR in Unconventional Oil Reservoirs
Tao Xu, Todd Hoffman
Hydrocarbon Maturity and Migration Analysis Using Production Gas Stable Isotopic Signatures in the Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado, USA
Owen A. Sherwood, Patrick D. Travers, Michael P. Dolan
Identification of Shale Sweet Spots Using Kep Property Estimates from Log Analysis and Geostatistics
Larry Chorn, Jeffery Yarus, Suzanne del Rosario-Davis, Jason Pitcher
Identification of Three Williston Basin Oil Families Derived from Mississippian Carbonate Source Rocks
John E. Zumberge, John B. Curtis, Don Rocher
Image-Based Modeling of Flow in Natural Partially Cemented Fractures
Adenike Tokan-Lawal, Masa Prodanovic, Peter Eichubl
Impact of Completion Design on Unconventional Horizontal Well Performance
R. Yalavarthi, R. Jayakumar, C. Nyaaba, R. Rai
Impact of Operator’s Best Practices, Completion Design and Well Density on Projected Ultimate Recoveries of Horizontal Bakken Wells in Williams County, North Dakota
Julianna Sipeki, Timothy Hower
Impact of Spatial Distribution of Kerogen Network on Electrical Resistivity of Organic-Rich Source Rocks
Huangye Chen, Lu Chi, Nikhil Kethireddy, Zoya Heidari
Impacts of Stress, Natural and Induced Fractures on Mechanical Properties of Organic-Rich Shales
Mehdi Mokhtari, Adel A. Alqahtani, Azra N. Tutuncu
Importance of U.S. Oil Shale
Glenn Vawter
Improved Data Analysis and Interpretation Method for Laboratory Determination of Crushed-Sample Shale Gas Permeability
F. Civan, D. Devegowda, R. Sigal
Improving Cement Placement in Horizontal Wells of Unconventional Reservoirs Using Magneto-Rheological Fluids
Mansur Ermila, Alfred W. Eustes, Mehdi Mokhtari
Improving Our Understanding of Porosity in Source Rock Reservoirs through Advanced Imaging Techniques
Leo Alcantar-Lopez, Steve J. Chipera
In-Depth Experimental Investigation of Shale Physical and Transport Properties
H. Aljamaan, K. Alnoaimi, A.R. Kovscek
Incorporating Effect of Maturity and Organic Richness in Petrophysical Analysis of Shales
Saeed Zargari, Manika Prasad
Incorporating Geological Characterization into Unconventional Geomodels for Accurate Reservoir Characterization
Bradley D. Melton
Incorporation of Unconventional Investment Opportunities using a Risked Phased Program Assessment Method to Enable Consistent Portfolio Decision Making
Brett Edwards, Karyna Rodriguez, Stephen Rasey
Increasing Drilling Performance in ERD Wells with New Generation Drill Pipe
Luc Van Puymbroeck, Henry Williams
Insights into the Maturation Process from Physical and Chemical Analysis of Partially Pyrolyzed Green River Oil Shale
Andrew Pomerantz, Robert Kleinberg, Tuong-Van Le-Doan, Natasha Erdman, Alan Burnham, Pierre Allix
Insights on Hydrocarbon-Generation Microfracturing in Organic-Rich Shales
Mohammed Al Duhailan, Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Lawrence D. Meckel
Integrated Geological Reservoir Characterization of the Cardium Light Tight Oil Play, Pembina Field in Alberta
Per Kent Pedersen, Julianne d. Fic, Adam Fraser
Integrating Geology and Engineering: Implications for Production in the Bakken Play, Williston Basin
Cosima Theloy, Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Integration of active and passive surface seismic for understanding the variations observed during a stimulation campaign.
Paolo Primiero, Gorka Garcia Leiceaga, Joël Le Calvez
Integration of different imaging methodologies to study shale sample heterogeneity
J. Chen, D. Wei, W. Yang
Integration of Natural and Hydraulic Fracture Network Modeling with Reservoir Simulation for an Eagle Ford Well
Randy Offenberger, Nathaniel Ball, Kousic Kanneganti, Dmitry Oussoltsev
Integration of Structure and Stratigraphy in Bone Spring Tight Oil Sandstones using 3D Seismic in the Delaware Basin, TX
Jessica Allen, Ken Schwartz, John DeSantis, Don Koglin, Fuju Chen
Interfacial Tension and Mineral Adhesion Properties of Cyclopentane Hydrate
Zachary M. Aman, Luis E. Zerpa, Giovanny Grasso, William E. Leith, E. Dendy Sloan, Amadeu K. Sum, Carolyn A. Koh
Investigating the Critical Geological and Completion Parameters That Impact Production Performance
E.A. Ejofodomi, G. Cavazzoli, J.D. Estrada, J. Peano
Investigation of Created Fracture Geometry through Hydraulic Fracture Treatment Analysis
Ibraheem A. Ahmed, Christine Ehlig-Economides
Investigation of Flow and Imbibition Processes in Spraberry Fracture Systems Using a Hyper-Threaded Reservoir Simulator
Kyle D. Scott, Michael A. Quinn, Gene D. Monson, Paul A. Leonard
Investigation of The Microstructure of Shales in The Oil Window
Mark E. Curtis, Carl H. Sondergeld, Chandra S. Rai
Joint VTI and Mud Slowness Inversion Using Multiple Modes and Adaptive Weighting
Mark Collins
Laboratory Determination of the Continuous Stress-Dependent Permeability of Unconventional Oil Reservoir Rocks
Daisuke Katsuki, Marte Gutierrez, Azra N. Tutuncu
Laboratory Measurements of Matrix Permeability and Slippage Enhanced Permeability in Gas Shales
Rob Heller, Mark Zoback
Leveraging Seismic Attributes to Understand the ‘Frac-Able’ Limits and Reservoir Performance in the Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, USA
Kit Clemons, Robert Bodziak, Andy Stephens, Robert Meek
Leveraging the Option Value of Unconventional Resource Projects
Paul D. Allen
Liquid Loading Within Hydraulic Fractures And Its Impact on Unconventional Reservoir Productivity
Samarth Agrawal, Mukul M. Sharma
Liquids-Rich Resource Play Characterization Using Well Log Analysis Calibrated with Rock Properties from Drill Cuttings
E.T. Vosburgh, O.A. Djordjevic, J.A. Rushing
Lowering Drilling Cost, Improving Operational Safety, and Reducing Environmental Impact through Zonal Isolation Improvements for Horizontal Wells Drilled in the Marcellus Shale
Jessica Bassett, Jeff Watters, N. Kyle Combs, Michael Nikolaou
Making Fossil Energy More Sustainable – Technology Pathways and Conflict Reduction
Dag Nummedal, John McCray
Manage the Pressure—Drive the Results
Christopher James Bernard, Randy Lovorn, Derrick Lewis, Emad Bakri, Saad Saeed
Marcellus Well Spacing Optimization – Pilot Data Integration and Dynamic Modeling Study
Deniz Cakici, Chris Dick, Abhijit Mookerjee, Ben Stephenson
Measurement of Relative Permeability of Coal to Gas and Water
Y. Ham, A. Kantzas
Message in a Bottle
Doug Bearinger
Methods for seismic Sweet Spot Identification, Characterization and Prediction in Shale Plays
Marita Gading, Lars Wensaas, Paul Collins
Micro-scale characterization of the Eagle Ford Formation using SEM methods and digital rock modeling
Brian Driskill, Joel Walls, Steven W. Sinclair, Juliana DeVito
Minimum Miscibility Pressure in Conventional and Unconventional
Tadesse Weldu Teklu, Najeeb Alharthy, Hossein Kazemi, Xiaolong Yin, Romona M. Graves, Ali M. Al-Sumaiti
Mississippian Lime Play: Variations in Reservoir Geology East of the Nemaha Ridge
Edith Newton Wilson, Shane Matson, Charles Wickstrom
Mobile Clarification for Re-Use of Unconventional Oil and Gas Produced Water to Reduce Costs and Minimize Environmental Footprint
Patrick Horner, Jeffery A. Anderson, Mark Thompson
Modeling and Simulation of Production from Commingled Shale Gas Reservoirs
Benmadi Milad, Faruk Civan, Deepak Devegowda, Richard F. Sigal
Modeling Gas Injection into Shale Oil Reservoirs in the Sanish
Cuiyu Dong, B. Todd Hoffman
Modeling of Abnormal Fluid Pressure in Unconventional Plays Due to Uplift
Xinyu Xia, Jon Wallace, Liangui Du
Modeling Production and Prospectivity in the Austin Chalk to Optimize Well Placement, Productivity and Completion Design
Sean Boerner, Rohit Singh, Ross Peebles, Jessica Garvin, William J.E. Holt
Modeling Production Performance of an Abnormally High Pressure Unconventional Shale Reservoir
Basak Kurtoglu, Benjamin Ramirez, Hossein Kazemi
Modeling the Injection of Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen into a Methane Hydrate Reservoir and the Subsequent Production of Methane Gas on the North Slope of Alaska
Nagasree Garapati, Patrick McGuire, Brian J. Anderson
Modeling the Significance of Mechanical Interfaces to Fracture Propagation and Morphology – Geomechanical Models Derived from Outcrop Analysis
E.S. Petrie, J.P. Evans
Multi-Detector, Pulsed Neutron-Based Synthetic Openhole Logs- An Unconventional Gas Reservoir Case Study
Yonghwee Kim, David Chace
Multi-Fracture Stimulation Techniques Make Better Wells in Ultra-Low
Yanrong Chang, Hongjun Lu, Baochun Chen, Zhen-ning Ji, Chengwang Wang, Yin Qi, Jianshan Li, Xianfei Du, Guiqin Yin
Multiple Interpretations of Unconventional Well Performance Using Analytical Solutions: A Marcellus Case Study
F. Lalehrokh, R. Jayakumar, R. Yalavarthi
Multiuse of Seismic and Attribute Mapping for Field Appraisal and Development in the Eagle Ford Shale: Mapping TOC, Porosity and Seal Integrity
Hector D. Bello, Gervasio Barzola, Doug Portis, Beau Tinnin, Michael Handke, Kit Clemons
Nanoscale Visualization of Gas Shale Pore and Textural Features
Bolivia Vega, Joy C. Andrews, Yijin Liu, Jeff Gelb, Anthony Kovscek
Natural and Hydraulic Fracture Interaction Study Based on Semi-Circular Bending Experiments
Weiwei Wang, Jon E. Olson, Maša Prodanović
New Approach to Geomechanics Solves Serious Horizontal Drilling
Shannon Higgins-Borchardt, Tony Krepp, Marcelo Frydman, Jason Stichler
New Reserves in an Old Field, the Niobrara Resource Play in the Wattenberg Field, Denver Basin, Colorado
Stephen A. Sonnenberg
New Technologies and Integration for Optimizing Well Placement and Production
Bruno de Ribet
Niobrara Horizontal Well Planning and Execution: The Other Half of the Equation
Jack Wiener, Mohamed Elfedawy
Niobrara Sweet Spots, Basement Geology, and Sea Floor Geochemistry
Monte Swan, Stan Keith
Non-Linearity in Decline Behavior of Unconventional Wells
James R. Gilman, Sepehr Fadaei
Nonempirical Apparent Permeability of Shale
Harpreet Singh, Farsam Javadpour
Not All Source Rocks Are Source Rock Plays: Screening Quality From Quantity
Jonathan C. Evenick
Novel Approach to Determining Unconsolidated Reservoir Properties: Fabric and Flow in Oil Sands
Julie Dee Bell, Kanad Kulkami, Marsha P. Maraj
Novel Approaches for the Simulation of Unconventional Reservoirs
Bicheng Yan, John E. Killough, Yuhe Wang, Yang Cao
Numerical Upcaling of Coupled Flow and Geomechanics in Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media
Daegil Yang, George J. Moridis, Thomas A. Blasingame
OPTICAL KEROGEN ANALYSIS - A New Workflow In Unconventional Shale Play Analysis
Harmut Jaeger
Optimization of Placement of Hydraulic Fracture Stages in Horizontal Wells Drilled in Shale Gas Reservoirs
Xiaodan Ma, Tatyana Plaksina, Eduardo Gildin
Pattern Recognition in a Digital Age: A Gameboard Approach to Determining Petrophysical Parameters
Daniel A. Krygowski, Robert M. Cluff
Permeability Estimation from Fracture Calibration Test Analysis in Shale and Tight Gas
Han Xue, Christine Ehlig-Economides
Petrophysical Rock Typing in Organic-Rich Source Rocks Using Well Logs
Alvaro Aranibar, Mehrnoosh Saneifar, Zoya Heidari
Pitfalls of Averaging Fracture Dimensions and Reservoir Permeability for Unconventional Reservoirs
R. Jayakumar, A. Boulis, Aura-Araque Martinez
Plate Tectonic Contraints for Hydrocarbon Formation in the Niobrara Formation
Stan Keith, Monte Swan, John Horne
Pore-Scale Characterization of Oil-Rich Monterey Shale: A Preliminary Study
Shahram Farhadi Nia, Devang Dasani, Theodore Tsotsis, Kristian Jessen
Pore-Size Dependence of Fluid Phase Behavior and the Impact on Shale Gas Reserves
B. Rahmani Didar, I.Y., Akkutlu
Pores, Spores, Pollen and Pellets: Small, but Significant Constituents of Resource Shales
Roger M. Slatt, Neal O'Brien, Carlos Molinares-Blanco, Andrea Sema-Bernal, Emilio Torres, Paul Philp
Predicting the Effective Gas Flow Properties of Gas Shale, from Nano-Pores to Shale Parasequences
Jingsheng Ma, Gary D. Couples, Zeyun Jiang, Marinus I.J. Van Dijke
Prediction of Buried-Hill Productive Carbonate Reservoirs Using Electrical and Acoustic Image Logs, Ordovician Formation, China (I)
Feng-Ming Zhou, Zhao-Wei Si, Fa-Wu Lin, De-Fang Liu, Da-Li Wang, Xian-Ran Zhao, Ping Yan
Primary Depositional Controls on Oil Shale Potential in the Karoo-Parana Basins: A Global Sequence Stratigraphic and Geodynamic Perspective
Colin C. Saunders, Richard S. James, Craig J. Lang, Alisa C.E. Messer
Production Forecasting for Shale Gas Reservoir Wells using a Simulator that Honors the Microstructure of Shale Gas Reservoirs and the Physics of Fluids In Nano-Porous Media
G. Michel, F. Civan, R. Sigal, D. Devegowda
Proper Simulation of Fracturing-Fluid Flowback from Hydraulically-Fractured Shale-Gas Wells Delayed by Non-Equilibrium Capillary Effects
G. Michel, F. Civan, R. Sigal, D. Devegowda
PSDM for Unconventional Reservoirs? A Niobrara Shale Case Study
Morgan P. Brown, Joseph H. Higginbotham, Dave List, Chris Lang
Pulsed Fracturing in Shale Reservoirs: Geomechanical Aspects, Ductile-Brittle Transition and Field Implications
M. Reza Safari, Raju Gandikota, Uno Mutlu, Missy Ji, Jonathan Glanville, Hazim Abass
Pyrolysis and TOC Identification of Tight Oil Sweet Spots
Albert Maende, W. David Weldon
Quantifying Fracturing Fluid Damage on Reservoir Rock to Optimize Production
Markus Pagels, Dean M. Willberg, Eric Edelman, William Zagorski, Joe Frantz
Rapid Discrete Fracture Analysis of Hydraulic Fracture Development in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Dr. Mark Cottrell, Hooman Hosseinpour, Dr. William Dershowitz
Rare Earth Elements (REE) as Transformation Indicators of Organic Matter; Case Study of the Woodford Shale, North Central Oklahoma
D. Ramirez-Caro, M. Totten, S. Chaudhuri, N. Clauer, R. Boutin, J. Miesse, G. Riepl, K. Semhi
Real-Time Wireless Seismic Acquisition of Microseismic Events for Monitoring Hydrofracing
Doug Crice, Roy Kligfield, Mick Lambert
Recent Advances in the Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs with Wide-Azimuth Seismic Data
Ran Bachrach, Colin M. Sayers, Sagnik Dasgupta, Josimar Silva, Stefano Volterrani
Regional Geologic Characterization of the Polish Lower Paleozoic Unconventional Play Using an Integrated Seismic and Well Data Approach
Piotr Krzywiec, Pawel Lis, Vinton Buffenmyer, Michal Malinowski, Marek Lewandowski
Regulatory Nirvana for the Life-Cycle of Unconventional Petroleum Projects
B. Goldstein, M. Malavazos, A. Wickham, M. Jarosz, D. Wenham, D. Cockshell, E. Alexander, J. Zabrowarny
Relative Permeability in a Shale Formation in Colombia Using Digital Rock Physics
Maria T. Cantisano, Dora P. Restrepo, Sandra Cespedes, Jonas Toelke, Avrami Grader, Michael Suhrer, Joel Walls
Reservoir Characteristics and Evaluation Methods of Tight Lacustrine Carbonates: Example from Shulu Sag in Bohai Bay, China
Zaixing Jiang, Qing Li
Reservoir Characterization of Eagle Ford Shale through Lithofacies Analysis for Identification of Sweet Spot and Best Landing Point
Ajit K. Sahoo, Diya Mukherjee, Abhishek Mukherjee, Mukul Srivastava
Reservoir Geometries and Facies Associations of Fluvial Tight-Gas Sands, Williams Fork Formation, Rifle Gap, Colorado
Bryan McDowell, Piret Plink-Bjӧrklund
Reservoir Geometries and Facies Associations of Fluvial Tight-Gas Sands, Williams Fork Formation, Rifle Gap, Colorado
Bryan McDowell, Piret Plink-Bjӧrklund
Reservoir Geometries and Facies Associations of Fluvial Tight-Gas Sands, Williams Fork Formation, Rifle Gap, Colorado
Bryan McDowell, Piret Plink-Bjӧrklund
Reservoir Modeling and Forecasting Shale Multi-Stage Stimulation with Multi-disciplinary Integration
Atif Malayalam, Abhijit Gangopadhyay, Coulibaly Aboubakar, Herb Sebastian, Don Woodward
Reservoirs That Are Not in Capillary Pressure Equilibrium
Monty E. Hoffman
Resolving Production Trends in Shale Reservoirs—An Eagle Ford Case Study from Localized Reservoir Characterization to Basin Understanding
Katharine Moncada, Keith Atwood, Rapahael Altman, Raj Malpani, Shirley Indriati, Richard Clayton
Rheological and Chemical Properties of Alaska Heavy Oils
Matthew W. Liberatore, Andrew M. Herring, Kejing Li, Ala Bazyleva, Babajide Akeredolu, Manika Prasad, Michael Batzle
Risk Reduction for Prospecting in the Unconventional Niobrara Play
Tony Rebec, Marino Pareja
Sand Wash Basin, Northwest Colorado: Exploring the Niobrara Resource Play
Sandra L. Perry, Roger Hutson
Searching for the Optimal Well Spacing in the Eagle Ford Shale: A Practical Tool-Kit
Douglas H. Portis, Hector Bello, Mark Murray, Gervasio Barzola, Paul Clarke, Katy Canan
Seismic Attributes: Leveraging Seismic Data for Reservoir Characterization: Fracture Identification and Prediction to understand seal integrity in the unconventional Eagle Ford Shale reservoir, South Texas, USA.
Hector Bello, Gervasio Barzola, Kit Clemons
SEM-Based Cathodoluminescence Imaging for Discriminating Quartz Types in Mudrocks
Kitty L. Milliken
Shale Gas Assessment of the Carboniferous Prodelta Shales in the Western Black Sea Basin of Turkey
Samil SEN
Shallow Transgressive Onlap Model for Ordovician and Devonian Organic-Rich Shales, New York State
Langhorne B. Smith
Simultaneous Interpretation of Multiple Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical Measurements Helps Target Sweet Spots and Improve Basin-Scale Understanding of Argentina’s Neuquén Basin
Horace Snyder
Solving Water Well “Problems” and Complaints in Areas of Unconventional Resource Development
John V. Fontana, David M. Seneshen
Spacing Pilots Performance Study Using Public Data in the Barnett
H. Pratikno, D.E. Reese, G.A. Wilson
Stochastic Model and Sensitivity Analysis of the Economics of a "Shale" Development Program
William Fleckenstein, Jens Zimmermann
Stratigraphic, Depositional and Diagenetic Controls on Tight Oil Reservoir Development, Big Valley Formation (Three Forks Equivalent), Southern Alberta
Jacqueline Colborne, R. Marc Bustin, Gerry Reinson, Nathan Bruder
Stratigraphy and Petroleum Potential of the Upper Three Forks Formation, North Dakota, Williston Basin USA.
Claudia Gutierrez, Stephen A. Sonnenberg
Stress-Dependent Flow, Mechanical, and Acoustic Properties for an Unconventional Oil Reservoir Rock
Gang Han, Marte Gutierrez, Peter Schmitz
Stress-Dependent Permeability Anisotropy and Wettability of Shale Resources
Mehdi Mokhtari, Adel A. Alqahtani, Azra N. Tutuncu, Xiaolong Yin
Structural Stage Spacing: A Win-Win-Win Technique for EUR, Costs and HSE
Ben Stephenson, Randall Fannin, Chris Dick, Marty Williams, Deniz Cakici
Study of Ground Water Quality Effects and Relation to the In-Situ Retorting Process in Oil Shale Exploration for Environmental Improvement
Andra Pratama Putra, Bayu Nugraha
The Bakken at Parshall Field: Inferences from New Data Regarding
Jane Newman, Janell Edman, Jim Howe, Julie LeFever
The Critical Role of Rock and Fluid in Unconventional Shale Reservoir Performance
N.R. Nagarajan, M.M. Honarpour, F. Arasteh
The Discovery of the Marcellus Shale Play, An Operator's Experience
Jeff Ventura, Ray Walker. Jr, William Zagorski, Greg Davis, John Applegath, Matt Curry, Matt Pitzarella, Joe Frantz. Jr, Don Robinson, Dennis Degner, Mike Middlebrook, Andrew Tullis
The Evolution of Stimulated Reservoir Volume during Hydraulic Stimulation of Shale Gas Formations
Madhur Johri, Mark D. Zoback
The Golden Age of “Shale” Discovery
Paul M. Basinski
The Identification and Commercialization of Subnormally Pressured Unconventional, Gas-Bearing Sandstones
Ben Law
The Role of Stratigraphic Architecture in Resource Distribution: An Example from the Niobrara Formation of the Denver-Julesburg Basin
William R. Drake, Sarah J. Hawkins, Scott G. Lapierre
The Sedimentology of Mudrocks: Organics, Organisms, and Occasional Occurrences
Jeffrey A. May
The Stratigraphic Distribution of Hydrocarbon Storage and its Effect on Producible Hydrocarbons in the Eagle Ford Formation, South Texas
Neil Fishman, John Guthrie, Matt Honarpour
Thermal Shock in Reservoir Rock Enhances the Hydraulic
Saeid Enayatpour, Tad Patzek
Timing and Processes of Fracture Formation in Tight-Gas Sandstone Reservoirs Using Fluid Inclusions
Andras Fall, Peter Eichhubl, Stephen E. Laubach
Two Practical Methods to Determine Pore Pressure Regimes in the Spraberry and Wolfcamp Formations in the Midland Basin
Mickey Friedrich, Gene Monson
Uncertainty Analysis and Assisted History Matching Workflow in Shale Oil Reservoirs
Zheng Zhang, M. Reza Fassihi
Unconventional Oil and Gas Potential of the Widmerpool Gulf in the East Midlands Province of England
M. Raji, C. Cornford, A. Pather, D. Satterfield
Unconventional Resources – Chesapeake’s Integrated Workflow
Jeff Miller, Lesley Evans, Keith Yankowsky
Understanding Dynamic Behavior of Reservoirs During Microseismic Monitoring
Maria A. Krasnova, Jamie P. Rich, Evgeny M. Chesnokov
Upper and Lower Bakken Shale Production Contribution to the Middle Bakken Reservoir
Sanyog Kumar, Todd Hoffman, Manika Prasad
Use of XRF Elemental Data to Quantify Mineralogy and Reservoir Properties of an Upper Cretaceous Oil and Gas Shale Reservoir, Eastern Saskatchewan and South western Manitoba
Somayeh Hosseininejad, Per K. Pedersen, Ronald J. Spencer, Michelle P.B. Nicolas
Using Analytics to Quantify the Value of Seismic Data for Mapping Eagle Ford Sweetspots
Murray Roth, Ted Royer, Ross Peebles, Michael Roth
Using Multi-Focusing 3-D Diffraction Imaging to Predict Fracture Swarms in Unconventional Reservoirs
Marianne Rauch-Davies, Alex Berkovitch, Kostya Deev
Using Reflected Phases to Improve Depth Resolution of Microseismic Source Locations from Single-Well Observations
James Rutledge, Nobukazu Soma
Using Structural Diagenesis to Infer the Timing of Natural Fractures in the Marcellus Shale
Laura Pommer, Julia F.W. Gale, Peter Eichhubl, Andras Fall, Stephen e. Laubach
Using the Structural and Burial History to Predict the Existence and Orientation of Planes of Weakness
Milton Enderlin, Helge Alsleben, Mike Mullen
Vaca Muerta Shale Reservoir Characterization and Description: The Starting Point for Development of a Shale Play with Very Good Possibilities for a Successful Project
Mariano N. Garcia, Federico Sorenson, Juan Carlos Bonapace, Fabio Motta, Christian Bajuk, Hernan Stockman
Valuing Seismic at the Drilling Program Level for Sweet Spot Identification in Unconventional Resource
Ellen Coopersmith, Kent Burkholder
Variable Stimulated Reservoir Volume (SRV) Simulation: Eagle Ford Shale Case Study
B. Duliman, R. Meek, R. Hull, H. Bello, D. Portis, P. Richmond
Well Design Evolution in a Semi-Conventional Reservoir: Example from the Nuiqsut Formation of North Slope, Alaska
Colin O'Farrell, Craig Knutson, Tim Crumrine
What Broke? Microseismic analysis using seismic derived rock properties and structural attributes in the Eagle Ford play
Robert Meek, Bailo Suliman, Robert Hull, Hector Bello, Doug Portis
Williston Basin Pre-Bakken Potential Using Regional Maturity Modeling
Grant D. Zimbrick, Michael P. Dolan
WolfBone Oil-Saturated, Super Sweet Spot, Southern Delaware Basin: Integrated Approach from Exploration to Geologic/Reservoir Modeling and Field Development
Bill Fairhurst, Mary Lisbeth Hanson
WolfBone Oil-Saturated, Super Sweet Spot, Southern Delaware Basin: Integrated Approach from Exploration to Geologic/Reservoir Modeling and Field Development
Bill Fairhurst, Mary Lisbeth Hanson