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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 13 (1929)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 459

Last Page: 487

Title: Environment of Pennsylvanian Life in North America

Author(s): Raymond C. Moore (2)


Plentiful paleontologic and stratigraphic testimony affords basis for interpretation of the life environment of Pennsylvanian time in North America. Excepting a peripheral upland on the east and south, from which sediments were mainly derived, most of the lands were a nearly flat plain of alluviation, bearing swamps and temporary lakes. The climate was subtropic, equable, and humid. Evidence from a variety of sources indicates that the epi-continental seas were exceedingly shallow and fluctuating. Causative factors in the distribution and character of the fossil faunas and in the development of observed stratigraphic features are considered. The hypothesis that the Pennsylvanian formations of the Mid-Continent region were laid down in essentially their present structural ttitude is held to be untenable.

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