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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 35 (1951)

Issue: 12. (December)

First Page: 2631

Last Page: 2631

Title: A Philosophy of Oil-Finding: ABSTRACT

Author(s): Wallace E. Pratt

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The Previous HitfundamentalsTop of oil-finding include factors other than the commonly recognized essentials of the art of prospecting, such as efficient organization, informed scientific acumen, careful engineering and skilled techniques. In the most effective search for oil there is an element which, however intangible it may be, involves homely and solid virtues. Faith, the venture spirit, persistence and something very like humility in the attitude of the prospector toward the unknown--the unexplored or incompletely explored area--are of the essence of the art. The unknown is our true frontier. Despite nearly 100 years of study, our actual knowledge of the occurrence of oil in the earth's crust is still woefully inadequate. As a guide to our active exploration it serves us admirably But as experience has repeatedly proved, to refrain from venturing because of what we flatter ourselves we know, is often a tragic mistake.

In foreign countries a number of factors combine to retard the search for oil, but in our own country dogma with relation to the occurrence of oil is the most formidable obstacle in the way of the discovery of new oil fields.

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Copyright 1997 American Association of Petroleum Geologists