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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 29 (1945)

Issue: 4. (April)

First Page: 426

Last Page: 450

Title: Paleogeographic and Palinspastic Maps

Author(s): Marshall Kay (1)


Paleogeographic maps can be prepared to show the distribution of land and sea, geomorphology of the land, depth of the sea, distribution of bottom sediments, directions of currents in water and air, and climatic belts. Isopachous maps present thickness of sediments, and are stratigraphic; their conversion to structural interpretation requires consideration of attendant paleogeography. Paleogeologic maps give further evidence of deformation. Palinspastic maps place rocks in their interpreted positions prior to folding, thrust faulting and flow; paleogeographic and isopachous maps complement structural information in their preparation. Palinspastic base maps of North America for several stages in history are presented; a summary of the controversies respecting major thrust aults emphasizes their subjective nature.

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