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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 19 (1935)

Issue: 1. (January)

First Page: 135

Last Page: 135

Title: The Oligocene Problem: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Hubert G. Schenck

Article Type: Meeting abstract


This preliminary report is based upon field and museum investigations in western Europe from August, 1933, to August, 1934. That there are strata situated between beds of late Eocene and early Miocene ages cannot be denied, nor is there any doubt of the succession of the Tongrian, Rupelian, and Chattian stages. Misconceptions regarding the Oligocene are due to incomplete data on the vertical ranges of certain fossils, redefinitions of terms without reinvestigations, changes of facies, and imperfect taxonomic studies. The Aquitanian stage of southern France may well be treated as Upper Oligocene rather than Lower Miocene, and the hypothesis that it is synchronous with the Chattian stage of Germany needs serious consideration.

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