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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 23 (1939)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: viii

Last Page: viii



Page 1122, Table III. University of Illinois should be included in the list as No. 17 with 42 undergraduates.

Table V: University of Illinois should be included as No. 19 with 76 undergraduates and graduates.

Page 1173, Figure 10: Pruess should be Preuss.

Page 1175, lines 8 and 18: Pruess should be Preuss.

Page 1176, Figure 13, column 3: Pruess should be Preuss.

Page 1235, center headings: Fusion should be Fuson; Minnewasta should be Minnewaste; Minnekata should be Minnekahta.

Page 1453, line 14 from Previous HitbottomNext Hit: "TRIASSIC (38)" belongs at end of line above.

Page 1454: measurements 130, 140, and 60 under "MADISON formation" should be sub-headings under "330 Lower member^hellip"

Page 1472, line 14 from Previous HitbottomTop: "Figure 19" should read Figure 18.

Page 1482:"Axis? (L. S.)" should be deleted from section labelled "Stage 2."

End_of_Article - Last_Page viii------------

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