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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 30 (1946)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1020

Last Page: 1050

Title: Developments in Southeastern States in 1945

Author(s): C. W. Alexander (2)


Despite a low discovery ratio, the southeastern states have completed a year in which all phases of development and exploration have maintained or increased the activity of previous years.

Alabama had a total of 21 wildcats drilled, of which 20 were abandoned and 1 was completed as a gas well of doubtful commercial significance.

Fourteen producers and 4 dry holes were completed in the Gilbertown field, Choctaw County, Alabama. Production from Gilbertown was 186,817 barrels of oil in 1945, as compared with 56,064 barrels in 1944.

Geophysical work in Alabama in 1945 was 1,099 crew weeks, or 265 crew weeks more than during the previous year.

Florida had 14 wildcats drilled and abandoned during the year, while one producer and one dry hole were added in the Sunniland field, Collier County. Production from 2 wells in Sunniland was 27,618 barrels; in 1944 it was 11,832 barrels from 1 well.

A total of 1,416 crew weeks of core-Previous HitdrillNext Hit and geophysical work was accomplished in Florida during 1945, as compared with 1,397 crew weeks in 1944.

Five wildcats were drilled in Georgia in 1945 and all were dry. Geophysical work in 1945 totalled 215 crew weeks, or only 6 weeks more than in 1944.

In Mississippi there were 117 wildcat wells drilled which discovered 5 new fields and 3 salt domes. A total of 234 wells were drilled in established producing areas, adding 190 producers and 44 dry holes. Eleven sulphur tests were drilled.

In 1944 there were 72 wildcats (5 productive, 67 dry), 129 field wells (113 productive, 16 dry), and 51 sulphur tests.

All Mississippi fields produced a total of 19,005,971 barrels of oil and condensate in 1945. Production in 1944 was 16,420,346 barrels.

Geophysical and core-Previous HitdrillTop activity increased from 3,090 crew weeks work in 1944 to 4,209 crew weeks in 1945.

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