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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Utah Geological Association

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Afton Anticline, Lincoln County, Wyoming

George I. W. Long

Bibliography: Utah-Idaho Thrust Belt

Big Elk Mountain Anticline: Bonneville County, Idaho

Frank Neighbor

Characteristics of the Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah

Ralph W. Imlay

Geology of Sheep Creek Anticline: Bear Lake County, Idaho

Milton Zeni

Geology of the North Dry Valley Structure: Caribou County, Idaho

Jack C. Young

Guide to the Geology of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho; Frontmatter

Historical Introduction

C. Gregory Crampton

Horseshoe Creek Area: Teton County, Idaho

H. H. Heikkila

Mississippian Stratigraphy in the Utah-Idaho-Wyoming Area

F. D. Holland Jr.

The Ordovician System in Northeastern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Reuben J. Ross Jr.

Pennsylvanian and Permian Rocks

J. Stewart Williams

Phosphoria Formation in Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming

V. E. McKelvey, R. W. Swanson, R. P. Sheldon

Regional Relationships of Triassic Formations in Eastern Idaho and Adjacent Areas

Bernhard Kummel

Regional Stratigraphy of the Devonian System in Northeastern Utah, Southeastern Idaho, and Western Wyoming

James E. Brooks, John M. Andrichuk

Road Logs

W. Felts, J. Cass, J. E. Heppert, R. G. Alexander, M. Zeni, D. Mecham, L. Wells, A. E. Owen, H. Heikkila, G. G. Anderman, W. A. Fowler, A. J. Eardley, J. F. Partridge Jr., H. O. Woodbury, W. E. West Jr.

Silurian Rocks of Southeastern Idaho and Adjacent Territory

Wm. Lee Stokes

Summary of Paleozoic and Mesozoic Stratigraphy

Wm. Lee Stokes

Summary of the Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Southeastern Idaho and Western Wyoming

Carl A. Moritz

Tectonic Map of Northern Utah, Southeastern Idaho, and Western Wyoming

A. J. Eardley, G. K. Brasher

Tertiary Stratigraphy of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Neal Smith

Upper Cambrian Formations in Northern Utah and Southeastern Idaho

Alvin M. Hanson