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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association

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Coal Fields and Coal Beds of Wyoming

Gary B. Glass, Richard W. Jones

The Diamond Resources of the Colorado-Wyoming State Line District: Kimberlite Indicator Mineral Chemistry as a Guide to Economic Potential

M. E. McCallum, Michael A. Waldman

Fe-Ti Oxide Deposits of the Laramie Anorthosite Complex: Their Geology and Proposed Economic Utilization

B. Ronald Frost, John P. Simons

Gold Concentrations Hosted in Coal — An Exploration Model

Gordon Marlatt, David Spatz

Guide to Dia Met Minerals Diamond Recovery Plant Near Sloan Ranch, Colorado

Michael A. Waldman

Industrial Minerals and Construction Materials of Wyoming

Ray E. Harris

The International Archive of Economic Geology Anaconda Collection

Daniel N. Miller Jr.

Metal Deposits of Wyoming — A Review

W. Dan Hausel, Paul J. Graff

Metal Mineralization at the Laney Shale Member/Bridger Formation Boundary, Green River Basin, Wyoming

Gordon Marlatt

Mineral Resources of Wyoming; 42nd Annual Field Conference Guidebook

B. Ronald Frost, Sheila Roberts

Natural Zeolites in Wyoming: A Potential Resource

Ray E. Harris, Jon K. King

Northern Medicine Bow Mountains Geologic Summary

Robert S. Houston, Paul J. Graff

Platinum-Gold and Vanadiferous Magnetitie Mineralization in the Early Proterozoic Lake Owen Layered Mafic Intrusion, Medicine Bow Mountains, Wyoming: Abstract

Robert R. Loucks

Potential for Hydrothermal Platinum Mineralization in the Western Wyoming Overthrust Belt: Abstract

Paul J. Lechler

Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium in Wyoming — From Oddities to Resources

Jon K. King, W. Dan Hausel

The Sloan 1 and 2 Kimberlite Complex Near the Southern Boundary of the State Line District of the Colorado-Wyoming Kimberlite Province

M. E. McCallum

A Summary of Uranium Production in Wyoming

William L. Chenoweth

The Sundance Gold Deposit in the Bear Lodge Mountains of Northeastern Wyoming

Gregory A. Hahn, Charles F. Bauer

Wyoming Trona: An Overview of the Geology and Economic Utilization

R. Terry Leigh