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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The area covered by this paper is located in southeastern Webb and southwestern Duval counties adjacent to the town of Bruni. The original discovery was made by the Cole Petroleum Company in their Benavides No. 4, in Survey 11, in July, 1924, which was completed as a gas well in a sand from 1,700 to 1,705 feet. In 1927 the Killam-Madox Bruni No. 1 in Survey 4 was completed as a gas well in a sand from 2,317 to 2,325 feet. Oil was subsequently discovered in the West Cole field in the same sand.
The discovery, in 1934, of gas by Allen and Morris at 2,950 feet in their Bruni No. 1 and oil in the United Production Company's Bruni No. 1 at 3,417 feet has started the development of the deeper sands.
The four sands now producing are the Cole sand (1,700-foot sand) at the top of the Jackson, the upper Mirando sand (2,300-foot sand at townsite of Bruni) in the lower part of the Textularia hockleyensis zone, the 2,950-foot sand in the Allen and Morris Bruni No. 1 which is near the top of the Yegua and the 3,400-foot sand in the United Production Corporation's Bruni No. 1 which is in the Yegua.
The major structural feature is an anticlinal fold the top of which is on the lines of Survey 5 and 8 about a mile southeast of the town of Bruni on which are located the recent oil wells completed in the 3,400-foot sand. The Cole sand (1,700) production is controlled by lensing and this is apparently the fact in the West Cole field where the upper Mirando sand is producing.
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