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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 35 (1951)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 1254

Last Page: 1265

Title: Developments in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico in 1950

Author(s): Harry A. Miller, Jr. (2)


The number of exploratory tests drilled in 1950 exceeded that of the previous year by 69.7 per cent and successful new-field wildcats increased by 32 per cent; development drilling increased by 42 per cent. There were one and one-third times as many pre-Permian discoveries as Permian. Discoveries by seismograph were double those found by subsurface means.

The outstanding developments of the year were reef-limestone exploration, intense Spraberry development in the Midland basin, pre-Permian structural development in the Midland basin, and increased pre-Permian drilling on the northwest shelf area of New Mexico.

It is anticipated that exploratory drilling in the Midland and Delaware basins and the northwest shelf area of New Mexico will continue to increase during 1951.

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