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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Wyoming Geological Association

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Baxter Basin Gas Fields, Sweetwater County, Wyoming

M. M. Fidlar

Church Buttes Gas Field, Sweetwater and Uinta Counties, Wyoming

M. M. Fidlar

Clay Basin Gas Field, Daggett County, Utah

M. M. Fidlar

Intertonguing of Green River and Wasatch Formations in Part of Sublette and Lincoln Counties, Wyoming

J. H. Donovan

Jurassic Rocks in the Mountains Along the West Side of the Green River Basin

R. W. Imlay

The Kemmerer Coal Field

William S. Hunter Jr.

La Barge Field, T. 26-27N., R. 113 W. Lincoln & Sublette Counties, Wyoming

H. E. Christensen, J. Marshall

Occurrence and Genesis of Trona in Sweetwater and Uinta Counties, Wyoming

P. L. Brown

Paleozoic Rocks on the Southwest Flank of the Wind River Mountains, Near Pinedale, Wyoming

J. D. Love

Physical Aspects of the Green River Basin and Adjacent Mountain Ranges

S. H. Knight

Pleistocene Geology, the Green River Basin, Wyoming

Eliot Blackwelder

Production of Crude Oil in the Green River Basin – by Years

Petroleum Information, Inc.

Snake River Region of Western Wyoming

A. J. Eardley

Snider Basin Area, Sublette County, Wyoming

H. O. Woodbury

Southwest Wyoming; 5th Annual Field Conference Guidebook

John W. Harrison

The Spring Valley, Aspen and Sulphur Creek Fields

C. A. Hauptman

Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Montana Group in the Rock Springs Uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming

Lyle A. Hale

Structural Features of the Green River Basin

M. M. Fidlar

Structure of the North Flank of the Uinta Mountains

Bruce F. Curtis

Summary of the Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Green River Basin, Wyoming

Horace D. Thomas

Tertiary Vertebrate Fossils of the Green River Basin

Paul O. McGrew

Triassic Stratigraphy of the Area Around the Green River Basin, Wyoming

Bernhard Kummel

Wyoming Phosphate Industry

K. L. Cochran