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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 13 (1929)

Issue: 5. (May)

First Page: 489

Last Page: 507

Title: Sespe Formation, California

Author(s): R. D. Reed (2)


A review of the available data shows that many features of the Sespe formation are in great need of further detailed study. So far as the desert hypothesis for the origin of the formation is concerned, the evidence at hand seems to be almost entirely unfavorable. It is certain that at least a part of the land areas were more thoroughly weathered than they were during later epochs which are known not to have been arid. This degree of weathering suggests warmth and humidity. The basin of deposition may have been less humid, and there is a suggestion that it may have had an alternation of wet and dry seasons. There is little justification, however, for the view that its climate was more than semiarid.

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