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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association

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Afton Anticline, Lincoln County, Wyoming

George I. W. Long

Annotations to Accompany Cretaceous Correlation Chart

Lyle A. Hale

Areal Geologic and Structural Interpretation Map of an Area in Sublette County, Wyoming

D. W. Bergman

Bridger Formation in the Bridger Basin, Wyoming

Karl J. Koenig

A Brief Summary of the Stratigraphy of the Almond and Lewis Formations of the Washakie Basin Sweetwater County, Wyoming

W. Charles Heppe

The Cambrian Section of Western Wyoming

Christina Lochman-Balk

Catalog of Formation Names for Overthrust Belt and Vicinity, Western Wyoming

Arthur G. Randall

Correlation of Tertiary Units in Southwestern Wyoming

Paul O. McGrew, Henry W. Roehler

Early Oil Exploration in Uinta County

A. C. Veatch

Economic Report on The Kemmerer Coal Field

Don H. Townsend

Frontier Formation — Coalville, Utah and Nearby Areas of Wyoming and Colorado

Lyle A. Hale

Geology of a Portion of the Northern Snake River Range, Bonneville County, Idaho

G. W. Hinds, W. E. Andrau

Geology of the Northern Wyoming Range, Wyoming

A. R. Ross, J. W. St. John

Green River Mineralogy — A Historical Account

Charles Milton, Joseph J. Fahey

Hogsback and Tip Top Units, Sublette and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming

Robert H. Michael

AN Interpretation of the Hilliard Thrust Fault, Lincoln and Sublette Counties, Wyoming

Floyd E. Murray

Occurrence and Quality of Water in the Northern Bridger Basin and the Adjacent Overthrust Belt, Wyoming

Ellis D. Gordon, Norman J. King, George L. Haynes Jr., T. R. Cummings

Occurrence of Natural Gas in the Western Part of Green River Basin

Max L. Krueger

Ordovician Tectonics of Western Wyoming and Vicinity

Lehi F. Hintze

Overthrust Belt of Southwestern Wyoming and Adjacent Areas; 15th Annual Field Conference Guidebook

Donald P. McGookey, Daniel N. Miller Jr.

Pennsylvanian Fusulinids and Preliminary Series Correlation in Southwestern Wyoming

George J. Verville, James A. Momper

Phases of Orogeny in the Fold Belt of Western Wyoming and Southeastern Idaho

A. J. Eardley

Precambrian Taconite Deposits Near Atlantic City, Fremont County, Wyoming

Richard W. Bayley

Preliminary Geologic Interpretation, Amerada Petrleum Corporation No. 1 Chicken Creek Unit SW SW Section 30, T. 22N., R. 117W. Lincoln County, Wyoming

M. W. Goering, B. G. Smith

Proposed Kendall Sandstone Member of the Gypsum Spring Formation

Robert E. Skinner

Reconnaissance Photogeology — Cokeville NE Quadrangle, Wyoming

D. H. Elliott

Resume of Precambrian Geology in the Vicinity of the Overthrust Belt of Western Wyoming

Robert E. Cohenour

Resume of Trona Activity in the Green River Basin, Wyoming

H. D. Hand

Sedimentation and Tectonism in the Thrust Belt of Southwestern Montana and East-Central Idaho

Robert Scholten

Stratigraphic Nomenclature Chart for Western Wyoming

J. M. De Long

Stratigraphic Variations in the Eastern Big Hole Mountains, Teton and Bonneville Counties, Idaho

Ralph H. Espach Jr., Frank Royse Jr.

Stratigraphy and Coral Zonation of the Madison Group and Brazer Dolomite in Northeastern Utah, Western Wyoming, and Southwestern Montana

William J. Sando, J. Thomas Dutro Jr.

Stratigraphy and Correlation of the Mesaverde Group and FT. Union Formation, Southern Bridger Basin, Wyoming

Allan R. Hallock

Tectonic Elements of the Northern Green River Area of Wyoming

Robert E. Skinner

Willow Creek Gas Field

Thomas C. Woodward