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AAPG Bulletin
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At the western end of the Uinta Mountains, Triassic rocks rest unconformably on the Permian Park City formation. From the base upward the Triassic rocks are (1) red Woodside shale, (2) marine Thaynes limestone, (3) Ankareh redbeds, and (4) a conglomerate and overlying sandstones and shales. The conglomerate, sandstones and shales were classed as basal Nugget sandstone, Jurassic, by Boutwell (1912), but were excluded from the Nugget (Navajo) by Heaton (1939), leaving them without a name. The Thaynes thins and tongues out eastward, and east of its edge the Woodside and the Ankareh can not be differentiated.
At the eastern end of the mountains, Woodside redbeds rest on the Pennsylvanian
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Weber sandstone. The lower part of the Woodside is the time equivalent of the upper Park City (Phosphoria). The Woodside is cut by an unconformity, above which lies a conglomerate. The conglomerate was questionably classed as the basal member of the Ankareh by Sears (1926). The upper part of the Ankareh (?) of Sears consists of varicolored shales and sandstones and is directly overlain by the massive Navajo sandstone.
The conglomerate and the overlying varicolored beds are readily recognized from one end of the range to the other and constitute an unnamed lithologic unit which lies unconformably above the type Ankareh and below the restricted Nugget at the western end of the mountains, and unconformably above the Woodside and below the Navajo at the eastern end of the range. This unit is here named the Stanaker formation and the basal conglomerate, or grit, is named the Gartra grit member of the Stanaker formation. They are probably Upper Triassic in age.
The Jurassic formations of the western Uinta Mountains, from base upward are (1) Nugget sandstone, (2) Twin Creek limestone, (3) Preuss redbeds, (4) Stump sandstone, and (5) Morrison formation. Eastward along the mountains (1) the Nugget sandstone persists but is called Navajo to the east, (2) the Twin Creek limestone intertongues with the Carmel redbeds, (3) the Preuss redbeds grade into the cross-bedded Entrada sandstone, (4) the Stump sandstone grades into Curtis shales and limestones, and (5) the Morrison thins and becomes less conglomeratic. At the eastern end of the Uinta Mountains the Carmel redbeds thin out so that the Navajo is directly overlain by the Entrada, forming a single cross-bedded sandstone unit.
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