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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 23 (1939)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1178

Last Page: 1198

Title: Environments of Origin of Previous HitBlackNext Hit Shales

Author(s): W. H. Twenhofel (2)


Explanations of origin are reviewed and environments in which Previous HitblackNext Hit muds are in process of deposition are considered. The causes of blackness are examined and attention is given to diagenetic processes that take place in Previous HitblackNext Hit muds.

It is concluded that colors of Previous HitblackNext Hit muds are due to several components, of which some are developed in diagenesis and others are due to inclusion of organic matter of various kinds. Sediments that are Previous HitblackNext Hit at the time of deposition may have the constituents to which blackness is due eliminated during diagenesis, or following lithification. These produce rocks that are not Previous HitblackNext Hit. It is concluded that Previous HitblackTop muds develop under several environmental conditions, of which some are found in land waters, some in shallow marine waters, and probably some in deep marine waters, and that retention of blackness is dependent upon the extent of micro-organic processes in the muds.

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