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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin


Volume: 39 (1955)

Issue: 6. (June)

First Page: 811

Last Page: 821

Title: Developments in Pennsylvania in 1954

Author(s): Charles R. Fettke (2), William S. Lytle (3)


No gas or oil discoveries of major significance were made in Pennsylvania during 1954. Tests on three additional prominent domes along anticlinal axes in north-central and western Pennsylvania were proved dry in the Oriskany. Major drilling activity was confined largely to the continued intensive development of the Benezette-Driftwood Oriskany-sand gas field in north-central Pennsylvania. The field now includes 24,000 acres and has 263 producing wells. The 1954 production amounted to 96.3 billion cubic feet of gas, and the total production at the end of 1954, to 141.7 billion cubic feet. The discovery well at the Driftwood end of the field was completed during the fall of 1951.

In all, 1,008 shallow-sand wells (Upper Devonian or higher) were completed, as compared with 1,706 in 1953. Of these, 204 were gas wells, 41 were oil wells, and 129 were dry holes. Five were drilled for gas storage and 629 were drilled in connection with secondary-recovery oil operations. In contrast, the number of deep wells completed (Middle Devonian or deeper) increased from 204 in 1953 to 233 in 1954. Of these, 134 were gas wells, 78 were dry holes, and 21 were drilled for gas storage. Oil production decreased from 10,627,000 barrels in 1953 to 9,123,000 barrels in 1954, while gas production increased from 98,300,000 MCF in 1953 to 158,050,000 MCF in 1954.

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