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West Texas Geological Society
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Bronte Field Coke County, Texas
George N. Faulk
Frontmatter, Table of Contents, Road Logs, References: West Texas — San Angelo Geological Societies: Upper Permian to Pliocene — San Angelo Area Field Trip Guidebook
Roy T. Hazzard, Joe Cannon, W. H. Conkling, C. E. Mear, Robert Roth
I. A. B. Menielle-Penn Field: Coke County, Texas
Rod Boane, Charles Muil
Jameson Sand Field: Coke and Sterling Counties, Texas
Don Riddle
McCutchen & West McCutchen Fields: Coke County, Texas
J. B. Jordan
Origin of Siliceous Dockum Conglomerates
Robert Roth
Pictographs at Paint Rock: On Cliffs near Paint Rock, in Concho County, Texas Indians Once Painted Stories and Sermons in Stone to Record Their Lives, Times, and Religions
West Texas-San Angelo Geological Societies
Recent Small-Scale Deformations of Limestone Strata: Concho County, Texas
John C. Osmond, Jr.
Review of the Geology of the Millican-Jameson Area: Northwest Coke County, Texas
W. H. Conkling
Subsurface Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy: West Coke County, Texas
Joe C. Clark
Upper Permian Stratigraphy: Coke County, Texas
Charles E. Mear
Water Valley - Clark Field: Tom Green and Sterling Counties, Texas
Thomas H. Cole, D. V. Yarbrough