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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Cave Pearls and Pisoliths: A Sedimentological Comparison
Carol A. Hill
Close Infill Drilling Through Mine Access Allows Enhanced Recovery
Maynard F. Ayler
The Highly Radioactive Gamma Ray Spike of the Post-Fusselman Flooding Surface in Far West Texas and South-Central New Mexico
W.M. Colleary, D.V. LeMone, John Warme, James Crafton, J.T. Farraro
Oil Production From Volcanic Rocks of the Balcones Fault Region
Gary L. Sandlin
Origin of Petroleum in the Southern Permian Basin
John M. Hills
Origin of Surface Structures at Yates Field: Relation to Deep Structure, Salt Tectonics, and Fluid Migration
Gregory R. Wessel