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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 37 (1953)

Issue: 3. (March)

First Page: 539

Last Page: 548

Title: Introduction to Check List of Japanese Tertiary Marine Mollusca

Author(s): Kotora Hatai (2), Syozo Nisiyama (2)


This paper serves to announce the preparation of an alphabetically arranged check list of figured specimens of Japanese Tertiary marine Mollusca, exclusive of Amphineura. The list is divided into four sections: Pelecypoda, 723 species; Scaphopoda, 11 species; Gastropoda, 742 species; and Cephalopoda, 5 species. Only the introductory pages are presented here, but the complete list has been published in Japan.

The Mollusca of the Tertiary formations of Japan provide no direct evidence for correlation with the currently accepted sequence of European Tertiary stages. An attempt is made here, however, to define the relative position of the chronologic boundaries between the epochs in the Tertiary sequence.

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