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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Chaos in El Paso?
R. K. Goldhammer, Daniel J. Lehrmann
Characterization and Categorization of West Texas Ellenburger Reservoirs
Mark H. Holtz, Charles Kerans
Compactional Features in Lower Ordovician Carbonates: Occurrence, Preservation, and Quantitative Assessment
R. K. Goldhammer
Facies Architecture, Cyclic and Sequence Stratigraphy: The Lower Ordovician El Paso Group, West Texas
R. K. Goldhammer
Front Matter: Precambrian-Devonian Geology of the Franklin Mountains, West Texas – Analogs for Exploration and Production in Ordovician and Silurian Karsted Reservoirs in the Permian Basin
Emily L. Stoudt
Lower Paleozoic Cavern Development, Collapse, and Dolomitization, Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas
F. Jerry Lucia
Origin and Recognition of Fractures, Breccias, and Sediment Fills in Paleocave-Reservoir Networks
Robert G. Loucks, C. Robertson Handford
Precambrian Rocks of the Central Franklin Mountains, El Paso County, Texas
David V. LeMone
Pulchrilamina, the Early Ordovician Labechiid Stromatoporoid and the El Paso Group Bioherms
David V. LeMone
Reservoir Heterogeneity in Karst-Related Reservoirs: Lower Ordovician Ellenburger Group, West Texas
U. Hammes, F. J. Lucia, C. Kerans
Structural and Fracture Implications of Franklin Mountains Collapse Brecciation
F. Jerry Lucia
The Tobosa Basin-Related Stratigraphy of the Franklin Mountains, Texas and New Mexico
David V. LeMone