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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 23 (1939)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 325

Last Page: 338

Title: Stratigraphy of Osage Subseries of Northeastern Oklahoma

Author(s): L. R. Laudon (2)


Detailed stratigraphic sections have been measured throughout the area of exposure of the Osage subseries of the Mississippian series in northeastern Oklahoma. Faunal collections from each of the recognizable zones within the formations have been made throughout the area. The main essentials of the stratigraphy of this series have been outlined by L. M. Cline in his more generalized report on southwester Missouri, northwestern Arkansas, and northeastern Oklahoma. This report is designed to substantiate evidence advanced by Cline and to bring into print a large number of the best exposed sections in the region.

The writer wishes to acknowledge the work of Clarence Brehm and Edward Lane, of Tulsa, in assisting in preparation of the sections; and the work of Lewis M. Cline, of Iowa State College, in field assistance.

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