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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 28 (1944)

Issue: 7. (July)

First Page: 902

Last Page: 908

Title: Paleontology, Petroleum, and the Search for Oil

Author(s): J. Harlan Johnson (2)


All of us, geologists, geophysicists, or paleontologists, are endeavoring to help win the war by finding new supplies of petroleum. Our task is difficult because in the United States all the easily discovered simple structural accumulations have been found. This paper briefly reviews the field of paleontology as utilized by the oil industry, and the relation of paleontology to petroleum geology and geophysics.

The type of geological problems facing industry in its search for new oil is discussed. To solve these problems much research is needed and a thorough coordination of all personnel, geological, geophysical, and paleontological, into a smooth-working team. The problems of the future are too large and too complicated to be solved by individuals or single methods of attack.

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