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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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The Canadian (Lower Ordovician) El Paso Group of the Southern Franklin Mountains, El Paso County, Texas
David V. LeMone
Cenozoic Rocks in the Mesilla and Hueco Bolsons
William S. Strain
Cerro De Muleros (Cerro de Cristo Rey)
William S. Strain
Frontmatter: TOC, Road Logs, Back pocket Maps, West Texas Geological Society Guidebook: Delaware Basin Exploration
Karl W. Klement, Ed H. McGlasson, Kenneth O. Seewald, W. N. McAnulty, David V. LeMone, William S. Strain
Geology of the Carlsbad Caverns
Neal R. Bullington
Juarez Mountains
Diego A. Cordoba
Log Evaluation and Wireline Operations In The Delaware Basin
G. F. Horst, D. A. Wilson
Magnetic Investigations in the Delaware Basin
Nelson C. Steenland
Pennsylvanian and lower Permian Stratigraphy, Hueco Mountains, Texas
Kenneth O. Seewald
Precambrian Rocks of the Fusselman Canyon Area Franklin Mountains, Texas
W. N. McAnulty, Jr.
Sedimentation and Paleography of the El Paso Group
F. J. Lucia
The Siluro-Devonian of West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
E. H. McGlasson
Summary of Geophysical Exploration in the Delaware Basin
S. T. Miller
Surface Evidence of Deep Structure in the Delaware Basin
William V. Trollinger