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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
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"A Shift or Not a Shift?" that was the Question: Robust Qualification and Testing of Available "Unlimited" Frac Sleeve Systems Yield Varied Results
E.R. Davis, J.J. Constantine, M.L. White, M.M. Ferris, M.J. Watson, M.M. Schinnour, N.R. Zwarich, M.E. Woodard, K.N. Metzgar, M. Nozaki
3D Modeling and Analysis of the Utah FORGE Reservoir Stimulation
Dharmendra Kumar, Ahmad Ghassemi, Baohua Liu
A Combined Discontinuous Galerkin / Cohesive Zone Model Numerical Simulator for Hydraulic Fracturing and Application to Frac Hits Mitigation
Santiago Serebrinsky, Mauro Baldini, Federico Castez, Humberto Celleri, Isaías Gallana, Julieta Gutiérrez, Damián Smilovich
A Comprehensive Review of Fracture-Driven Interaction in Unconventional Oil and Gas Plays: Characterization, Real-Time Diagnosis, and Impact on Production
Harpreet Singh, Peng Cheng, Yuewei Pan, Chengxi Li, Yu Liu, Xi Wu, Mary Van Domelen, Samuel Rogers, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Meng Cao
A Comprehensive Simulation Study of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2): Part I - Modeling Pressure Dependent and Time Dependent Fracture Conductivity in Fully Calibrated Fracture and Reservoir Models
Han (Jake) Li, Jichao Han, Jiasen Tan, Matt Jones, Yu Zhao, Soodabeh Esmaili, Fadila Bessa, Vinay Sahni, Sriram Pudugramam, Shunhua Liu, Qian Li, James Kessler
A Comprehensive Simulation Study of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site 2 (HFTS-2): Part II – Development Optimization in the Delaware Basin Using an Integrated Modeling Workflow
Jichao Han, Yu Zhao, Han (Jake) Li, Jiasen Tan, Fadila Bessa, Shunhua Liu, Vinay Sahni, Venkateswaran Sriram Pudugramam, Xueying Xie, Hamid Behzadi
A Geomechanics and Pore Pressure Informed Stage Level Optimization Case Study for Unconventional, Infill Development in the Powder River Basin
Joel Mazza, Justin Kegel, Steve Van Delinder, Tom Hewett, Beth Emborsky, Scott Patrick
A Holistic Corporate Approach to Unleash Hydrocarbon Potential From Unconventional Resources in Kuwait
Mohammad A. Al-Bahar, Vandana Suresh, Nejoud Ali Al-Ostad, Abrar H. Al-Najjar
A Montney Field Study Measuring the Impact of Completion Designs on Near and Far Field Fracture Geometry
Kristyn O'Byrne, Michael de Groot, David Bonar, Jerry Tkachyk, Scott Thiessen
A New Approach to Apply Decline-Curve Analysis for Tight-Oil Reservoirs Producing Under Variable Pressure Conditions
Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi, Mark P. Walsh, Larry W. Lake
A Novel Choke Management Evaluation Workflow Using Calibrated Hydraulic Fractures and Embedded Discrete Fracture Model for Deep Shale Gas Reservoirs
Chuxi Liu, Cheng Chang, Xingchen Wang, Wei Yu, Jijun Miao, Kamy Sepehrnoori
A Novel Method for Evaluating the Shale Oil Movability in Laboratory by Using High-field NMR and Sequential Extraction
Longhui Bai, Bo Liu, Z. Harry Xie
A Novel Production Profiling Workflow Using Microseismic Data and Distributed Temperature Sensing Data for Unconventional Reservoirs
Chuxi Liu, Cheng Chang, Wei Yu, Sha Liu, Jijun Miao, Kamy Sepehrnoori
A Numerical Model for Analyzing Mechanical Slippage Effect on Cross-well Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Measurements During Fracturing
Xueling Song, Ge Jin, Kan Wu, Xincheng Wan
A Rapid and Robust Approach for Optimizing Production in the Northern Delaware Basin
Cyrille Defeu, Brian D. Clark, Eric F. Wigger, Mike Mayerhofer, Todd Passmore, John Speight
A Robust Workflow to Characterize Uncertainties of a Horizontal Well Pad: Multi-well History Matching for Unconventional Reservoirs
Chuxi Liu, Cheng Chang, Xingchen Wang, Wei Yu, Ning Li, Jijun Miao, Kamy Sepehrnoori
A Shapley Approach to Permian Rock Quality
Emily Head, Stephen Sagriff, Stephen Pratt, Brad Bernard
A Statistical Look at Drainage Behavior and Its Controls in Unconventional Reservoirs - A Multi-basin Study
Shuangyu Ge, Muqing Jin, Tao Lv, Jana Bachleda, Yuchen Liu, Jiang Wu, Faye Liu
A Study on Well Placement and Performance Forecasting in Uinta Basin Considering Geological Uncertainty
Esmail Eltahan, Mauricio Fiallos-Torres, Reza Ganjdanesh, Kamy Sepehrnoori
A Success Story: Screening and Optimizing Refracs in the Eagle Ford
Garrett Fowler, Jose Zaghloul, David Jones, Lindsey Hall-Wiist, Drew Hopson, Sarah Allen, Matteo Picone, Adrian Morales, Matteo Marongiu Porcu, Mark McClure, Dave Ratcliff
A Systematic Laboratory and Model-based Surfactant Screening Workflow for Enhanced Recovery via Wettability Alteration in the Eagle Ford
Jason Jweda, Russ Bone, Hesham El-Sobky, Viet Nguyen, Paul Carman, Hui Long, William Beveridge, Logan Warren, Ronald Bonnie, Tianmin Jiang, Jennifer Hoyt, Andrew MacMillan, Kristie McLin
A Workflow to Map Maturity and Fluid Properties From Public Production Reporting
W. Kurt Rucker
Accelerating the Learning Curve: Driving Bottom-line Performance Through Rapid Fracture Diagnostics in Shale Gas Plays
Jesse Williams-Kovacs, Dmitry Deryushkin
Acid Restimulation in Legacy Wolfcamp Wells Utilizing Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2). An Operator Case Study of Reservoir Conductivity and Near Wellbore Fracture System Reactivation
Panagiotis Dalamarinis, Brent Smith, Stephen Fusselman
Adaptive Time-stepping to Capture Induced Seismicity for Unconventional Reservoir Exploration
Zheng Han, Rami Younis
Advanced Dual-Porosity and Dual-Permeability Model for Tight Rock Integrated Primary Depletion and Enhanced Oil Recovery Simulation
Daegil Yang, Tyler Do, Changdong Yang, Hao Sun, Keith Ramsaran, Xundan Shi, Dengen Zhou, Jianping Chen, Mathis Lee
An Efficient Eulerian-Lagrangian Proppant Transport Model Coupled with Three-dimensional Hydraulic Fracture Propagation
Shaowen Mao, Kan Wu, George Moridis
An Improved Analytic-hierarchy-Quantitative Pre-evaluation Method for Post-fracturing Recoverability in Lamellation-type Shale Oil Reservoir
Shuo Wan, Bin Yuan, He Liu, Siwei Meng, Zhengdong Lei, Wendong Wang
An Integrated Approach to Building a 3D Discrete Fracture Network Model of an Unconventional Naturally Fractured Reservoir, Kuwait
Mariela D. Pichardi Hernandez, Raphael Altman, Girija S. Padhy, Arup Sadhu, Pratik Sangani, Alaa Mohammad, Tahani Al Rashidi, Priyavrat Shukla
An Integrated Approach to Development Optimization Using Monitor Wells and Hydraulic Fracture Diagnostics in the Permian Basin
Ripudaman Manchanda, Yueming Liang, Holger Meier, Karthik Srinivasan, Sergio Leonardi, Mary Johns, Shelby Lyons, Owen Hehmeyer, Justin Eckes, Jonathan Zybala, Alberto Ortega, Kshitij Mohan, Dalton Vice, Satish Kumar Dayalan, Saurabh Rasal, Jake Kamps, Kendal Decker, Peeyush Bhargava, Prasad Sumant, Kaustubh Kulkarni, Isha Sahni, Matthew Bourke, Rayssa Sanchez
An Integrated Triple-porosity Reservoir Modeling Case Study to Evaluate/Improve Well Spacing in Uinta Basin
M. Gaddipati, J. Hervey, R. Zaback, M. Boyce, K. Babcock, O. Apaydin, T. Firincioglu
An Unconventional Approach to a Difficult-to-Develop Target: Application of Geomechanics and Clay Speciated Workflow to Successfully Drill the Wolfcamp D Formation in the Midland Basin
David Brannan, C. Lance Reynolds, Shawn Renaud, Ryan Adams, Foster Bowman
Analysis of Uniformity of Proppant Distribution Between Clusters Based on a Proppant-Wellbore Dynamics Model
Egor Dontsov, Christopher Hewson, Mark McClure
Application of Combined Statistics, Machine Learning, and Game Theory Approach for Shale Gas Production Performance Evaluation: Insights of Frac-hit Timing and Severity
Chunyu Zhang, Yuewei Pan, Wei Ma, Ran Bi
Application of Data Analytics to Chemometric Analysis of Conventionally Produced Oil Samples From the Delaware Basin
Timothy Carpp, Julia Reece, Mauro Becker, Siddharth Misra
Application of Fractional Dimension RTA to Gas Wells in Haynesville Including Parent-child Effects
Jorge A. Acuña
Application of Seismic Super Resolution to Improve Drilling ,Planning, and Risk Mitigation in the Delaware Basin
Riki Tasrianto, Chengbo Li
Assessing the Potential of Three Assets: From Exploration to Development a Multidisciplinary Integration Case
Federico Gonzalez Tomassini, Juan Jose Fernandez, Marcelo Frydman, Victoria Lazzari, Juan Pablo Palacio, Martín Vítolo, Alfredo Moler, Ivan Lanusse Noguera
Auto-identification and Real-time Warning Method of Multiple Type Events During Multistage Horizontal Well Fracturing
Mingze Zhao, Yue Li, Yuyang Liu, Bin Yuan, Siwei Meng, Wei Zhang, He Liu
Basin-Scale Geologic Clustering for Delaware Basin Type Curve Area Delineation: Operator Workflows and Applications
James Cassanelli, Edward Wolfram
Basin-specific Optimization of an Automated Geosteering Algorithm Using Simulated Stratigraphy
Kenneth McCarthy, Andrew Pare, Levi Heintzelman, Marc Willerth, Alexander Mitkus, Tannor Ziehm, Timothy Gee, Paul Reynerson
Bayesian Variable Pressure Decline-Curve Analysis for Shale Gas Wells
Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi, Mark P. Walsh, Larry W. Lake, Frank R. Male
Bilinear Flow Analysis of Shale Gas Wells With Dynamic Hydraulic Fracture Conductivity
Ivan C. Aldana, I. Yucel Akkutlu, W. John Lee
Biogeochemical Reactions in a Diffusion-limited Zone Around Wellbore Cement Relevant to Underground Hydrogen Storage
Christopher Rooney, Qingyun Li
Can Transient High Gamma Ray Be Used to Observe Phase Behavior and Fluid Transport in Unconventional Reservoirs?
Terence P. O'Sullivan
Case Study of Gas Injection and EOR Potential in Unconventional Marginal Permian Horizontal Wells
Sandarbh Gautam, Birol Dindoruk, Ed Behm, Chad Roller
Case Study: Completion and Well Placement Optimization Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing in Next-Generation Geothermal Projects
Aleksei Titov, Jack Norbeck, Sireesh Dadi, Katharine Voller, Mark Woitt, Steven Fercho, Emma McConville, Camden Lang, Saurabh Agarwal, Christian Gradl, Timothy Latimer
Characterizing Multiple Formations for Gas Production and CO2 Sequestration
Adriana Gordon, Bill Goodway, Evan Mutual, Raul Cova, Scott Leaney, Wendell Pardasie, Matt Ng
Characterizing Oil and Water Saturation in the Bakken Petroleum System
Peter Kaufman, Aaron Rodriguez, Alex Zumberge, Carlos Miranda, Nathaniel Piper, Jadranka Milovac, Joshua Miller
Chemical in Gas Dispersions: The Evolution of a Novel Concept for IOR/EOR in Tight Formations
Alirio Ocampo, Alejandro Restrepo, Kelly Díez, Martin Rylance, Jonny Patiño, Juan Rayo, Diego Ayala
Chemically Enhance Hydraulic Fracturing by Maintaining Proppant and Formation Integrity
Shawn Lu, Chao Yang, Kevin Smith, Chad Bruce
Compaction in Unconventional Carbonate Reservoir Rocks and Its Effect on Well Completions and Hydraulic Fracturing
Roberto Suarez-Rivera, Evan Kias, John Degenhardt, Angelica Rios Alvarez, Rabah Mesdour, Shannon Eichmann, Anuj Gupta
Comparison of Numerical LDAR Assessment Methods in Methane Detection Technologies
Shuang Zhang, Vikram Jayaram, Aaron Lazarus, Tianze Qian, Carrie Reese, Sri Sridharan
Complex Structural Domains and Their Impact on the Design of Development Plans. Case Study Vaca Muerta Fm. in a Shale Oil Core Area, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Julia Elena Bouhier, Franco Vittore, Carolina Bernhardt, María Florencia Rincón
Conductive and Propped Networks of Induced Hydraulic Fractures and Reactivated Fracture Networks - Evidence From the HFTS-1 In Situ Experiments
Michael Gross, William Dershowitz
Contrasting Fluid Migration Patterns in an Unconventional Hybrid Play - Geological Controls and Development Implications (Montney Play, Western Canada)
Tristan Euzen, Neil Watson, David Cronkwright, Scott McLeod, Brennen Hosegood
Core Data Integration/ Validation of Sonic Derived Anisotropic Mechanical Properties to Expedite Well Decisions in Unconventional Reservoirs
Edgar Velez, Kevin Fisher
Data Driven Oil Production Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification for Unconventional Asset Development Planning Through Machine Learning
Xiang (Rex) Ren, Jichao Yin, Feng Xiao, Sasha Miao, Sri Lolla, Changqing Yao, Steve Lonnes, Huafei Sun, Yang Chen, James S. Brown, Jorge Garzon, Piyush Pankaj
Data-driven Analysis for Causality of Parent–child Interactions in the Bakken
Kyoung Suk Min, Alexander V. Chakhmakhchev, Xue Yu, Nicholas A. Azzolina, Darren D. Schmidt, Bethany A. Kurz, James A. Sorensen
Data-driven Completion Optimization for Unconventional Assets
Diana Chimnaz Johan, Priyavrat Shukla, Kaustubh Shrivastava, Manas Koley
Deep Learning Models for Methane Emissions Identification and Quantification
Ismot Jahan, Mohamed Mehana, Bulbul Ahmmed, Javier E. Santos, Dan O’Malley, Hari Viswanathan
Design of Chemical EOR in Unconventional Reservoirs
Johannes Alvarez, Mohsen Tagavifar, Shashvat Doorwar, DT Vo, Varadarajan Dwarakanath, Taimur Malik, Dengen Zhou, Jesse Strickler, Lee (Rusty) Mathis, Scott Neal
Developing a High-efficiency Method for Field-scale Simulation of a Tight and Naturally Fractured Reservoir in the Williston Basin
Xincheng Wan, Lu Jin, Todd Jiang, Nicholas Bosshart, James Sorensen, Chenyu Wu, Ahmed Merzoug
Dielectric Log Calibration Using a Unique Core-based ElectroMagnetic Response (EMR) Workflow: A Case Study
Ray Hanna, Carl Merkt
Dielectric Response Interpretation of Source Rocks
Jose Benavides, Michael Myers, Lory Hathon
Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Measurement during Preload: Analyzing Strain Responses for Effective Fracture Geometry Estimation in Hydraulic Fracture Test Site 1 Phase III
Qiaoyiru Wang, Kan Wu, Ge Jin
Does Liquid Slip Flow Occur in Unconventional Reservoir Rocks? A Laboratory Study of Liquid Permeability
Sheng Peng
Eagle Ford Parent Well Frac Hit (Frac Driven Interaction) Impact Characterization, Prediction, and Mitigation
Yongshe Liu, Lucy Luo, Susan Naiser, Glennis Sylvester, Marina Ramirez Medina, Junjing Zhang, Dong Song, Grant Evans, Preston Howard, Duncan Thom, Bo Hu, Taufeeq Mian
Early EUR Indicator for Permian Basin Unconventional Resources Based on Hourly Flowback Data
Xueying Xie, Shunhua Liu, Courtney Leiker
Effect of CO2 Dissolution on Fluid Flow and Phase Behavior in Oil-water Systems in Shale Reservoirs
Yilei Song, Zhaojie Song, Yufan Meng, Haoming Ma, Zhangxin Chen, Yunfei Zhang, Lichao Zhang, Dong Feng
Effect of Gas-liquid Anomalous Diffusion on Production Behavior and Pressure and Rate Transient Responses in Unconventional Reservoirs
Gizem Yildirim, Erdal Ozkan
Effect of Hydrogen Exposure on Shale Reservoir Properties: A Thorough Experimental Study Evaluating Interaction of Hydrogen With Rock and Fluid When Exploring Storage Potential
Elie Bechara, Talal Gamadi, Sugan Raj Thiyagarajan, Athar Hussain, Hossein Emadi, Ion Ispas, Cecil Millikan
Effects of CO2 Exposure on Unconventional Reservoir Rock Microstructure
Mark Curtis, Sidi Mamoudou, Felipe Cruz, Son T. Dang, Chandra Rai, Deepak Devegowda
Electrifying the Permian Basin
Curtis Smith, Min Rao
Empirical and Semi-analytical Workflow to Determine Optimal Spacing in Unconventional Reservoirs
C. Coley, M.D. Rincones, K. Wiggs, W. Prabowo
Enhancing Surface Production Measurements and Simplifying Field Architecture With Multiphase Flow Meters in the Permian and Eagle Ford Shale
Katharine Moncada, Liviu Husoschi, Bertrand Theuveny
Estimating Fracture Length And Density Using Depletion Mapping From the Drilling Data of Infill Well Pads
Kevin Wutherich, Brian Sinosic, Erica Coenen
Estimating Real-time Pore Pressure at the Bit via Machine-learning
Matthew Reilly, Gareth Taylor, Orlando De Jesus, Muhlis Unaldi, John Thurmond, Mike Party, Koda Chovanetz
Evaluating CO2 Storage Potential in Louisiana – An Analysis of the Entire Value Chain
Graham Bain, Heather Leahey, Evan MacDonald, Brad Johnston, Alex Nevokshonoff
Evaluating the Hydraulic Fracture Through Acoustic Reflection Imaging and Production Logging for Water Diagnostic Beyond Wellbore: A Case Study From Chang 8 Tight Sand in the Ordos Basin, China
Guangsheng Liu, Dajian Li, Gang Zheng, Hongzheng Zhu, Wenhao Cui, Yanyan Chen, Hongzhi Guo, Zheyuan Huang, Dongdong Cheng, Zhaoya Fan, Xiang Li
Evaluating the Potential of the World-Class Najmah Unconventional Reservoir: Collaborative Approach to Design a Pilot Well
Mohammad Al-Bahar, Talal Al-Adwani, Vandana Suresh, Nejoud Al-Ostad, Anas Al-Rukaibi, Abrar Al-Najjar, Vladimir Caicedo, Gary Robinson, Ting He, Robert Johnston, Nima Hosseinpour-Zonoozi
Evaluation of Long-term Production Performance and EUR Impact Associated With Pressure-drawdown Management in Shale Gas Reservoir Using a New Mathematical Model
Yunsheng Wei, Meng Wang, Yuewei Pan, Yihui Zhu, Junlei Wang, Wei Ma
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Toe-Up Trajectory Inclination Angle and Gas Lift Rate Effect on Unconventional Oil Well Performance
Youcef Khetib, Kegang Ling, Ala Eddine Aoun
Experimental and Numerical Simulation Using X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and PHREEQC for Geochemical Interaction Effect on ScCO2-EOR and Storage in Unconventional Reservoirs
Billel Sennaoui, Hui Pu, Nuri Oncel, Mohamed Lamine Malki, Samuel Afari
Experimental Evaluation of Cement Integrity on Exposure to CO2: Application to Geostorage
Sidi Mamoudou, Mark Curtis, Son T. Dang, Chandra Rai, Carl Sondergeld
Experimental Observation of Diffusion as the Main Drive Mechanism in Unconventional Shales
Son Dang, Sidi Mamoudou, Chandra Rai, Carl Sondergeld
Exploring La Luna Formation Unconventional Plays in the Maracaibo Lake Basin, Through 3D Modeling Based on Acoustic Seismic Inversion
Jose Mendez, Carlos Lobo, Ronny Movil, Carlos Alcantara, Luis Yegres, James Brown
Extracting High Fidelity Geological Information From 3D Seismic and Well Data
Marianne Rauch
Feasibility of CO2 Storage in Depleted Unconventional Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Capacity, Microscale Mechanism, Injectivity, Fault Stability, and Monitoring
Sheng Peng, Leopoldo Ruiz Maraggi, Shuvajit Bhattacharya, Katy Yut, Timothy P. McMahon, Mahdi Haddad
Field Application of a Novel Multi-resolution Multi-well Unconventional Reservoir Simulation: History Matching and Parameter Identification
Jia Fu, Hongquan Chen, Changqing Yao, Shohei Sakaida, Erich Kerr, Andrew Johnson, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Ding Zhu, A. Daniel Hill
Field Development Optimization in Midland Basin: An Integrated Multi-disciplinary Approach
Antonio Wilkinson, Jason Jweda, Brady Kolb, M.D. Rincones, Kelli Snidow, Carl Warren
First Operator's Tested Strategies in Vaca Muerta to Prevent EUR Degradation by Parent Child Effects
Cristian E. Sarhan, Juan Manuel Gavilan, Juan Manuel Pitz
Fluid Definitions and Pore Space Partitioning: Integrating NMR and Closed Retort Data
Alex Zumberge, Michael J. Dick, Dragan Veselinovic, Nathaniel Piper, Adam Turner, Jadranka Milovac
Fractional Dimension Rate Transient Analysis Applied to Parent-Child Effects in Unconventional Wells
Jorge A. Acuña
Fracture Height Quantification from Vertical and Horizontal Section Fiber Measurements: A Comprehensive Study using LF-DAS Measurements from HFTS 2 Dataset
Aishwarya Srinivasan, Joseph Mjehovich, Kan Wu, Ge Jin, Wen Wang, George Moridis
Fracturing Fluid Chemistry and Job Placement Design Optimized for Formation Skin Damage Reduction Improves Well Performance: A Permian Midland Basin Case Study
John Blevins, Timothy C. Svarczkopf, Kira Demitrus, Jordan Gist
From Laboratory to Field: Simulation of a Surfactant Huff-n-Puff Pilot in the Eagle Ford
Jingjing Zhang, Isaiah Ataceri, Eduardo Gildin, David Schechter, Hadi Nasrabadi
Gas Carbon Isotopic Composition Implications on Well Productivity and Thermal Maturity in the “Closed System” of Duvernay Fm., Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Gabriela Gonzalez Arismendi, Luis E. Valencia, Karlis Muehlenbachs, Austin Springer, Adam Vigrass, Ryan Macauley
Gas Hydrate Structure Evolution Revealed by Coarsening Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Hao Xiong, Hao Liu, Jing Fu
Gas Re-injection Pilot to Mitigate Flaring and Shutdown in Permian Basin for Unconventional Wells
Yula Tang, Stefan Lattimer, Christine DeFriend, Jason Parizek, Katrina Ostrowicki, Hemant Kumar, Leif Larsen
Geochemical Analyses and Modeling for H2S Risk Assessment at ConocoPhillips Montney Asset
Yishu Song, Elizabeth Watt
Geological Characterization of Vaca Muerta Fm. Through Virtual Outcrops Technology, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Franco Vittore, Patricio Desjardins, Diego Licitra
Geomechanical Complexity Associated With Sub-seismic Fold Structures in a Horizontal Well
Dee A. Moronkeji, Weiwei Wu, Ryan Hillier, Christopher Wolfe
Geomechanical Modeling of Fracture Growth in Naturally Fractured Rocks: A Case Study of the Utah FORGE Geothermal Site
Meng Cao, Mukul M. Sharma
Geomechanics Modeling of Strain-based Pressure Estimates: Insights From Distributed Fiber Optic Strain Measurements
Wei Ma, Kan Wu, Ge Jin
Heterogeneous Geomechanical Properties Within the Austin Chalk: Implications for Natural Fractures and SRV
Christopher Zahm, Robert Loucks
Hidden Success of Unconventional Oil Play Behind Robust Integration of Subsurface G and G Data. A Case Study of Shilaif Unconventional Oil Play, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Amena Alharthi, Muhammad Baig, Pierre Van Laer, Hassan Al Marzooqi, Abdulla Al Hashmi, Trevor Brooks, Aamer Al Bannay, Abdullah Al Blooshi, Mohammed Al Braiki
High-resolution core study relating chemofacies to reservoir quality: Examples from the Permian Wolfcamp XY Formation, Delaware Basin, Texas
Shaskia Herida Putri, Zane Jobe, Lesli J. Wood, Jesse Melick, Marsha French, Katharina Pfaff
How Much Data is Needed to Create Accurate PDP Forecasts?
Austin Lim, Alexander Cui, Ted Cross
How Much Do Natural Fractures Matter in the Permian Basin? Systematic Study Using Cores, Image Logs, Physics Based Models, RTA, and Offset Well Fiber Data
Deepen Gala, Leonel Gomez, Mary K. Johns, Piyush Pankaj, Rodrick Myers, Holger Meier, Darren McLendon
Hybrid Expandable Liner System: A Performance-enhancing, Cost-effective Alternative to Bullhead Refracturing
Kevin Eichinger, Sam French, Ken Day, Jared Brady, Ryan Epperson, Richard Leonard, Brad Leonard
Hydrocarbon Mobility as a Proxy for Reservoir Quality and Migration
Adam Turner, Catherine Donohue, J. Alex Zumberge
Hydrocarbon Phase Behavior Under Nanoconfinement and Shale-PVT Model Development
Bikai Jin, Lin Li, Hao Sun, Dengen Zhou
Identification and Quantification of the Effect of Fracture-Driven Interactions on Production From Parent and Child Wells in Williston Basin
Abdeldjalil Latrach, Ahmed Merzoug, Cilia Abdelhamid, Ilyas Mellal, Minou Rabiei
Impact of Fracture Roughness on Fines Migration and Fracture Aperture Growth in Calcareous Shale Rocks During Acidized Core Floods
Hasan J. Khan, Ridha Al-Abdulrabalnabi, Murtada S. Aljawad
Improved Oil Saturation and Producible Hydrocarbon Evaluation via Novel Thermal Extraction Methods
J. Alex Zumberge, Catherine Donohue, Adam Turner
Improvements in Logging Operations and Analysis with a Customized NMR Unconventional Acquisition Mode in the Permian Basin
Mohammad Azeem Chohan, Katerina Yared
Improving Artificial Lift Timing, Selection, and Operations Strategy Using a Physics Informed Data-driven Method
Hardikkumar Zalavadia, Prithvi Singh, Utkarsh Sinha, Sathish Sankaran
Improving Recovery Potential Through Understanding Parent-child Well Interactions in a Heterogenous Shale Play
C.M. Freeman, H. Sarak, T. Firincioglu, C. Ozgen
Improving Well Productivity Using Water-less Frac Fluids in Eagle Ford Shale Formation
Fatick Nath
In-situ H2S Source Origins and Occurrence in the Delaware Basin
Ye Wang, Crystal Pate, Carrie Martin, Guoxiang Zhang, Zsofia Poros, Riki Tasrianto, Des Jennings, Ward Whiteman, Josh Dark, Kristie McLin, Frances Esson, Andrew McCarthy
In-Well Stress Shadow and Near-wellbore Fracture Geometry Diagnosis Using High-resolution Distributed Strain Sensing via Rayleigh Frequency Shift
Aishwarya Srinivasan, Dana M. Jurick, Kyle Haustveit, Ge Jin, Artur Guzik, Kan Wu
In-Well Stress Shadow and Near-wellbore Fracture Geometry Diagnosis Using High-resolution Distributed Strain Sensing via Rayleigh Frequency Shift
A. Katende, G. Awejori, M. Benge, S. Nakagawa, Y. Wang, F. Xiong, J. Puckette, M. Grammer, J. Rutqvist, C. Doughty, A. Bunger, T. Paronish, D. Crandall, J. Renk, Radonjic
Injectivity-productivity Changes During Cyclic Well Operations for H2 Storage in Unconventional Reservoirs
Meruyert Makhatova, Chet Ozgen, Erdal Ozkan
Integrated Approaches for Wells Interference and Drainage Assessment in Vaca Muerta Shale Play, Argentina
Martín E. Fasola, Luciana De Marzio, Mariano I. Suarez
Integrated Completions Analytics Through Automated Real-Time Activity Detection In Fracturing And Wireline Operations
Berk Coskuner, Mohammadreza Kamyab, Sai Sharan Yalamarty, Pavan Dharwadkar, Nader Khashab, Ryan Schick, Michael Lowder
Integrated Numerical Modeling of a Huff-n-Puff Pilot in Eagle Ford
Caner Karacaer, Pavan Vajjha, Elif Agartan, Philip Chapman, Damon Bennett, Eric Hart, Cameron Thompson, Matthew Herrin, Sarah White, Chet Ozgen
Integrated Petrophysical Characterization of Hydrocarbon Shale Unconventional Reservoirs Using a Rock Typing Approach: Case Study, Vaca Muerta Play, Neuquén Basin, Argentina
Rafael D. Panesso, Alfonso M. Quaglia, Guillermo A. Alzate, Juan C. Porras
Integrated Reservoir Study for Successful CO2 Storage Planning: An Alberta Case Study of Depleted Gas Pools, Current and Future Readiness
Alex M.D. Renaud, Bruce J. Hancock
Integrated Well Performance Analysis Methodology to Understand Production Performance and Identify Refracturing Candidates in Barnett Shale
Eric Bryan, Rex Richard, Connor Holasek, Nima Hosseinpour-Zonoozi, Dilhan Ilk, Charles Melvin, Kevin Eichinger, Brian Rankosky, Brian Ingalls, Sam French, Ken Day
Integrated Workflows for Drilling Optimization and Enhanced Production
Jakob Heller, Venkatesh Anantharamu, Andrew Lewis, Bruce Karr, Ron Bianco
Introducing a New Workflow to Improve Water Production Forecasts for Unconventional Reservoirs
Mei Han, Xueying Xie, Shunhua Liu, Jiasen Tan
Inverse Approach to Development Optimizations to Calibrate Assumptions About Trade-off’s Between Well Spacing and Frac’ Intensity
W. Kurt Rucker
Key Drivers for Complexity of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation - Cemented and Bitumen-filled Fractures Formed During Hydrocarbon Maturation of the Marcellus Shale - Key Drivers to Complexity of Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation
Timothy Carr, Natalie A. Mitchell, Ebrahim Fathi, Brian Panetta, B.J Carney
Laboratory Simulations of H2S Generation in the Bakken Petroleum System
Alexander Chakhmakhchev, Bethany Kurz, Timothy Nesheim, David Miller, Carol Grabanski, Saptashati Biswas, Marc Kurz, Nicholas Azzolina, James Sorensen
Leveraging Reservoir and Fracture Modeling to Optimize Well Landing, Spacing, and Completion Size in the DJ Basin
Jean-Philippe Junca-Laplace, Joe Dunn, Keith Ramsaran, Jaime Vargas, David Brown, Hilary McKenna
Machine Learning Based Stereoscopic Triple Sweet Spot Evaluation Method for Shale Reservoirs
Yuxuan Deng, Wendong Wang, Xianfei Du, Yuliang Su, Shibo Sun, Yan Zhang
Machine-learning Approach to Optimize Huff-n-Puff Gas Injection in Naturally Fractured Shale Oil Reservoirs
Khaled Enab
Machine-learning Facilitates Prediction of Geomechanical Properties Directly From SEM Images in Unconventional Plays
Heehwan Yang, Deepak Devegowda, Mark Curtis, Chandra Rai
Machine-Learning-Assisted Induced Seismicity Characterization and Forecasting of the Ellenburger Formation in Northern Midland Basin
Niven Shumaker, Kaustubh Shrivastava, Mohamed Afia
Max NPV Development Optimization Utilizing Multidisciplinary Approach, A Case Study From the Permian Basin, USA
Iris Haihong Wang, James Courtier, Claudia Garces
Maximizing Efficiency of Deep-reinforcement Learning Agents in Autonomous Directional Drilling With Hyperparameter Optimization
Vivek Kesireddy, Georgy Kompantsev, Sheelabhadra Dey, Eduardo Gildin, Enrique Z. Losoya, Narendra Vishnumolakala
Mechanical Characterization, Anisotropy, and Failure Pattern of Unconventional Reservoirs for Wellbore Stability and Fracture Enhancement
Aly Abdelaziz, Kareem Aboayanah, Matthew G. Adams, Giovanni Grasselli
Mechanistic Understanding and Data-driven Prediction of Liquid Loading in Long-lateral Oil Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs
Xiao Zhang, Amit Kumar, Tyler Nahhas, Willy Manfoumbi, Christopher Frazier, Gunta Chomchalerm, Yang Chen, Isara Tanwattana, Tamas Toth, Huafei Sun, Aaron Shinn, Peng Xu
Modeling Hydrogen Geochemistry Using Fundamental Quantum-mechanical Approaches to Enable Hydrogen Geostorage
Vardhan Satalkar, Deepak Devegowda, Chandra Rai, Son Dang
Modeling of Fiber Optic Strain Responses to Shear Deformation of Fractures
Ruwantha Ratnayake, Ahmad Ghassemi
Modeling of Fiber-optic Strain Response When Pumping Stops to Verify Potential Continuation of Fracture Extension
Kildare George Ramos Gurjao, Eduardo Gildin, Richard Gibson, Mark Everett
Modeling on Enhanced Gas Recovery and Evaluation CO2 Sequestration Capacity Under Different Mechanisms in Shale Gas Reservoirs
Weirong Li, Bingchen Hou, Zhenzhen Dong, Tianyang Zhang,Shihao Qian, Xin Wei, Hui Pu
Modeling the Unconventional Way: A Novel Midland Basin Case Study on How to Simulate Reservoir Models Without Altering Stimulated Fracture Geometries
C. Lance Reynolds, David Brannan
Molecular Simulation Study of the Competitive Adsorption of Carbon Dioxide and Methane in Organic Shale – Implication for Enhanced Gas Recovery
Ibrahim Gomaa, Isa Silveira de Araujo, Zoya Heidari, D. Nicolas Espinoza
Multi-basin Case Study: Remediating Damage From Fracture Driven Interactions Utilizing a Rigless Chemical Process
Mike Lantz, David Garza, Japan Trivedi
Multi-modal Data-assisted Prediction and Analysis of Shale Gas Production Performance at Early Production Stage in Weirong Shale Gas Field, Sichuan Basin, China
Tianrui Ye, Yitian Xiao, Yong Zhao, Haitao Cao, Chunyan He
Multi-regression Modeling Approach for Choke Performance and Production Analysis
Mario Vicente, Raúl Belkenoff
Multi-resolution Coupled Flow and Geomechanics Modeling Using Fast Marching Method
Kazuyuki Terada, Hongquan Chen, Akhil Datta-Gupta, Atsushi Iino
Multiphase Flowing Material Balance for Well Groups
Leslie Thompson, Barry Ruddick, Mathias Lia Carlsen, Curtis Hays Whitson
Nano-surfactant Packages for Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery in Hydraulic Fracturing- Impact on the Nano-sizers on the Performance of Conventional Surfactants
Sarkis Kakadjian, Amanda Flowers, Jarrett Kitchen, Amanuel Gebrekirstos, Kristopher Boyd, Otman Algadi
Nanoindentation on Fluid-altered Shale and Implications for Proppant Embedment
Qingyun Li, Cormac Killeen, Jason Trelewicz, Wei Xiong
New Rapid Solutions for Production Analysis From Multi Transverse Fracture Wells
Ismail S. Mohamed, Venkata Bala Krishnateja Chavali, Michael J. King
Novel High-pressure-High-temperature Setup for Surfactant-assisted Spontaneous Imbibition
Mohammad H. Elkady, Isaiah Z. Ataceri, David Schechter
Oil and Gas Generation, Migration, Production Prediction, and Reservoir Characterization of Northern Denver Basin: Implication From the Total Petroleum Systems
Mohammad ‘Wahid’ Rahman, Mathew Fox, Darrell Kramer, Chris Mullen
Oil Recovery Performance and Asphaltene Deposition Evaluation of Miscible and Immiscible Carbon Dioxide or Nitrogen Huff-n-Puff Processes in Shale Reservoirs
Mukhtar Elturki, Abdulmohsin Imqam, Shari Dunn-Norman, Hasan Shaglouf, Ahmed Kablan
Operational Application of Chow Pressure Group Methodology in the Midland Basin and Resulting Development Impact
Zachary Petter, Carl Warren, Raul Paz, Jamie Bacon, Alaina Carter, Bailey Stang, M D. Rincones
Optimal Treatment and Reuse of Flowback and Produced Water: Selective Removal of Problematic Cations for Stability of Friction Reducers
Yanze Zhang, Wajid Ali, Chunqing Jiang, Hassan Dehghanpour
Optimization Method for Fracture-Network Design Under Transient and Pseudosteady Condition Using UFD Technique and Deep Learning Approach
Junlei Wang, Yunsheng Wei, Yuewei Pan, Wei Yu
Optimization of the Proppant Placement Through the Perforations in Multistage Hydraulic Fracturing: A Laboratory-scale Experimental Investigation
Nadia Mouedden, Aimen Laalam, Harry Feilen
Optimizing Completion Design to Improve Near-wellbore and Far-field Cluster Efficiency: Leveraging Downhole Data and Calibrated Physics-based Models
Deepen Gala, Piyush Pankaj, Jake Kamps, Jenny Ryu, Nancy Choi, Min Zhang, Mukul M. Sharma
Optimizing Completions by Enhancing Near-field Connectivity and Mitigating Stress Shadowing in Real-time via Acoustic Based Workflow
Muhammad Khan, Jim Alsup, Nathan Crawford, Josh Kroschel
Optimizing Development of Stacked Reservoirs and Identifying Depleted Reservoir Intervals Using Geochemical Data
Jana Bachleda, Kelsey Call, Doug Hardman, Eli Montoya, Muqing Jin, Jiang Wu, Faye Liu
Optimizing Field Development Across Northern Delaware Basin for the Wolfcamp C
M. D. Rincones, I. Perez, J. Dark, A. Dutta, A. Wilkinson, Y. Wang, S. Bey, J. Hanzel, B. Biurchieva, P. Hoang
Optimizing Production Potential of Unconventional Oil and Gas Wells: Insights From Statistical and Machine Learning Analysis of Well Spacing, Sequencing, and Landing Zone TVD Across Eleven North American Plays
Harpreet Singh, Chengxi Li, Peng Cheng, Huailiang Liu
Optimizing Shale Infill Development with AI: Child Well Meta Models
Charles Connell, Kyle LaMotta, Nitin Chaudhary, Mickey Friedrich
Physics Informed Data-driven Models for Discovery of Flow Physics and Forecasts in Unconventional Reservoirs
Hardikkumar Zalavadia, Utkarsh Sinha, Prithvi Singh, Zhenyu Guo, Sathish Sankaran
Physics-based and Data-driven Production Forecasting in Eagle Ford Shale
Wardana Saputra, Tadeusz W. Patzek, Carlos Torres-Verdin
Poroelastic Prediction of Matrix Compressibility and Pressure Dependent Permeability: Impact on Simulated Recovery Factors in Permian Basin Resource Rocks, USA
Brian Crawford, Michael Cronin, Olabode Ijasan, Mathilde Luycx, Darren McLendon, Shreerang Chhatre
Precise Determination of Reservoir Fluids in Jurassic Kerogen From Pressurized Cores: Challenges to Success
Kim Long Nguyen, Rasha Al Morakhi, Mohammed Dasma, Mahmoud F. Shehab El Dein, Nami Al-Mutairi, Naveen Verma, Riyad Quttainah, Jason Ashby, Charlie Verret, Chris Rilling, Joe Ramoin, Jonathan Antia, David Wunsch, Tobias Rothenwänder, Erik Anders, Tobias Deutrich, Pritish Mukherjee, Mohamed Janem
Predicting Facies Controls on Well Performance, Lea County NM
Michael Maler, Jason Eleson, Andrew Lewis
Predicting Facies, Rock, and Geomechanical Properties Using Convolutional Neural Networks: A Case Study From an Unconventional Shale Reservoir
Ted Holden, Ruth Kurian, Mohammed Ibrahim, Daniel Hampson, Jonathan Downton
Predicting Hydrocarbon Production Behavior in Heterogeneous Reservoir Utilizing Deep Learning Models
Fatick Nath, Sarker Asish, Happy R. Debi, Mohammed Omar S Chowdhury, Zackary J. Zamora, Sergio Muñoz
Pressure Buildup Interpretation in Unconventional Wells
Jorge A. Acuña
Producible Fluid Oil and Biogenic Gas Saturations of the Upper Cretaceous Unconventional Carbonate Plays, Northern Arabian Plate of Turkey
Samil Sen, Berat Barslan
Production Sweet Spots of Eight US Shale Plays Constrained by Data Analytics of Normalized Production Index, Payzone Depth, and Initial GOR
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Palash Panja, Milind Deo
PVT Correlations for Unconventional Reservoir Fluids — Bridging Lab and Field Applications
Michael B. Cronin, Edward C. Wanat, Thomas A. Blasingame
Quantifying Variability in Hydraulic Fracture Geometry Using Stage-by-Stage ISIP Analysis in Geomechanically Heterogeneous Rocks
Erfan Sarvaramini
Quantitative Analysis of HFTS-2 Completion Designs Using Cross-well Strain Measurement
Joseph Mjehovich, Aishwarya Srinivasan, Wen Wang, Kan Wu, Ge Jin
Reactive Transport Modeling of Anthropogenic Carbon Mineralization in Stacked Columbia River Basalt Reservoirs
Ruoshi Cao, Katherine A. Muller, Quin R.S. Miller, Mark D. White, Diana H. Bacon, H. Todd Schaef
Recent Advances and New Insights of Fiber Optic Techniques in Fracture Diagnostics Used for Unconventional Reservoirs
Fatick Nath, S M Shamsul Hoque, Md. Nahin Mahmood
Reducing Methane Emissions: Implementing Data Science Informed Operation and Maintenance Work Practices Using Continuous Monitoring Technology
Kathleen Jenkins, Carol A. Brereton, Alex MacGregor, Andrew Walsh, Nick Goodman
Reexamining In-situ Stress Interpretation Using Laboratory Hydraulic Fracturing Experiments
Zhi Ye, Ahmad Ghassemi
Refrac and Re-complete Whole History in the North Dakota: Determining Detailed Type and Sub-type of Refrac and Incremental Production
Tim Leshchyshyn, Angela Vande, Robert Barba, Brad Leshchyshyn, Hudson Pastuszko, Jasmine Singer, Angelina Pastuszko
Remote Monitoring of Stage Performance from Zonal Returns of Nanoparticle Tracers Integrated in Shaped Charges Liners to Surface with Flowback
Ting Roy, Kamel Ben Naceur, Casey Harrison, James Shelton, Aaron Hall, Holden Harrison, Ian Henkes, Kenny Jones, Otman Algadi, Hifzi Ardic, Christian Wilkinson, Indranil Roy
Reservoir Mechanisms of Unconventional Gas Injection EOR; Insights From Field Trials in the Eagle Ford
David E. Haddad, Hui Long, Rachana Agrawal, Harish T. Kumar
Reservoir Modeling in Tight Rocks Using Computational Stratigraphy to Capture Stratigraphic Architecture and Heterogeneity: Examples From the Wolfcamp of the Delaware Basin
Shahzad Khan, Ryan D. Wilson, Tao Sun, Lewis Li
Restricting Adverse Fracture Driven Interactions Through Completion Optimization and Active Guidance: Case Studies From the Southern Delaware Basin
Katura Brady, Brian Atwell, Joseph Becerril, Tom Johnston, Kevin Wutherich
Revealing the Production Drivers for Refracs in the Williston Basin
Alexander Cui, Tim Gilbertson, Dillon Niederhut
RGNet for Multi-well Forecasting in Unconventional Reservoirs
Zhenyu Guo, Sathish Sankaran, Ying Li
Rock and Fluid-based Correlation to Describe Surfactant Molecular Structure's Impact on Spontaneous Imbibition Experiments' Performance
Abhishek Sarmah, Isaiah Z. Ataceri, Rohan Vijapurapu, Jingjing Zhang, Hadi Nasrabadi, David Schechter
Rock Fabric Not Principal Stress Dictates SRV: The Story of How a ~70 Year Old Discounted Data Point Still Plagues Our Industry and How True Triaxial Testing Finally Confirms It
Giovanni Grasselli, Matthew G. Adams, Aly Abdelaziz
Rock Thin-section Analysis and Mineral Detection Utilizing Deep Learning Approach
Fatick Nath, Sarker Asish, Shaon Sutradhar, Zhiyang Li, Nazmul Shahadat, Happy R. Debi, S M Shamsul Hoque
Screening and Ranking of Refractured Well Candidates: Insights From Performance Analysis of 14 Unconventional Plays Using Machine Learning Approach
Cesar Velasquez, Hamed Tabatabaie
Simulation of the Seismic Records (DAS) in a Borehole Throughout CO2 Storage Procedures
José Pulido, Yiyu Ni
Simulation of thermal maturity in kerogen type II from the Bakken Shale via anhydrous and hydrous pyrolysis
Thomas Gentzis, Majid Safaei-Farouji, Mehdi Ostadhassan
Single-use Fiber Analysis on Fault-driven Frac Propagation Anomalies in the Midland Basin
Dugan R. Hughes, Jill Thompson
Studies on Influential Factors of Flowback and Productivity of MFHWs and a Field Case in Shale Gas Formations
Guicheng Jing, Zhangxin Chen
Supercritical CO2 and Water Injection Induced Fracturing – Application to Geological Carbon Sequestration
Blessed C.A. Amoah, Son T. Dang, Chandra S. Rai, Carl H. Sondergeld
Surface Compression and PAGL: Increase and Extend Production for Shale Wells
Ozan Sayman, Kelsey Jones, Ryan Hale, Eduardo Pereyra, Cem Sarica
Surfactant EOR Improves Oil Recovery in a Depleted Eagle Ford Unconventional Well - A Case Study
I. Z. Ataceri, I. W. R. Saputra, A. R. Bagareddy, M. H. Elkady, D. S. Schechter, G. W. Haddix, V. A. Brock, K. H. Raney, C. W. Strickland, G. R. Morris
Survival Analysis Predicts Flow Regime Changes for Permian Basin Tight Oil Wells
Frank Male, Robin Dommisse
System and Method for Automated Detection of Fracture Dependant Interactions
Edgar Dias, Larry Bowden
Tailored Metal Oxide Nanoparticles-Based Fluids in Acid Restimulation Treatments Reverses Long-Term Hydrocarbon Decline: A Pilot Study in Wolfcamp (A) Formation
Panagiotis Dalamarinis, Amr Radwan, Raja Ramanathan, Abdulaziz Ellafi, Suman Khanal
The Application of the Lognormal Cumulative Distribution Function (LCDF) for Time-rate Interpretation and Forecasting of Wells in Unconventional Reservoirs
David Waters, Eric Bryan, Dave Symmons, Dilhan Ilk, Thomas A. Blasingame
The Effect of Variations of Fluid Pressure in Natural Fractures on the Geometry of Fracture Networks and Well Productivity
Meng Cao, Mukul M. Sharma
The Impact of Thermal Maturity on the Organic-Rich Shales Properties: A Case Study in Bakken
Mohamed Lamine Malki, Vamegh Rasouli, Mohamed Mehana, Ilyas Mellal, Mohammad Reza Saberi, Billel Sennaoui, Hichem A. K. Chellal
Time-lapse Produced Water Source Allocation: Characterizing Impact of Fracture-Driven Interaction, Insights on Life-of-Well Water Production Profile and Asset Development Optimization in the Permian Midland Basin
Wei Wang, Wei Wei, Caroline Studnicky, Scott Reed
Unconventional Gas EOR: Recovery Mechanisms and Piloting
Hao Sun, Kelly Krezinski, Johannes Alvarez, Dengen Zhou, Kumar Devesh, Bikai Jin, Wei Wang, Victor Torrealba, Tom Tang, Lin Zuo, Kenneth Griffin, Daniel Emery, Lee (Rusty) Mathis
Unconventional Well Interference Detection Using Physics Informed Data-driven Model
Utkarsh Sinha, Prithvi Singh Chauhan, Hardikkumar Zalavadia, Sathish Sankaran, Clark Chen
Understanding NMR Responses of Different Rock-fluid Components Within Organic-rich Argillaceous Rocks: Comparison Study Across 2, 12, and 23 MHz Spectroscopy
Son T. Dang, Elizabeth G. Krukowski, Michael J. Dick, Dragan Veselinovic, Rafael A. Mendoza, Rayvan Watson, Chandra Rai, Carl Sondergeld
Understanding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Unconventional Well Stacking and Interference
Santiago Rivera, Yongduk Shin
Understanding the Drivers of Parent-child Depletion: A Machine Learning Approach
Dillon Niederhut, Alexander Cui
Understanding the Stratigraphic ‘Big Picture’ By Utilizing Core-calibrated, Wireline Facies: An Example From the Middle Leonard Interval, Midland Basin, West Texas
David L. Carr, H. Scott Hamlin
Understanding Unconventional Reservoirs With an Integrated Physics and Machine Learning Based Methods – Case Studies and Novel Approaches From Tight Gas and Tight Oil Reservoir
Gaurav Sharma, Breandan Gaffney, Jaron Van Dijken, Jim Le, Marshall Doig
Updated Formation Maps Provide Greater Detail for the Stacked Unconventional Plays of the Permian Basin (Midland Basin)
Olga H. Popova, Gary Long
US Tight-Oil Efficiency: A Permian Basin Case Study
Mohammed Althani, Ian Lange
Use of Machine Learning to Predict Maximum Borehole Diameter for Multi-Stage Frac Completions
Murtadha J. AlTammar, Khaqan Khan, Rima T. Alfaraj, Rayan A. Alidi, Khalid M. Alruwaili
Use of Multiphase Flowing Material Balance (FMB) to evaluate Refracs in the Eagle Ford
Steven Young, Trevor Stokes, Mathias Carlsen
Using a Drill Cuttings-based Data Approach to Predict Reservoir Performance for Improved Well Optimization. A Case Study From the Harkey Mills Sand and 2nd Bone Spring Sand, Bone Spring Formation, Lea County, New Mexico, USA
John Speight, Isaac Easow, Guy M. Oliver
Using Disposable Fiber to Monitor Simul-frac Stimulation Fracture Growth
Kim Owens, Hannah Chittenden, Michael Schult, Casey Cox, Kay Warner, Dane
Using NMR to Quantify Mineralization-induced Porosity Changes in Varied Lithologies: IOR and Carbon Storage Applications
Shaina Kelly, Jacob Tielke, Michael Dick, Dragan Veselinovic
Utilizing a Multidisciplinary Approach to Reservoir and Completion Optimization Within the Woodford Shale Play of the Arkoma Basin
Stephen C. Zagurski, Steve Asbill, Christopher M. Smith, Dick Leonard, Juan De la Garza, Tanner Wood, Paul McColgan, Michael Smith, Brad Leonard, Steven Bourgoyne
Utilizing Geochemical, Petrophysical, and Geomechanical Analysis to Optimize Stimulation Design in Pimienta Formation
Douglas J. Betancourt, Claudio Rabe, Omer Iqbal, Jesus P. Salazar, Besmir Hoxha
Validating Conductive Fracture Imaging With Cross-well Strain and Permanent Fiber Optic Flow Profiling
Scott Taylor, Anton Reshetnikov, Anna Nazarova
Water-intake Profile Analysis for the First Ever Polymer Flooding to Heavy Oils on Alaska’s North Slope for Potential of Improved Recovery
Dongmei Wang, Shane Namie, Randy Seright
Y-CALCITE: A Novel Geomimetic Technology for Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid and Proppant Generation in Unconventional Shale Reservoirs
Remigio Ruiz, Augusto N. Varela, Maria M. Messina, Dario G. Robledo, Juan M. Acosta