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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Computer Applications in a Reservoir Description Project: The Nolley Wolfcamp Unit, Andrews and Gaines Counties, Texas
Nancy Mesoloras
Depositional Environments and Petroleum Geology of the San Angelo Formation - Tom Green and Irion County, Texas
Mike Walsh
Depositional Environments and Petroleum Geology of the San Angelo Formation - Tom Green and Irion County, Texas
Mike Walsh
Exploration: Microcomputer Graphics and Database Management
Reginald L. Lyle, Dale E. Pond
Hazel Formation, West Texas: A Precambrian Arid Region Alluvial Fan System: Part 1 — Fan Environments
Jeffrey C. Reid
Hazel Formation, West Texas: A Precambrian Arid Region Alluvial Fan System: Part 2 — Depositional Trends, Facies, and Depositional Model; and Reinterpretation of the Stratigraphic Relationship between the Hazel and Allamoore Formations
Jeffrey C. Reid
Significant Oil and Gas Wells in the Permian Basin - 1987*
Charles F. Garvey, John F. Bourke, Donald G. Burdick, Scott Dufford, Bill A. Schaefer, Jr., Thomas J. Turmelle, Roger J. Wetz
The White Hills of the Davis Mountain Volcanic Field, Texas: Tertiary Lacustrine or Cretaceous Marine Origin?
William H. Murley