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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 37 (1953)

Issue: 11. (November)

First Page: 2614

Last Page: 2614

Title: Search for Uranium in the Western States: ABSTRACT

Author(s): V. E. McKelvey

Article Type: Meeting abstract


The search for uranium in the United States is one of the most intensive ever made for any metal during our history. The number of prospectors and miners involved is difficult to estimate, but some measure of the size of the effort is indicated by the fact that about 500 geologists are employed by government and industry in the work--more than the total number of geologists engaged in the study of all other minerals together except oil.

The largest part of the effort has been concentrated in the western states. No single deposit of major importance by world standards has been discovered, but the search has led to the discovery of important minable deposits of carnotite and related minerals on the Colorado Plateau; of large, low-grade deposits of uranium in phosphates in the northwestern states and in lignites in the Dakotas, Wyoming, Idaho, and New Mexico; and of many new and some promising occurrences of uranium in carnotite-like deposits and in vein deposits. Despite the fact that a large number of the districts considered favorable for the occurrence of uranium have already been examined, the outlook for future discoveries is bright, particularly for uranium in vien and in carnotite-like deposits in the Rocky Moun ain states.

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