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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Abstract: An Integrated Reservoir Characterization Study of the Upper Blinebry Interval, South Justis Unit, Lea County, New Mexico
James J. Reeves, Hoxie Smith
Abstract: Corrigan-Cowden - Breathing New Life into an Old Waterflood
David J. Entzminger, Kevin Ferdinand, Dan Lawson, Bob Loucks, Paul Mescher, Kim Patty
Abstract: Defining (MPR) Minimum Productive Resistivity in a Complex Carbonate Reservoir
D. K. Davies, C. C. Segrest
Abstract: High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy on a Geologic Workstation: Hunting for Sub-Seismic Resolution Features in Mature Basins
William C. Ross
Abstract: Petroleum Systems in Late Paleozoic Elevator Basins, Southern Ancestral Rocky Mountains
Ronald F. Broadhead
Abstract: Stratigraphic Styles of the Drinkard (Leonardian Trend on the Northwest Shelf, Lea County, New Mexico): Finding Oil in a Mature Area
Robert L. Martin, Michael A. Raines, Roger M. Cole
Correlative Subsurface Database for the Atoka and Morrow Formations and underlying Mississippian Barnett Shale of Southeastern New Mexico
John E. Roberts, Kevin M. Kohles
Environment of Deposition Modeling From Rock/Log Model Approach
C. C. Segrest, D. K. Davies
Fish Hook Structure, Southeastern Marathon Uplift, Brewster County, Texas
Patrick J. Shannon
Front Matter: The Permian Basin: Providing Energy For America: West Texas Geological Society
D. T. Grace, G. D. Hinterlong
Geologic Model of a Highly Compartmentalized Reservoir: The Devonian Thirtyone Formation, University Block 9 Field
Steve Weiner, Jeff Heyer
Geothermal Energy Overview and Deep Permeable Strata Geothermal Energy (DPSGE) Resources in The Permian Basin
D. B. Swift, R. Erdlac, Jr.
Glacio-Eustatic Sea Level Fluctuations and the Formation of Pennsylvanian Age Carbonate Reservoirs in the Permian Basin of West Texas
Al Reid, Sue Tomlinson Reid
Holocene Subtidal Dolomitization in Belize: A New Paradigm for Dolomites and Syndepositional Dolomitization in Some Permian Basin Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
S. J. Mazzullo, Chellie S. Teal, Brian W. Wilhite, William D. Bischoff
Ice Cores and Global Warming
D. B. Swift, R. Erdlac, Jr.
Munn Formation (Permian, Guadalupian): A Grayburg/Queen Formation Outcrop Equivalent Apache Mountains, West Texas
Robert F. Lindsay, Alvin H. Smith, Robert C. Trentham, Robert F. Ward
Petrophysical Indicators of Chalky Porosity and Low Permeability in Basin and Slope Clearfork Limestones in the Western Midland, Basin
G. B. Asquith, Peter Lufholm
Preliminary Study On The Late Paleozoic Tectonic and Stratigraphic History at Wilshire Field, Central Upton County, Southwestern Midland Basin, West Texas
Po-Ching Tai, Steven L. Dorobek
Regional Paleo-Geography and Geology of the Southern Midcontinent
William McBee, Jr.
Significance of Intraformational Unconformities in the Morrow Formation of the Permian Basin
Louis J. Mazzullo
SPE 49025: Geostatistical Analysis of Petrophysical Data and Modeling of Fluid-Flow Effects in Carbonate Outcrops
James W. Jennings, Jr., Stephen C. Ruppel, W. Bruce Ward
Stratigraphic Framework and Reservoir Delineation of the McCamey Field (Grayburg-San Andres), Upton County, Texas
Alfred C. Guiseppe, Robert C. Trentham
Using Produced Water Analyses to Evaluate Production Problems and Recompletions in an “Old” Waterflood. Foster - South Cowden Fields, Ector County, Texas.
Robert C. Trentham, Kevin L. Widner