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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association

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The Antelope Arch of the Great Divide Basin, Fremont and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming

Robert E. Wellborn, John P. Wold

An Appraisal of High Pressure Air Injection (HPAI) or In-Situ Combustion Results from Deep, High-Temperature, High-Gravity Oil Reservoirs

A. Erickson, J. R. Legerski Sr., F. V. Steece

Burial and Temperature History of Gas Generation from Coaly Organic Matter in the Late Cretaceous Mesaverde Formation and Associated Rocks in the Deeper Portions of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming

C. E. Barker, B. L. Crysdale

Changing Ideologies in Wyoming Coal Petrography

Jane C. Shearer

Cyclic CO2 Injection for Heavy-Oil Recovery in Halfmoon Field: Laboratory Evaluation and Pilot Performance

Steve Olenick, F. A. Schroeder, H. K. Haines, T. G. Monger-McClure

Diagenesis and Overpressuring in the Almond Sandstones, Mesaverde Group

Peigui Yin, Ronald C. Surdam

Interpretation of the Piney Creek Thrust and Oil Exploration

Robert F. Hudson

Jubilee Anniversary Field Conference Guidebook: Wyoming Geology, Past, Present, and Future

Betty Stroock, Sam Andrew

Low-Permeability Rocks, Capillary Seals, and Pressure Compartment Boundaries in the Cretaceous Section of the Powder River Basin

Zun Sheng Jiao, Ronald C. Surdam

Mechanisms of Petroleum Generation from Coal, as Evidenced from Petrographic and Geochemical Studies: Examples from Almond Formation Coals in the Greater Green River Basin

Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, Donald B. MacGowan, Ronald C. Surdam

Normally Pressured vs. Abnormally Pressured Compartments in Sandstones in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: A Comparative Study of the Muddy Sandstone and the Minnelusa Formation

Donald B. MacGowan, Zun S. Jiao, Ronald C. Surdam, Francis P. Miknis

North Fork, Sherwood and Cottonwood Creek—An Anatomy of Oil Finding

John M. Parker

Petrographic Differentiation of Fluvial and Tidally Influenced Estuarine Channels in Second Frontier Sandstones, Moxa Arch Area, Wyoming

S. A. Stonecipher, R. P. Diedrich

Preliminary Report on the Geology, Geochemistry, Mineralization, and Mining History of the Seminoe Mountains Mining District, Carbon County, Wyoming

W. Dan Hausel

Sequence Analyses of North Grieve and Sun Ranch Fields, Eastern Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Charles Pritchard

Simulation of Hydrocarbon Source Rock Maturation by Hydrous Pyrolysis

Peigui Yin, Ronald C. Surdam, Steven W. Boese, Donald B. MacGowan, Francis P. Miknis

Structural Interpretations of the Rocky Mountain Foreland: Past, Present, and Future

James J. Willis, William G. Brown

Table Rock-Delaney Rim Field Lewis Production — Base of Slope Turbidite Reservoirs

Lee Robinson

Timing of Hydrocarbon Generation, Organic-Inorganic Diagenesis, and the Formation of Abnormally Pressured Gas Compartments in the Cretaceous of the Greater Green River Basin: A Geochemical Model

Donald B. MacGowan, Mario Garci-Gonzalez, Douglas R. Britton, Ronald C. Surdam

Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources and Leasing Status of Forest Lands in Wyoming

Melody R. Holm, Richard B. Powers, Gordon L. Dolton, Ben E. Law, James E. Fox, John S. Dersch

The Wind River Range, Wyoming: An Overview

D. L. Blackstone Jr.