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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 14 (1930)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 1507

Last Page: 1513

Title: Simpson of Central Oklahoma

Author(s): T. E. Weirich (2)


Lateral gradation of lithology and southward divergence of strata are distinguishing characteristics of the Simpson formation. Lithologically, the exposed section in the Arbuckle Mountains can not be correlated with the subsurface section southwestward into Stephens County or northeastward into the Seminole district. The section at Oklahoma City can be satisfactorily correlated with that in Creek County with the addition of a "lower Simpson" (pre-Burgen) section not present in Creek County.

Complete erosion in northeastern and southwestern Oklahoma prevents determination of the thickness of the Simpson in these localities. Measurements at the outcrop in the Arbuckle Mountains and from wells drilled in central Oklahoma show that the formation diverges from a thickness of about 200 feet in the vicinity of Arkansas River to 2,400 feet on the southeast rim of the Arbuckle Mountains.

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