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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 31 (1947)

Issue: 8. (August)

First Page: 1491

Last Page: 1499

Title: Previous HitRelationNext Hit of Clay Mineralogy to Origin and Recovery of Petroleum

Author(s): Ralph E. Grim (2)


The clay-mineral concept of the nature of clays and shales is briefly discussed in its Previous HitrelationNext Hit to problems of the origin and recovery of oil and gas.

The character of the clay minerals that make up a sediment is to a considerable degree the result of diagenetic changes in the environment of accumulation. Diagenetic changes suggested by present available data are considered.

The Previous HitrelationTop of various clay minerals to organic material in argillaceous sediments is discussed in the light of evidence which suggests that certain clay minerals under certain conditions are the key factor in the transition of organic matter to petroleum.

The properties of clay minerals are considered as a basis for analyzing the effect of water with dissolved electrolytes, moving through a sand, on any clay in the sand. The characteristics of the clay minerals are believed to be significant factors in the recovery of oil.

Other significant effects of the properties of the various clay minerals are discussed.

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