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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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In the Oriskany gas sand area 2 wells were completed, and no new Oriskany production was discovered. The Medina gas fields had 52 completions. There were 958 development oil wells drilled during 1953, and pipeline runs of oil amounted to 3,770,950.30 barrels. Seventeen unsuccessful shallow wildcat wells were drilled, and 1 important deep exploratory test was completed unsuccessfully. One well is being drilled to the salt beds for storage of liquid petroleum gas. One Oriskany gas field was turned to storage. One paper relating to oil and gas was published, and 8 manuscripts are in preparation. The United States Geological Survey is currently geologically mapping 6 quadrangles in western New York. There was no known geophysical activity.
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