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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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The Comparative Sedimentological Approach to Dry Hole Drilling
S.J. Mazzullo
Depositional Regimes and Reservoir Characteristics of the Brushy Canyon Sandstones, East Livingston Ridge Delaware Field Lea County, New Mexico.
Markus D. Thomerson, Lee E. Catalano
Geology of the Delaware Basin Guadalupe, Apache, and Glass Mountains New Mexico and West Texas
Carol A. Hill
Ochoa as a Lithostratigraphic Unit, Not a Chronostratigraphic Unit of the Permian
Spencer G. Lucas, Orin J. Anderson
Petroleum Source Rocks in Estancia Basin, Central New Mexico
Ronald F. Broadhead
Stratigraphic Constraints on the Origin of Brushy Canyon Sandstones
C. Kerans, W. M. Fitchen