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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
West Texas Geological Society
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Integrated Exploration Technology Applications for Independent Companies: Transferable Tool for Increasing Competitiveness
Jim Viellenave, John Fontana, Arthur J. Pyron
Origins of Ground Water Discharging at the Springs of Balmorhea
John I. LaFave, John M. Sharp, Jr.
Origins of Ground Water Discharging at the Springs of Balmorhea (Part II)
John I. LaFave, John M. Sharp, Jr.
The Story of Texon I-B, Located in the Big Lake Oil Field in Reagan County, Texas, from the Perspective of a Humble Oil Scout
The Name of Walter Collins
The World of Petroleum Before the Drake Well in 1859
William R. Brice
The World of Petroleum Before the Drake Well in 1859: Part II
William R. Brice