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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 16 (1932)

Issue: 9. (September)

First Page: 907

Last Page: 914

Title: Interpretation of Previous HitBottomNext Hit-Previous HitHoleNext Hit Pressures in East Texas Oil Field

Author(s): E. V. Foran (2)


Study of Previous HitbottomNext Hit-Previous HitholeTop pressure in the East Texas oil pool has continued with the development of the field, resulting in the following information about reservoir conditions. The producing horizon is very sensitive to high differentials in reservoir pressure resulting from disproportionate drainage. The water head on the west side of the field can not maintain reservoir pressure properly except under conditions of proportionate and restricted withdrawal. The average well stops flowing when reservoir pressure is less than 800 pounds per square inch. The oil is unsaturated.

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