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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association

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Bentonite Resources in the Eastern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Claudia A. Wolfbauer

Coal Mining in the Bighorn Coal Basin of Wyoming

Gary B. Glass, Katherine Westervelt, Charles G. Oviatt

A Comparison of Experimentally Created and Naturally Formed Drape Folds

David W. Stearns, David M. Weinberg

The Copper-Bearing Meadow Creek Granodiorite, Upper Wood River Area, Park County, Wyoming

William H. Wilson

Detachment Faulting in Volcanic Rocks, Wood River Area, Park County, Wyoming

William H. Wilson

Discovery of Silver Tip South Field, Park County, Wyoming

Donald S. Stone

Fenestral Fabric in Permian Carbonates of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Donald W. Boyd

Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Sunlight District, Park County, Wyoming

M. H. Bergendahl

Geology and Mineral Resources of the Bighorn Basin; 27th Annual Field Conference Guidebook

Frank A. Exum, Gene R. George

Grass Creek Coal Field, Hot Springs County, Wyoming

Wallace W. Stewart

Laramide Basement Deformation in the Bighorn Basin — The Controlling Factor for Structures in the Layered Rocks

D. W. Stearns

Lower Upper Cretaceous Strata, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana

E. A. Merewether, W. A. Cobban, Robert T. Ryder

Modern Seismic Techniques — A New Dimension in Exploration

John F. Partridge

New Information Concerning the Geomorphic Evolution of the Bighorn Basin

Dale F. Ritter

Organic Carbon in Shale Beds of the Permian Phosphoria Formation of Eastern Idaho and Adjacent States — A Summary Report

Edwin K. Maughan

Origin of and Conditions for Shallow Accumulations of Natural Gas

Dudley D. Rice

Paleocene and Lower Eocene Rocks in the Sand Creek — No Water Creek Area, Washakie County, Wyoming

Thomas M. Bown

Paleoenvironmental Analysis of the Upper Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Northwestern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

Charles T. Siemers

A Paleomagnetic Study of Basalt Flows from the Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming

Edward F. Pruss

Principal Features of the Heart Mountain Fault and the Mechanism Problem

William G. Pierce

Quaternary Geology of the Wood River Area, Wyoming

Roy M. Breckenridge

Recent Drilling in the Line Creek Area of Wyoming and Montana

Wallace W. Stewart

Stratigraphic Sections of the Madison Limestone and Amsden Formation, West Flank of the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

William J. Sando

Structural Interpretation of Terry Field, Park County, Wyoming

Robert E. Wellborn

Tensleep Fault Trap, Cottonwood Creek Field, Washakie County, Wyoming

John J. Pedry

Tensleep Sandstone Stratigraphic-Hydrodynamic Traps, Northeast Bighorn Basin, Wyoming

John J. Pedry

Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary Rocks, Northern Part of Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana

Bayard D. Rea, James A. Barlow Jr.

Willow Draw Field, Park County, Wyoming: A New Approach in an Old Area

Kenneth C. Wardwell