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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 20 (1936)

Issue: 2. (February)

First Page: 179

Last Page: 185

Title: Late Recent History of Cote Blanche Salt Dome, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana

Author(s): Donald C. Barton (2)


One of the clearest examples of Previous HitsolutionNext Hit of the salt in the Gulf Coast is given in the late Recent history of Cote Blanche. Prior to the uplift of the present topographic mound, Previous HitsolutionNext Hit (of two salt spines?) produced two deep sink-holes, in which great thickness of late Recent alluvium accumulated. One of the sink-holes was uplifted to form the crest of the present topographic mound and shows no effects of subsequent Previous HitsolutionNext Hit. The activity of Previous HitsolutionTop under the other sink-hole continued after the uplift of the present topographic mound, possibly to the present. Formation of residual cap rock is not recognized, but is not precluded.

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