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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Depositional History of the Tannehill Sandstone: Explorationist’s Overview
Bernal Reneer
Depositional Sequences and Stratigraphic Revision of the Lake Valley Shelf, Early Mississippian, Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
Thomas De Keyser
Mechanical Implications of the Slide Block Theory, Eastern Delaware Basin, Texas
Robert G. Font, Lisa M. Sayre
Microfacies Analysis of Muleshoe Mound (Early Mississippian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico: A Point-Source Depositional Model Part I
William D. Jackson, Thomas DeKeyser
Microfacies Analysis of Muleshoe Mound (Early Mississippian), Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico: A Point-Source Depositional Model Part II
William D. Jackson, Thomas DeKeyser
Pennsylvanian Depositional Systems of the Eastern Shelf, North-Central Texas: A Review
Jane C. Mueller
Reservoir and Clay Mineral Trends in the Morrow Formation, Southeastern New Mexico
Louis J. Mazzullo
Structural Evolution of the Chihuahua Tectonic Belt, Trans-Pecos, Texas*
T.B. Berge
Wrench Faulting and Lineaments in the Val Verde Basin*
G. Pat Bolden