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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Utah Geological Association
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Cambrian Sequence of the House Range, Utah
Harry E. Wheeler, Grant Steele
Descriptions of Individual Structures
Devonian Rocks of the Confusion Basin and Vicinity
J. T. Donovan
Geology of the Canyon, House and Confusion Ranges, Millard County, Utah: Guidebook to the Geology of Utah Number 6; Frontmatter
Wm. Lee Stokes
Notes on the Mississippian Rocks of the Great Basin with Special Reference to the Confusion Range, Utah
Walter Youngquist
Ordovician Stratigraphy of Central Utah
Lehi Hintze
Pennsylvanian Rocks of the Confusion Range and Vicinity
R. B. Kraetsch, R. L. Jones
Permian System of Millard County, Utah
Graham S. Campbell
Road Logs
Silurian Strata of Western Millard County, Utah
Richard W. Rush
Stratigraphy of the House and Confusion Ranges, Millard County, Utah
Graham S. Campbell
Summary of Previous Geologic Work in the Confusion Range, Utah
Lewis F. Wells
A Summary of the Structural History of the Great Basin Province in Utah and Eastern Nevada
F. W. Christiansen
A Summary of the Structure and Stratigraphy of the Canyon Range
F. W. Christiansen
Triassic Beds of the Confusion Range, West Central Utah
Edward J. Zeller