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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

West Texas Geological Society

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Abstract: Application of Integrated Geophysical Methods in a Reservoir Characterization Study of the Upper Blinebry Interval, South Justis Unit, Lea County, New Mexico

James J. Reeves, W. Hoxie Smith

Abstract: Corrigan-Cowden - Breathing New Life into an Old Waterflood

David J. Entzminger, Kevin Ferdinand, Dan Lawson, Bob Loucks, Paul Mescher, Kim Patty

Abstract: Formal Designation: Reef Trail Member, Bell Canyon Formation, and its Significance for Recognition of the Guadalupian-Lopingian Boundary

Garner L. Wilde, Shannon F. Rudine, Lance L. Lambert

Abstract: Is the Ogallala a Geochem Villain?

James Hawkins, Gerry Calhoun

Abstract: Is There a Future for the Domestic Oil and Gas Industry? Some Lessons from the Appalachian and Permian Basins

Arthur J. Pyron

Abstract: Morrow Internet Project: A Public-domain, Map-linked Internet Database for the Delaware Basin Morrow Play

Adam Rewis, Brian S. Brister

Abstract: Petroleum Geology of the McGregor Range, Otero County, New Mexico

Ronald F. Broadhead

Abstract: Slope Fan Deposits of the 2nd Bone Spring Sand, Young North Field, Lea County, New Mexico

Amanda Downing, Jim Mazzullo

Conodonts from the Woodford Formation (Late Devonian) and Adjacent Units, Subsurface West Texas and Eastern New Mexico

Beverly D. Meyer, James E. Barrick

Construction of a Permeability Model Applying the Lucia Characterization Methodology with Non-optimal Data Conditions: West Jordan Unit, San Andres Formation

Victoria L. French, Greg D. Hinterlong

Depositional, Diagenetic, and Production Histories of Chester Ooid Grainstones in the Austin (Upper Mississippian) Field: Lea County, New Mexico

Dean C. Hamilton, G. B. Asquith

Diagenesis of a Late Mississippian Mixed Carbonate-Clastic Sequence from southwestern New Mexico

David J. Sivils, D. B. Johnson

Dynamics of Subsurface Fluid Migration in the Permian Basin

Stephen R. Robichaud

Estimation of Influencing Geological Parameters Effects for Reservoir Description: Case Study of Lower Queen Sandstone Reservoir, Means Field, Andrews County, Texas

Changsu Ryu, Jim M. Mazzulo

Expansion of Gas Reservoir Data Base, Permian Basin, Texas

Shirley P. Dutton, Mark H. Holtz, Thomas A. Tremblay, Helena H. Zirczy

Frameless Reef Reservoirs

Wayne M. Ahr

Frameless Reef Reservoirs

Wayne M. Ahr

Front Matter: The Permian Basin: Proving Ground for Tomorrow’s Technologies: West Texas Geological Society

W. D. DeMis, M. K. Nelis, R. C. Trentham

Interpretation of Depositional Environments of Upper Seven Rivers Formation from Core and Well Logs, Grayburg Jackson Pool, Eddy County, New Mexico

Brian S. Brister, Dana Ulmer-Scholle

Lithofacies, Stacking Patterns, and Depositional Environments of the Permian Queen Formation, Sterling and Glasscock Counties, Texas

James C. Slone, Jim Mazzullo

Lower Permian (Wolfcampian) in the Hueco Mountains; Stratigraphic and Age Relations

J. A. (Toni) Simo, Gregory P. Wahlman, Jen L. Beall, Michelle.L. Stoklosa

Modeling Tectonic Structures by Synthetic Seismic Construction: Comparison with Local Fold and Thrust Front Development in the Permian Basin Province

Richard J. Erdlac, Jr., Douglas B. Swift

Munn Formation (Permian, Guadalupian) Depositional Setting, Facies and Sequence Stratigraphy, Apache Platform, West Texas

Robert F. Lindsay, Robert C. Trentham, Robert F. Ward, Alvin H. Smith

Petrophysical Analysis of “Old” Well Logs in the Phillips Petroleum Company Austin #1 in the Austin Upper Mississippian Field Lea County, New Mexico

G. B. Asquith, Dean C. Hamilton

Porosity Occurrence and Reservoir Characteristics of the Grayburg Formation, Central Basin Platform

Catherine Price, Jim Mazzullo

Preliminary Report on Curved Fractures Near Faults as Related to Fluid Extraction

Richard J. Erdlac, Jr., Richard J. Erdlac

Probabilistic Neural Network Used to Predict Porosity from 3-D Seismic Attributes in Lower Brushy Canyon Formation, southeast New Mexico

Dan J. Leiphart, Bruce S. Hart

Regional Controls on Oil Accumulations, Lower Brushy Canyon Formation, Southeast New Mexico

Ronald F. Broadhead, Heidi A. Justman

Regional Data Analysis to Determine Production Trends Using a Fuzzy Expert Exploration Tool

Robert S. Balch, William W. Weiss, Shaochang Wo, Darren M. Hart

Relationship between Hypogenic Caves and Tectonism in the Guadalupe Mountains, West Texas and New Mexico

Harvey R. DuChene, Kimberley I. Cunningham, Ruben Martinez

Review of Barnhart Field: Ellenburger Group, Ozona Uplift, Reagan County, Texas

Tim Hunt

Source Rock Analysis for the Brushy Canyon Formation, Delaware Basin, Southeastern New Mexico

Heidi A. Justman, Ronald F. Broadhead

Taking a Second Look - An Integrated Reserve Acceleration Project: Puckett Ellenburger Field, Pecos County, Texas

Scott Ingram

Tectonic Model for Late Paleozoic Deformation of the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin Region, West Texas

Po-Ching Tai, Steven L. Dorobek

Tikhonov Linear Inversion of Gravity Data to Determine 3-D Differential Density Distribution - Case Study of Southeast New Mexico and West Texas

Darren Hart